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How to approach without being a creep?

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Jul 30, 2022
There's a thought I had and I wanted to see what your advice would be.

There's a guy at my school, I don't know his name, but looking at him and hearing him speak, it's clear he is heavy on the autism spectrum. Anyway, at my school center, which has the food courts plus space upstairs for students to study/hang out, he is constantly talking to women and making awkward small talk. It's always women, never men. The woman/women he talks to are various levels of polite to him. Some will converse with him and others just give him this icy "fuck off" glare while giving curt one word responses to his questions, but of course he doesn't pick up on that because he probably has autism and can't read social cues. It's honestly super cringe, and it's clear none of them are ever going to fuck him, even though it's obvious that's what he wants, and I don't think he can ever improve his game because of his autism.

My question is: How do I approach but also *not* be that guy? I can make small talk fine, and I can pick up on when someone doesn't want to talk to me (or at least I think I can) but I'm afraid to escalate the conversation past anything platonic because I know how socially uncalibrated I am. I also find it easier to talk to guys than girls, or at least guys tend to be more receptive to me, even if I'm not hitting on them.
Jamgoth said:
My question is: How do I approach but also *not* be that guy? I can make small talk fine, and I can pick up on when someone doesn't want to talk to me (or at least I think I can) but I'm afraid to escalate the conversation past anything platonic because I know how socially uncalibrated I am.

If you can make small talk and read signals, I don't see an issue here.

1. Approach girl.
2. Keep escalating the conversation.
3. At the first sign she doesn't want to talk to you, politely eject.


1. Approach girl with a direct opener, like "Hey, I thought you were cute and wanted to come say hi." This forces you into a non-platonic frame immediately.
Yep, I think if you can read signals, you don't have much to worry about. Women are usually complaining about guys who don't take no for an answer.
Hey dude if you have questions like this its better to ask them in your log

If you change the first post title the log title will change so we can all see your question

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