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How to handle not having my own place, online dating?

Aug 2, 2020
Do I set up the date in the nearby city, get to know each other, and arrange another date near hers? Or do I straight up ask her before 1st date where she lives?
You have your own room or do you live at your parents? Girls wont care if you have roommates as long as you can hang out privately

Btw have you made a log yet?
Typically it's best to make a log and record your progress rather than start a load of question threads. Therefore we can see you are taking action rather than just talking theory here
I live in a fockin' barrack by employment agency, it's just the conditions are shameful, it's a really constricted place. We're forbidden to invite guests during coronavirus, but I see people not from our park sometimes. I guess I'll try anyway, but it'd be a bummer if I invited her in and they'd not let her in...

I don't feel confident about inviting the Dutch over because of being an immigrant

I set up a log https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=232&p=3234#p3234