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How I Unfcked My Life At 30: 100lb Weight Loss, Beating Severe Anxiety, And Traveling The World

How I Unfcked My Life At 30: 100lb Weight Loss, Beating Severe Anxiety, And Traveling The World: 15 No B.S Insights

Here are the 15 no-nonsense, no-B.S. insights that made my transformation happen. ENJOY.

(1) The Wake-Up Call: Hitting Rock Bottom At 24, my life had spiralled into a nightmare. Anxiety which I’d felt my entire life, escalated to extreme levels—I was housebound, obese, and mentally paralysed by brain fog, insomnia, and feeling like actual death. I had hit rock bottom. That, was my wake-up call. Often, when you’re at your lowest, this becomes the fuel we need to soar high in life. My mindset, was I will break myself off to become something. I simply didn’t care anymore. Either I win, or I drop dead trying. I was prepared to try and fail for as many decades as it would take. That is the POWER of rock bottom!
(2) Understanding the Root of Anxiety Anxiety had been a constant in my life, but in my 20s, it became my enemy. I began to understand the impact these cruel disorders had on my life, and was so overwhelmed by fear, trapped within four walls, I had to finally understand myself as a person. Anxiety wasn’t a life sentence I was told it would be. Infact, it could be reversed. It wasn’t about masking it with medication but confronting it head-on, and changing the habits, behaviour, and thinking that perpetuates it. Neuroplasticity, habits, and massive action in new, stimulating activities, allowed me to change my brain, and change my life. The root cause of anxiety, is contraction, boredom, and not living your life fully. It’s giving in to fear and accommodating it.
(3) Medication Can Be A Crutch Desperate for relief, I turned to medication in my early 20s, thinking it would be my savior. Big mistake. Instead of helping, it deepened my problems—weight gain, cognitive decline, and emotional numbness. Coping is never enough; it just causes your problems to amplify. We need function, performance, and recovery. Not managing symptoms. Ever. This means finding a better way.
(4) Neuroplasticity Is The Key To Change: The brain has the ability to rewire itself. That means, no matter who you are, you can become a completely difference person if you are dedicated and consistent enough, and attack all 3 levels of human change. If my brain could learn anxiety, it could unlearn it, was my thinking. I started implementing new habits, focusing on massive action and immersion in life, and creating a structured daily routine. This wasn’t just a concept; it was my lifeline to a better life. Everything I have created in my life, is due to understanding how to rewire and reprogram the brain. Fact.
(5) The Power of Daily Structure Structure is a powerful tool in IronWill. I created a daily schedule that wasn’t just about staying busy—it was about actively reprogramming my brain to perform and process reality without fear. Purposeful activities, mental engagement, and consistent routines were key. Structure isn’t just a tool; it’s how we re-wire ourselves.
(6) Discovering Biohacking: How To Truly Heal: Despite my efforts, brain change alone didn’t do it for me. Cognitive issues persisted, until I got DEEP into biohacking and healed my brain. I learned how to rejuvenate my mitochondria and align my body with natural cycles. This remains a core pillar in IronWill, and when you optimise your biology, you will achieve more, with less stress.
(7) Embracing the Sunrise and Cold Thermogenesis Following biohacker Dr. Jack Kruse’s principles, I started watching the sunrise to reset my internal clock and practicing cold thermogenesis to heal my mitochondria. Alongside a keto diet, they were lifelines pulling me out of the fog and into a new state of clarity and energy.
(8) Conquering Leptin Resistance One of my biggest breakthroughs was tackling leptin resistance. By resetting my sensitivity to this powerful hormone, I began just dropping weigh, and restored my body’s natural balance, improving my mental performance and overall health.
(9) The Importance of Hardcore Self-Improvement As my function and performance rose, I committed to intense self-improvement. I moved to London, focusing on rebuilding my life, and getting the personal development I had missed from all my years in the dungeon. I worked a lot on my emotional and social skills, and confronting my insecurities. Self-improvement remains my new way of life, and it has pushed me to become the best version of myself.
(10) Facing Insecurities Head-On In London, I dedicated myself to improving my social skills and ability to form connections with others. Exposure therapy and confronting my insecurities were key to overcoming lifelong low self-esteem and the deep damage to my identity done by severe anxiety. This wasn’t easy. But it had to be done. Everyone has a dragon to slay. I have slayed mine.
(11) The Power of Exposure Therapy To beat the remaining anxieties I had, I had to confront them directly. The year long exposure therapy in London was brutal, but it was the only way to truly rewire the parts of my brain that had been subject to such bad conditioning. Putting myself in uncomfortable situations—like dating and socialising—was remarkably difficult after a lifetime of serious anxiety and depression. But, the pain was temporary, and as growth occurred, I ascended to a great life situation/
(12) Building Confidence Through Winning: As I’ve continued my biohacking practices and applied my unique performance methodology, The IronWill Method, I achieved goal after goal. I had become an expert coach, and this confidence propelled me forward. Getting results and putting in the hard work and perseverance, gave me real confidence.
(13) Starting a Business and Traveling the World With my health and confidence soaring, I leaped into entrepreneurship. I built a business from the ground up and started travelling—living a life I once thought was unimaginable. If you want freedom, build it yourself. No one will hand it to you. Take what’s yours.
(14) Humbling Myself & Dropping My Ego: I Realised I’d Never Truly Lived A few weeks before my 30th birthday, I had a gut-wrenching realisation—I had never truly lived. Despite all my progress, I still felt empty. My life had been about fixing myself up until that point. As this dawned on me, and the world began to spin. I vowed to turn my life around completely. No more half-measures, no more excuses. It was all or nothing. When I asked for help and confronted the dragon head on, I unlocked a new pathway, that has put me where I am today.
(15) The Transformative Power of Accountability and Structure The final piece of the puzzle was accountability and structure. I signed up with my first mentor, joined a supportive community, and applied biohacking, project management, and neuroplasticity daily. This relentless pursuit of my goals, combined with the support and structure I needed, ultimately transformed me from the inside out.

If you work on yourself, and work on every layer, you are going to start achieving more, with less stress, more happiness, and this is what turns the internal flywheel of consistency.

Any questions? Drop them below.

Do you know any ways of measuring mitochondria function? How did you know that you changes yours?
Do you know any ways of measuring mitochondria function? How did you know that you changes yours?
Function and performance is tied to redox potential

Which is a byproduct of mitochondrial health

See the "signs of low redox"

When these signs improve, a lot, you are actually recharging your human battery
How did you overcome leptin resistance?
By following The Leptin RX

I will still do this once a year to make great health gains