How to get acid / LSD

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Nov 4, 2020
Dustin said:
Not sure if this post is allowed but anyone know how to do this?

I'd like to do LSD soon. Don't know how to actually get my hands on some. Knew a guy awhile back who was really cool who was going to do it with me. But I am not talking to him anymore for a long time.

And I don't want to get some weird stuff from some sketchy dude. That might not be legit.

@KillYourInnerLoser how do you recommend people source this stuff? You talk about using it so.

Anyone that has ideas or knowledge about this, please post in this thread and or send me a PM.

To get drugs you generally have to know someone. If you have a weed dealer, then ask them. If not ask around to your friends.
Not sure this is the best idea to post this on a public forum dude. Unless you happen to live somewhere this is legal

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