How to get ahold of old gll approach vids?

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Jul 20, 2021
I have wanted to see them since I am doing the AA program and I would like to know what I am working towards / how aggressive you can be in an approach as motivation or even out of curiosity. I don't know what is up but I have seen no updates from Chris in the past year or so from searching around on his forum. Are they gone forever or is there a way I can get ahold of the videos for personal viewing? Is there any way Andy could get ahold of him and maybe get the files for private sharing amongst this group after vetting if Chris wants them left private? Idk just spitballing.
No one is in contact with Chris on here. You can try and get in touch with him, same chance as the rest of us in getting a response id imagine

He privated the vids so he could handle some other business

His soundcloud is still up with the audios
Hi, I was able to get hold of one of GLL night-game video "How to Get Laid At A Bar In About 15 Minutes"

Although it is just one video, I believe it is one of his MOST IMPORTANT video.

It really summaries what GLL is all about. Quick, straight to the point, ballsy, and no bullshit way of screening out unavailable girls.

It's one I always refer to whenever I needed guidance

It's an extremely rare video (was taken down even before Chris channel went private)

By some freak chance I managed to saved it before it was gone completely from the internet ;)

Here's the link!AnYad1nDk6tggplcJDCjr-iSx0cZXw?e=nYQ47g

I suggest people to download it and keep it for yourself
Real Social Dynamics (RSD) has the best infield videos in the industry. They also do breakdowns of the interactions to the minute detail and explain concepts behind what is going down in the video. I wouldn't waste your time looking for GLL videos when you can just obtain some RSD videos, which are more effective and plentiful.
Vice said:
Real Social Dynamics (RSD) has the best infield videos in the industry. They also do breakdowns of the interactions to the minute detail and explain concepts behind what is going down in the video. I wouldn't waste your time looking for GLL videos when you can just obtain some RSD videos, which are more effective and plentiful.

Videos of Scotty doing approaches were some of the best I've ever seen.

Chris literally had videos of him pulling girls into his car within minutes.

GLL videos were gold. It's a shame they're not up anymore. I would kill to have access to them.

I never paid attention to RSD. So I can't speak to this.
Manganiello said:
Vice said:
Real Social Dynamics (RSD) has the best infield videos in the industry. They also do breakdowns of the interactions to the minute detail and explain concepts behind what is going down in the video. I wouldn't waste your time looking for GLL videos when you can just obtain some RSD videos, which are more effective and plentiful.

Videos of Scotty doing approaches were some of the best I've ever seen.

Chris literally had videos of him pulling girls into his car within minutes.

GLL videos were gold. It's a shame they're not up anymore. I would kill to have access to them.

I never paid attention to RSD. So I can't speak to this.

The RSD infields are of significantly higher quality, have pauses for the instructor to explain concepts about what's going on, why certain things are happening the way they are, and how to mitigate common issues. RSD also has videos of being pulled into cars within minutes (the instructor has to jump out because he does it as a demo for his infield bootcamp students). Their videos are also more fitting to more guys, as GLL is a very niche type of personality with a very niche look in a very niche area (I'm originally from GLL's area and am familiar with the venues/vibe/dating scene).

I just watched the posted video and it's decent, but pales in comparison to what RSD puts out. Todd Valentine also has some fantastic infield, he had a falling out with RSD (he was a former instructor) and went his own way.
Wolfmoon said:
Here's the link!AnYad1nDk6tggplcJDC ... w?e=nYQ47g

I never had the chance to be part of the OG GLL era, so thank you for this. Looks like something that will also help me!
Vice said:
Alright man, was there a purpose to this response?

They're just snake-oil clowns man. I don't mean any offense to you, but finding KYIL, or perhaps more so GLL, is supposed to be a step after all that RSD stuff. The only good one from RSD I liked was Max, because he was the closest to being honest. Eoin or whatever is a psychopath, and if you know the history of RSD, you they're only out to sell 1000$ bootcamps and take your money. And I question the veracity of their 'car pulls', because they've been known to fake shit. And I know that shit is possible for sure, and maybe they have done it, but they do that to show off to their students without giving them the honest roadmap on how to get there, which is, do thousands off approaches and learn to get bold. I've watched many hours of their content and not once have they honestly admitted that its a numbers game, otherwise they wouldn't have a product to sell. Maybe some of their mental/ inner game stuff could be good but that's it. It helped me a little back when I was too scared to approach at all; all it was reassurance, fluff, a pat on the back telling me its ok to hit on girls, but it never really helped to get me out there. They're only out there to sell a product.

That's just my opinion.
Vice said:
Alright man, was there a purpose to this response?

Perhaps link a few of his video here? I cant seem to find it anywhere. It's be good to have examples so that we can compare the videos
Spazdig said:
Vice said:
Alright man, was there a purpose to this response?

They're just snake-oil clowns man. I don't mean any offense to you, but finding KYIL, or perhaps more so GLL, is supposed to be a step after all that RSD stuff. The only good one from RSD I liked was Max, because he was the closest to being honest. Eoin or whatever is a psychopath, and if you know the history of RSD, you they're only out to sell 1000$ bootcamps and take your money. And I question the veracity of their 'car pulls', because they've been known to fake shit. And I know that shit is possible for sure, and maybe they have done it, but they do that to show off to their students without giving them the honest roadmap on how to get there, which is, do thousands off approaches and learn to get bold. I've watched many hours of their content and not once have they honestly admitted that its a numbers game, otherwise they wouldn't have a product to sell. Maybe some of their mental/ inner game stuff could be good but that's it. It helped me a little back when I was too scared to approach at all; all it was reassurance, fluff, a pat on the back telling me its ok to hit on girls, but it never really helped to get me out there. They're only out there to sell a product.

That's just my opinion.

I wish you originally posted this response instead of your initial one.

It’s very clear to me that you have not seen RSD’s material that you have to pay for. The reason why I’m certain of that is because the way you describe their content is more in line with their marketing material than their actual paid material. The marketing material has to be created in a way that gets the lower level guy who has not had success to get interested in their product. It seems like you encountered them after a degree of success and were repulsed by their marketing efforts; I have a similar reaction. The company owner frequently brings this up as a necessary downside of the business.

Eoin is not an instructor that I’ve ever heard of that is associated with that company.

I’m slated to take a boot camp in a few weeks, and I’ll write my honest opinion of that afterwards.

The car pulls aren’t that spectacular, I’ve done them myself after learning the concepts in the Hot Seat at home product.

While it may be a numbers game, the paid content does allude to this without overtly saying it in such a crass manner. And with more nuance.

As I said before, GLL has excellent content, and I’m from his area so I understand the vibe/venues/game.

However, the RSD infields absolutely BLOW GLL’s content out of the water in all aspects; quality, content, explanation, and sheer volume (there are dozens of RSD infields).

There’s nothing wrong with selling a product. Especially if it works.

After being intimately familiar with RSD, GLL, and Andy’s content, I am extremely confident that Andy has a competitive edge, because he gives a lot of detailed advice, and most importantly, the “why” of a lot of his advice. He’s helped me get over the “hump” that I’ve been on. But to dismiss RSD’s content without even seeing the paid products… that is heavily advised against.

Final note: Todd Valentine probably has the best content in the business for the “nuts and bolts” technical game. He separated from RSD a few years ago in some kind of dispute. If I had to recommend ONE product that a guy purchase, it would be a 50/50 split between Todd’s “Women” program and RSD’s “Hot Seat at Home” product. Online dating? Andy all day.
Vice you seem determined with this RSD bootcamp and i’m not going to discourage you

i’ve had acquaintances who’ve done their bootcamps without much success but i have not experienced anything firsthand.

the mentors we choose are important. in 2015-16 i chose mentors for both game and investing.

the one for investing did not work out— i joined a forum of smart and diligent microcap stock investors and proceeded to lose over 100k in 2019 on something most of the members I respected were bullish on. i’ve made money from a lot of their other picks but you can imagine what would’ve happened if i had found a crypto forum instead….

for game, gll has been good to me. while i’ve never been quite the best player in a scene, i’ve been top 10 in a top 5 american city for sure, enough for a few pro cheerleaders, many models, some pro dancers etc (can dm you proof upon request).

while i have no idea whether these results are attainable for RSD guys, it gives me pause that none of the best players i know (in any city) have even remotely been obsessed with breaking down their interactions and “taking a scientific approach” to each stage of picking up a girl. they’ve all been more or less good looking ripped guys with access/status who didn’t give a fuck and weren’t afraid to lose girls and went hard on the numbers game…

while i know some smart decently successful dudes obsessed with spreadsheets documenting every detail of their interaction (UMP), those guys also make rampantly misleading marketing claims (surprise!!) and live off recurring subscriptions.

i’m more sure about the infields i’ve seen from todd valentine. that high pitched voice “you’re absolutely elegant” shit absolutely is not it. he has good social skills for sure. but those numbers he gets from his safe social “you guys should come hang out” ask convert horribly for sex. i’m certain of it. he’s a highly intelligent thoughtful guy but that’s not what a top player looks like or sounds.

what “gll game” gets distilled to sometimes— look good and talk to girls — may not be enough to reach mastery but it’s a better base than anything else i’ve seen.
Rags2Bitches said:
@Vice you seem determined with this RSD bootcamp and i’m not going to discourage you

i’ve had acquaintances who’ve done their bootcamps without much success but i have not experienced anything firsthand.

the mentors we choose are important. in 2015-16 i chose mentors for both game and investing.

the one for investing did not work out— i joined a forum of smart and diligent microcap stock investors and proceeded to lose over 100k in 2019 on something most of the members I respected were bullish on. i’ve made money from a lot of their other picks but you can imagine what would’ve happened if i had found a crypto forum instead….

for game, gll has been good to me. while i’ve never been quite the best player in a scene, i’ve been top 10 in a top 5 american city for sure, enough for a few pro cheerleaders, many models, some pro dancers etc (can dm you proof upon request).

while i have no idea whether these results are attainable for RSD guys, it gives me pause that none of the best players i know (in any city) have even remotely been obsessed with breaking down their interactions and “taking a scientific approach” to each stage of picking up a girl. they’ve all been more or less good looking ripped guys with access/status who didn’t give a fuck and weren’t afraid to lose girls and went hard on the numbers game…

while i know some smart decently successful dudes obsessed with spreadsheets documenting every detail of their interaction (UMP), those guys also make rampantly misleading marketing claims (surprise!!) and live off recurring subscriptions.

i’m more sure about the infields i’ve seen from todd valentine. that high pitched voice “you’re absolutely elegant” shit absolutely is not it. he has good social skills for sure. but those numbers he gets from his safe social “you guys should come hang out” ask convert horribly for sex. i’m certain of it. he’s a highly intelligent thoughtful guy but that’s not what a top player looks like or sounds.

what “gll game” gets distilled to sometimes— look good and talk to girls — may not be enough to reach mastery but it’s a better base than anything else i’ve seen.

This post was brilliant man, thanks for taking the time. I think it is an important message and I am going to save this one on the 1st page of my log.

Keep hammering,
Rags2Bitches said:
@Vice you seem determined with this RSD bootcamp and i’m not going to discourage you

i’ve had acquaintances who’ve done their bootcamps without much success but i have not experienced anything firsthand.

the mentors we choose are important. in 2015-16 i chose mentors for both game and investing.

the one for investing did not work out— i joined a forum of smart and diligent microcap stock investors and proceeded to lose over 100k in 2019 on something most of the members I respected were bullish on. i’ve made money from a lot of their other picks but you can imagine what would’ve happened if i had found a crypto forum instead….

for game, gll has been good to me. while i’ve never been quite the best player in a scene, i’ve been top 10 in a top 5 american city for sure, enough for a few pro cheerleaders, many models, some pro dancers etc (can dm you proof upon request).

while i have no idea whether these results are attainable for RSD guys, it gives me pause that none of the best players i know (in any city) have even remotely been obsessed with breaking down their interactions and “taking a scientific approach” to each stage of picking up a girl. they’ve all been more or less good looking ripped guys with access/status who didn’t give a fuck and weren’t afraid to lose girls and went hard on the numbers game…

while i know some smart decently successful dudes obsessed with spreadsheets documenting every detail of their interaction (UMP), those guys also make rampantly misleading marketing claims (surprise!!) and live off recurring subscriptions.

i’m more sure about the infields i’ve seen from todd valentine. that high pitched voice “you’re absolutely elegant” shit absolutely is not it. he has good social skills for sure. but those numbers he gets from his safe social “you guys should come hang out” ask convert horribly for sex. i’m certain of it. he’s a highly intelligent thoughtful guy but that’s not what a top player looks like or sounds.

what “gll game” gets distilled to sometimes— look good and talk to girls — may not be enough to reach mastery but it’s a better base than anything else i’ve seen.

Thank you for the thoughtful post. It helped me realize that I may be highly emotionally invested in RSD, especially given how I’ve been involved with them as a student for 14 years and am fairly familiar with their products and story. With that being said, their vector as an education company is changing rapidly and it can be frustrating seeing someone formulate an opinion on content that is outdated.

I don’t desire proof of your success, I believe you. You don’t have a reason to lie, and if you are lying, you’ll get caught leveling yourself eventually.

RSD obviously markets itself towards men who struggle with women, and by the time they achieve higher levels, they don’t need it. With that being said, they tend to get a lot of guys in the tech field who are nerdy engineer types. After a few years they become exactly as you described, if they continue doing the hard work. I have friends who are good looking and successful with women who clown on me for this stuff, but in a good natured way.

I wouldn’t describe a highly detailed infield breakdown as a “scientific” approach, but they are extremely valuable to watch. It’s difficult to describe how well they’re done if you’ve never seen them before, but since the instructor used to struggle himself, they know how to narrate the what’s going on, what could happen, and how to handle it in a way that is easily understandable.

Also RSD abhors the spreadsheet nerds; that shit in my own opinion as well as the instructors is an enormous waste of time and effort. That goes back to a lot of nerdy engineering types being attracted to this stuff.

I agree with you one thousand percent that Todd Valentine is a boring dork. But his technical game is absolutely world class, and so are his social skills. If a dude like that can get results, someone better looking will absolutely clean up.

I’m relatively unbiased because I have free access to most of these programs, so my opinion is based on what I observe more than a sunk cost fallacy.

Lastly, I wasn’t expecting this much resistance for suggesting that there are better infield videos available out there that will offer more value, perhaps some of you should evaluate how much weight you put on GLL; being told that there is better infield content out there should pique your curiosity, not launch you in defense mode. After seeing both, one is good, the other is better by a wide margin.

Thank you sooo much I thought it was lost. I used to watch this video before I'd go to the bars to get me into the zone. I'm glad to get it back again. Even daytime its worth a watch. "Say all the witty fucking lines but won't know till you escalate" Something like that
Vice said:
Lastly, I wasn’t expecting this much resistance for suggesting that there are better infield videos available out there that will offer more value, perhaps some of you should evaluate how much weight you put on GLL; being told that there is better infield content out there should pique your curiosity, not launch you in defense mode. After seeing both, one is good, the other is better by a wide margin.

agreed. although i think most of the bias on my end is anti-RSD and not pro GLL as the holy grail. when the UMP (ultimate man project) guys came out with their program I joined for a while last year to see if there is something to it that i should incorporate.

i have only seen limited RSD and TV content though. if you post or mention specific concepts/techniques you like, i’m very open to changing my mind
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