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How do you respond to "I have a boyfriend"?


Jun 28, 2021
When you are met with "I have a boyfriend" resistance. How do you respond?

I offer to give them my number and say they can delete it afterwards and what not, up to them (giving them control), because eventually relationship might fail or they might decide to cheat on boyfriend.

Thought maybe there are better responses.

Sometimes they take the number, sometimes they give a "hard no". "I have a boyfriend and I'm happy" etc...
There's no right answer to this question. Every interaction is different.

If after 2-3 rejections she still doesn't exchange then feel free to leave if u want. If u wanna continue then just come up with creative ways to get her to exchange.

ask her how serious the relations ship is, ask her how long she's been dating the dude, ask her if he's as hot as you, ask her if he's as forward as you.

Be persistent to the point of being annoying if u want.

There is a chance she will give u the contact if u pass her shit test.
Toast I respect that you are out there getting all types of experience and you can choose to follow this advice or not

I'd recommend for the sake of avoiding drama you dont actively chase once a girl says they have a BF - whether they lying or not its failed screening for me personally - cause its either the drama of navigating her relationship or she lied to you within seconds of meeting you. Not good either way. Girls in open relationships are different but ive not had many situations where they use their relationship to dodge advances, they usually tell you its open and whether they are into you or not.

I understand if you dont really care about drama in your journey rn. I was like that in the first year or so and it taught me a lot. As Chris used to say 'Do what you want to do'
I agree with Radical on this one.

Maybe she does, have a boyfriend, maybe they've just starte dout, or are on a knife edge, or maybe it's just a defensive barrier becuase she isn't comfortable with you hitting on her. Either way, I'd just say 'no worrier, have a nice day' and go speak to somone else, I wouldn't waste time on her after that.
DC7 used to recommend girls who say they have a bf, if they are being friendly ask if they have any single friends or if they would help you approach some girls. Or ask for their number and ask if they want to be friends. I've done it a couple times and it certainly can work but I've never had any success with it. But I've only tried it a couple times.

I have to agree with both people above me though I typically just move on. If a girl has a bf and wants to cheat on him she won't mention him. But personally I don't like the idea of being that guy. And if she is just using it as an "excuse" then you've screened her out. One girl down many more to go.
Radical Sin Silver Jacobpalmer123 I totally understand the sentiment behind not continuing the conversation after she says boyfriend. I still choose to personally push for the exchange because on the surface she is defensive, and if she exchanges she is going to ghost regardless the majority of the time.

After i hear boyfriend, since that is a rejection, i'm essentially just playing a game to try to get the contact, by saying ludicrous things.

It's all situational tho. I eject myself from conversations all of the time when i hear boyfriend. If i'm feeling especially bold i will continue to push and i has gotten me a number or 2.

As Chris said "Do what you want" and I will continue doing that. It is up to your own personal moral code on whether or not you want to continue after hearing boyfriend. As well as deal with all the possible drama that ensues.