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How Many Eggs Do You Guys Eat? How Many Are Safe A Day?


Jun 2, 2020
Hi guys, I've asked this on a GLL chat group, but I'd like to ask here, too. Not sure if this should be in the Gain Muscle/ Lose Fat section here.

How many eggs do you guys eat everyday? And how many is safe daily?

One person in GLL is helping me get my meals straight, and he's suggesting me to eat 8 eggs every day. 8 EGGS!! It's such a big difference from what I'm doing right now.

People in the GLL chat eat 3-7 eggs, but I'm just worried about things I'm reading online, like it has a lot of cholesterol, and eating more than 2 is dangerous for your health.

Some benefits I read and from what others are saying is that it's a good source of protein, and cheap, too. What do you guys think?
I personally don't eat whole eggs, only because they're high in calories. 8 eggs is = to 1 cup of egg whites, which is what I usually eat for breakfast most days. 8 eggs = 624 calories where as 1 cup of egg whites is only 144 calories. Also egg whites are said to be one of the best protein that's bioavailable.

What's the reason your consuming so much eggs? For a cheap protein? If so and your worried about cholesterol chicken breast is a cheap alternative for proteins. Same with tuna which is relatively cheap and has healthy Omega-3s.
Toast yeah for cheap proteins. The thing is, I eat ~200 g of chicken breasts & ~200 g of beef sirloin for dinner & lunch, respectively.

This dude suggested to me to eat 8 eggs because it's cheap and to get my protein to at least 150 g daily. Been thinking about sucking the yolk off and just eating egg whites, too.
The yolk has almost as much protein as the white. Also:

SIGMA_1234 said:
People in the GLL chat eat 3-7 eggs, but I'm just worried about things I'm reading online, like it has a lot of cholesterol, and eating more than 2 is dangerous for your health.

I am not a dietitian. However, increased dietary cholesterol will not lead to increased "bad" cholesterol associated with poor health.

Toast said:
I personally don't eat whole eggs, only because they're high in calories. 8 eggs is = to 1 cup of egg whites, which is what I usually eat for breakfast most days. 8 eggs = 624 calories where as 1 cup of egg whites is only 144 calories. Also egg whites are said to be one of the best protein that's bioavailable.

I advocate using egg whites for the same reason.

When changing your diet and making it into a lifestyle you need diverse foods you genuinely enjoy. This video on using egg whites to make french toast changed my entire life (although I am American BUT STILL french toast is lit fam):


Keep killing it
You are cutting, right? I dont think worrying about too much cholesterol is a legit concern when you are eating in deficit anyway.
Not a dietetician tho.
Some really good information here.

endless333 said:
https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/protei ... e-egg.html

This one is also really good. At least I can get something I can read.

Though after reading all this, I think I will start this slow: 2-3 eggs a day, and move up from there. I am just nervous as fuck to jump to 8 eggs right away.
I found I absorb the nutrients better through my tear ducts around my eyes. So i just put crack some eggs into goggles and wear 'em.
I personally don't eat eggs whole or in any form where they're still in some egg-related form. I know shit like breadsticks from pizza hut will be made with eggs, but that's a lot more palatable. For how disgusting I find them, they aren't anywhere near calorie-dense enough to be worthwhile. Nutritionally, the fat:protein ratio isn't ideal and can really limit the remainder of your day's intake because there's an optimal range of fat to ingest before it starts messing with your hormones either way. Purely in terms of grams of each macro, I'm getting about 1:5:1.8 (f:c:p), and my entire day would be a lot harder to plan if I got 2/3 of my daily fat intake from eggs in the morning.
I don't eat many eggs these days, they never sit well with me. You can get 500g of chicken thigh here for $10 and 500g of tuna for the same price and that's pretty cheap. Personally eating ~1kg of meat a day which ends up to be close to 2k calories with some healthy fats and carbs is the best diet I've ever done and I've tried a few.