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How to Find Wingmen

On Groupchats or Forums

When the topic of finding wings come up, guys will mostly be redirected to their local Game Global Telegram groupchat, and I do agree with most that these chats are often filled with low-value guys who chatter about nothing other than logic and theory.

However, to find good wings, none of this matters. All you need is one other guy also lurking the chat who thinks the same but hasn’ t found anyone yet. Do the following:

  1. Have a fully filled-out Telegram profile, with a photo of you where you look like an attractive, normal guy. You can obscure your face if you want to remain anonymous, but you should be wearing contemporary clothes that signal you as high-status and attractive. Sound gay? Welp, guess what, this evopsych stuff goes far beyond the apps.
  2. If you have an external website or forum log (e.g. on Winner Within), link it in your bio.
  3. Once you join the chat, write a detailed introduction of yourself. Include how long you’ve been in Game, what your current sticking points are, what you’re looking for, and any other information about you. Link your website or forum log here as well.


    Hey guys, I’m Pancake Mouse. I just moved to <city> and I’m looking forward to gaming here. Some might know me for my blog where I post weekly field reports about my progress in Game. I mostly do daygame, with occasional nightgame.

  4. Wait for inbound leads. You might not get any, if it’s a not-very-active-chat. Don’t worry, as you’ll be doing outbound as well.
  5. Make sure to post updates from your progress out gaming in your city. Photos of girls are always helpful as well, they tend to get a lot of engagement.
  6. Don't involve yourself in any bullshit theory conversations. Stay in your lane and just post about your progress and answer questions, or post where you're at (provide details! Which venue, and how long?)
  7. Your first priority for outbound are other guys posting in the chat. Message only guys that also have their profiles filled out, that give some hint that they are normal and somewhat experienced. Message them with something similar to what you posted before.
  8. If you don’t get any bites from inbound or warm outbound, try cold outbound. Find guys in the member list who look like ideal targets and message them with an easy-to-respond-to-question: “Hey, do you still game in <city name>?” If they respond, send the same message you wrote up earlier.

On the Street or in Venues

If you can’t find wings online, you might have to resort to approaching other guys you see approaching on the street or in venues.

What most guys don’t realize is that there’s an art to approaching potential wings, just like there is to approaching women.

Here in New York, I get approached from time to time. Any guy who seems weird or value-taking, or that fucks the approach up, I immediately shy away and blackball him. Unfortunately, this is most guys.

So here’s some things to keep in mind:
  • For your opener, it’s best to go indirect. Don’t even mention the fact that he was approaching. Compliment him on his fashion or something. Then transition into the fact he was approaching and that you do it as well.
  • Be complimentary. Something like “That was solid, man” or “She seemed kind of annoying anyway.”
  • Ask for info. Treat the other guy as an expert.
  • Commiserate about the local women. Great way to bond.
  • Have zero ego. Keep the conversation about the other guy. Don’t start bragging about any past exploits. Only talk about yourself when asked.
  • Go for the kill. After you guys talk for a while, ask if he wants to wing or if he’s more of a solo gamer. If he does, join him right then for an insta-wing-date or get his contact for later on.

The Hierarchy of Wings and Groups

Keep this in mind: there is always an inner ring.

Pickup, being a secret society, makes this all the more true.

You will not enter this inner ring right away. You must earn your spot.

You will start with low-quality wings and low-quality public groupchats. Then, once you prove your worth, you will upgrade to better wings and better-quality semi-private groupchats, like the Game Brotherhood we have here in NYC.

All communities are like this. Bide your time and prove your worth, and always remember: you attract who you are. If all you meet are shitty wings, the problem almost definitely lies with you.
All communities are like this. Bide your time and prove your worth, and always remember: you attract who you are. If all you meet are shitty wings, the problem almost definitely lies with you.
Probably the most important line in the whole guide. This is true of any social community and the points in don't just apply to pickup.
any advice for where to go in August? somewhere I can try tinder and approach with a lot of volume and where it's easy to find a wingman. somewhere that doesn't require visa so EU, I can also go to the UK I think even if its not EU anymore