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How to learn to be witty? No canned lines, see latest post


May 1, 2023
Why there's no topic for this? I know Andy has his framework for newbies but its very sexual and in my opinion (I dont know, I just guess) girls are already bombarded too much with sexual vibes instead of just having chill chat, trying to find some connection and then just go for the date. Too sexual, get rejected. Too basic, get rejected.

Found @Manganiello s texting script from another thread.


Message 1
Hey (NAME).
Nice to meet ya 😁
What are you doing now?

She replied

Message 2:
Nice. I'm just about to meet some friends. (Or whatever you're doing in one sentence, no need to create a fake thing if your doing something normal).

What do you like to do for fun?

Her reply.

Message 3
Cool. I like to do X, Y, Z.

So I don't like texting a lot on the app. Connections are best made in person. What's your #? Let's get a drink and see if we like each other.

She sends it you


Hey Name
It's that guy from Bumble 😁

Her reply.

1. How's the night so far? OR
2. Picture of food your eating/coffee, whatever. And then Hoes your night so far?

Her reply.

Cool. Let's grab that drink. When are u free?

Her answer.

Thursday is good. Let's meet here at 8:00pm. That work?

Her reply

Cool see you then :)

Morning of the date.
"hey still good for 8?"


Now what I find the issue with this one is that first of all:
(Nice to meet ya 😁) This sounds wierd to my ears cuz you havent met yet. Just feels weird in overall.
Second is this: (What are you doing now?) This feels like the old "How are you?" Very basic, boring, doesnt attract any curiosity or excitement to answer.

Also very fastforward to a number. I think thats too fast.

Then I found this other script from FB with a lot of details. Its very sexual aswell. It starts like this:


I just noticed something very interesting about you
[Wait for her to respond]

I think you might have my biggest weakness
[Wait for her again]

First how open minded are you from 1-10

If she gives anything below an 8 call her out on it
You might not be as fun as I thought then…

Another option: Q -> DHV
E.g - Maybe you’re not as fun as I thought… are you spontaneous/adventurous? -> yes or no -> What’s the most spontaneous/adventurous thing you’ve ever done? -> idk -> I’ll go first, promise not to judge me? - *insert DHV story*
If she gives you a high number, reward her

Reward and Get Compliance
You just have this very sexy submissive energy about you """""""""""""""""""

I can share the rest of the script here if you guys want it. Anyways, very sexual again. Guy who gave it said it works really well, girls are tired of guys being pussies in EU. I dont buy this, I think girls want authenticity these days more than sexual vibes, Yes/No?

And before anyone says it, yes, if you have chad profile, you can pretty much say anything.

For the rest of us, what do you think is the way to go?

I think that if the girl has bio which actually tells about her, a few cute average pics, then she is actually looking for something more serious versus fuckboy and is open for more basic chatting.

If the girl has a few hot pics, no bio, then she just might be looking something casual and then the opener could be something along the examples above.

What do you guys think? Texting is a huge bottleneck for me. All the dates I've managed to get was from basic chit chat but their profiles were average aswell.

Personally I dont want to use sexual framework, because it doesnt feel like me. And to give real life example, my ex was insanely open about sexual stuff but she would have deleted me if I would have given her sexual vibes in our tinder convo. I asked about this later on. She wanted to meet cuz I made her feel like I care about her interests, not just sex. All I did was talk about her dogs lol.

So Im kinda confused overall how to text.
Start here and read all the posts by Zug after this post: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=69120#p69120
I pretty much know the small things what not to do when texting, I've noted them down from the posts from Zug which Bman gave me above.

I also know the framework.

But I am just so stuck in my head.

I kinda always fail to regonize what the girl actually means behind her line.
I'm thinking, thinking and thinking until I send something which sounds very tryhard or boring.

I just became to the realization that friends of mine who are good at texting, they are REALLY good in real life aswell, witty comments and always ready with words.

So in order to be better texter, I need to learn how to be witty in overall. How I can start to practice this? I've tried to google but nothing step by step comes.

Watch standup comedy shows and take notes? Go to Omegle (does that even exist anymore lol) or some shit and practice?

There must be something how to practice this but I can't figure out what is it. I think writing down lines from others is not a good way to do this, because you never actually learn how to produce that by yourself.
mikkel said:
I pretty much know the small things what not to do when texting, I've noted them down from the posts from Zug which Bman gave me above.

I also know the framework.

But I am just so stuck in my head.

I kinda always fail to regonize what the girl actually means behind her line.
I'm thinking, thinking and thinking until I send something which sounds very tryhard or boring.

I just became to the realization that friends of mine who are good at texting, they are REALLY good in real life aswell, witty comments and always ready with words.

So in order to be better texter, I need to learn how to be witty in overall. How I can start to practice this? I've tried to google but nothing step by step comes.

Watch standup comedy shows and take notes? Go to Omegle (does that even exist anymore lol) or some shit and practice?

There must be something how to practice this but I can't figure out what is it. I think writing down lines from others is not a good way to do this, because you never actually learn how to produce that by yourself.

Watch videos of Craig Ferguson on youtube (the Late Late Show) he is a master flirter. Absorbing his vibe can help you think that way for yourself.

That, plus taking improv classes.
MILFandCookies said:
mikkel said:
I pretty much know the small things what not to do when texting, I've noted them down from the posts from Zug which Bman gave me above.

I also know the framework.

But I am just so stuck in my head.

I kinda always fail to regonize what the girl actually means behind her line.
I'm thinking, thinking and thinking until I send something which sounds very tryhard or boring.

I just became to the realization that friends of mine who are good at texting, they are REALLY good in real life aswell, witty comments and always ready with words.

So in order to be better texter, I need to learn how to be witty in overall. How I can start to practice this? I've tried to google but nothing step by step comes.

Watch standup comedy shows and take notes? Go to Omegle (does that even exist anymore lol) or some shit and practice?

There must be something how to practice this but I can't figure out what is it. I think writing down lines from others is not a good way to do this, because you never actually learn how to produce that by yourself.

Watch videos of Craig Ferguson on youtube (the Late Late Show) he is a master flirter. Absorbing his vibe can help you think that way for yourself.

That, plus taking improv classes.

Improv classes, never thought about! Awesome, already found some practical homeworks so these can be done home aswell.

Never heard from Craig Ferguson until now, already watched 1 hour of his stuff and thats incredible, mindblowing. How on earth someone becomes so good at that. Took some notes and will continue to watch and take more notes. There were lots of stuff which sounds really funny in english but can't be translated to finnish, thats a shame. Hope watching his shows and taking notes will help me.

Some of the guys in the comments noted that his overall knowledge about things in world is top notch so that's one reason why he comes up with so much funny stuff. This is a good reminder to get back to reading more books.
MILFandCookies said:
That, plus taking improv classes.

mikkel said:
Improv classes

If TheRedQuest were in this thread, he'd also suggest improv classes.

To learn texting, you're probably going to have to practice a lot, over multiple years, with more effort than you think you need to put into it right now. The two ways you can speed up your learning and get more practice is by either finding a script baseline that's close enough to the archetype you're trying to give off, and using that consistently (while upgrading your pictures) until you have it down pretty well and start branching out, or you can pay a coach/community for the time to help you with many, many of your texts and help you build your intuition about what to text with direct feedback before you even hit "send".

Intuition... it's an overused word in the STEM (math/physics) field, but it's super important both for that and for human interaction (even one as inhuman as text message communication). If I were to encourage newbies with one thing that takes time and effort to learn but pays off the further you go, it's intuition. Build your intuition to know what to do, or be able to problem solve in situations you don't know.

This is my drum for you.

I reccomend the AI textgame by PWF. I'm struggling with being flirty and witty too and this app is helping me massivly over text, and i suspect that will translate into IRL too because you are constantly reading witty/flirty lines when using the app so you will automatically memorize it.

My problem was that i had a really hard time thinking up witty/flirty lines that wasnt awkward, off-putting cringe or whatever. the app makes it easy to go away from boring straight interview talk. For example, if the girl says shes studying for her exam the app will come up with stuff like:

oh, studying for the art of seduction exam?
ah, an exam on the subject of seducing me i presume
good girl, just don't get too distracted thinking too much about me;)
I know a few ways you can get a good grade
ah, i could help you with that, i'm very good at oral exams
yea, me too, they call it the exam of passion

not saying these are perfect but hell of lot better than what i could do and it removes the painful procces of trying to come up with something yourself. The goal ofc is not to rely completely on the app but use it as a learning tool. Tagging GoodLookingNerd aswell because he said he was also struggling.
I don't think you can't learn the overall art of wit, that's almost purely genetic type of verbal intelligence that is combined with learned practice afaict.

You can practice different types of social skills and get good at them though, but your raw mental horsepower is never going to change. Memorizing lines is a fine start to learning imo. I used to just keep a notebook of lines and started trying to suss out which line works best when. I then tried my hand at improving or changing specific lines to suit me and that was the next step and involved numerous failures. Then I tried creating and testing new lines of my own creation and was able to start sussing out the underlying themes of what makes a line work or not.

People talk shit about canned lines, but with a large enough repertoire and practice using them the difference between it and true wit is surprisingly small. IMO, a person with natural wit cannot come close to competing against canned lines in a one off scenario. An improv comedian cannot compete against a practiced stand up comedian if they both only get 1 show to impress the audience. Meaning that your canned lines for initial texting, setting up date, and first date IRL lines are all valuable permanently as these are all "1 show" situations.

Improv classes, exposure therapy, and raw courage are all effective ways to get better overall. I still think canned lined are gold and not something to be looked down upon. If that's ALL you have, then yeah, its bait and switch.

I am much worse in person than over text in terms of pure spiking, it is a real problem, but it is rarely a dealbreaker. Also, you're not a clown there to entertain her. The real point of spiking is to start building emotional investment loops and get her investing in you emotionally. The spiking and wit are the focus of the start of the date, but as you get toward the end I am trying to get her to open up as much as possible on subjects meaningful to her, not telling her my next joke.
Olafsmash said:
I reccomend the AI textgame by PWF. I'm struggling with being flirty and witty too and this app is helping me massivly over text, and i suspect that will translate into IRL too because you are constantly reading witty/flirty lines when using the app so you will automatically memorize it.

My problem was that i had a really hard time thinking up witty/flirty lines that wasnt awkward, off-putting cringe or whatever. the app makes it easy to go away from boring straight interview talk. For example, if the girl says shes studying for her exam the app will come up with stuff like:

oh, studying for the art of seduction exam?
ah, an exam on the subject of seducing me i presume
good girl, just don't get too distracted thinking too much about me;)
I know a few ways you can get a good grade
ah, i could help you with that, i'm very good at oral exams
yea, me too, they call it the exam of passion

not saying these are perfect but hell of lot better than what i could do and it removes the painful procces of trying to come up with something yourself. The goal ofc is not to rely completely on the app but use it as a learning tool. Tagging @GoodLookingNerd aswell because he said he was also struggling.
Thanks for tagging me! It does sound very convenient to say the least. The main problems I can think of are becoming too reliant on the app or the texting style being way off from your in person conversations. But for learning purposes this wouldnt be too much of an issue and actually a way too learn very quickly (think of a line yourself, then see what the AI thinks and reflect on how you couldve come up with it). Ill check out the app cause it sounds like a useful learning chance.
John Anthony has the best texting I know.

As for being witty, I don't think you can fix that. You either are or you aren't.

I recommend finding a mentor/game guy that is at an advanced level and interacting with him, approach with him, etc. Learn and absorb everything you can, every nuance,his mindset, his body language.

Be humble, drop your ego and be coacheable. And go out a lot and practice.

Which is what I'm doing right now.

But I'm gonna be honest, if you're here you're probably average to below average in social skills, and you'll find out that there's a brick wall between you and someone with good social skills.

Bottom line is, there's no quick fix for becoming more social skilled. In most cases there's not even a fix period.

This is why Andy and a lot of other guys focus on getting you to improve your online profile, messaging more girls, being authentic and not doing gimmicky/gamey stuff (trying to be witty when you arent is "gamey"), because for most guys it's the most realistic way to go from 0 to banging 5s and 6s somewhat consistently.

Having a good texting system is an exception because you can just copy paste stuff, and again I recommend John Anthony's system, objection handling lines, etc.
Sisyphus said:
John Anthony has the best texting I know.

As for being witty, I don't think you can fix that. You either are or you aren't.

I recommend finding a mentor/game guy that is at an advanced level and interacting with him, approach with him, etc. Learn and absorb everything you can, every nuance,his mindset, his body language.

Be humble, drop your ego and be coacheable. And go out a lot and practice.

Which is what I'm doing right now.

But I'm gonna be honest, if you're here you're probably average to below average in social skills, and you'll find out that there's a brick wall between you and someone with good social skills.

Bottom line is, there's no quick fix for becoming more social skilled. In most cases there's not even a fix period.

This is why Andy and a lot of other guys focus on getting you to improve your online profile, messaging more girls, being authentic and not doing gimmicky/gamey stuff (trying to be witty when you arent is "gamey"), because for most guys it's the most realistic way to go from 0 to banging 5s and 6s somewhat consistently.

Having a good texting system is an exception because you can just copy paste stuff, and again I recommend John Anthony's system, objection handling lines, etc.

John Anthony's whole system? I searched up his stuff and he has only one package which is approx 600 usd. Would be neat if he had just texting there.

What kind of style he teaches there, is it sexual and straight to the point or what kind of?
mikkel said:
Sisyphus said:
John Anthony has the best texting I know.

As for being witty, I don't think you can fix that. You either are or you aren't.

I recommend finding a mentor/game guy that is at an advanced level and interacting with him, approach with him, etc. Learn and absorb everything you can, every nuance,his mindset, his body language.

Be humble, drop your ego and be coacheable. And go out a lot and practice.

Which is what I'm doing right now.

But I'm gonna be honest, if you're here you're probably average to below average in social skills, and you'll find out that there's a brick wall between you and someone with good social skills.

Bottom line is, there's no quick fix for becoming more social skilled. In most cases there's not even a fix period.

This is why Andy and a lot of other guys focus on getting you to improve your online profile, messaging more girls, being authentic and not doing gimmicky/gamey stuff (trying to be witty when you arent is "gamey"), because for most guys it's the most realistic way to go from 0 to banging 5s and 6s somewhat consistently.

Having a good texting system is an exception because you can just copy paste stuff, and again I recommend John Anthony's system, objection handling lines, etc.

John Anthony's whole system? I searched up his stuff and he has only one package which is approx 600 usd. Would be neat if he had just texting there.

What kind of style he teaches there, is it sexual and straight to the point or what kind of?

Do not bother with it as it does not achieve your stated purpose of being witty. His texting is logical and purpose-driven (get to the sale).
mikkel said:
Sisyphus said:
John Anthony has the best texting I know.

As for being witty, I don't think you can fix that. You either are or you aren't.

I recommend finding a mentor/game guy that is at an advanced level and interacting with him, approach with him, etc. Learn and absorb everything you can, every nuance,his mindset, his body language.

Be humble, drop your ego and be coacheable. And go out a lot and practice.

Which is what I'm doing right now.

But I'm gonna be honest, if you're here you're probably average to below average in social skills, and you'll find out that there's a brick wall between you and someone with good social skills.

Bottom line is, there's no quick fix for becoming more social skilled. In most cases there's not even a fix period.

This is why Andy and a lot of other guys focus on getting you to improve your online profile, messaging more girls, being authentic and not doing gimmicky/gamey stuff (trying to be witty when you arent is "gamey"), because for most guys it's the most realistic way to go from 0 to banging 5s and 6s somewhat consistently.

Having a good texting system is an exception because you can just copy paste stuff, and again I recommend John Anthony's system, objection handling lines, etc.

John Anthony's whole system? I searched up his stuff and he has only one package which is approx 600 usd. Would be neat if he had just texting there.

What kind of style he teaches there, is it sexual and straight to the point or what kind of?

He gives a lot of info for free on his youtube channel and email marketing.

Yes he's minimalistic and straight to the point, but also smart.

I don't remember every text he uses but I recall he uses this opener on tinder "I saw you yesterday on x location" which apparently has a better response rate. That is the definition of being witty and strategic.

I assumed you wanted to be witty in order to get better results. So my response was: you can't, or it's extremely hard, but you can reap the benefits of wittiness by memorizing proven material in turning points of each interaction.

The style he teaches is sexual and to the point, but in a funny and light hearted way. The bread and butter of his game is sexual innuendo and sexual jokes (a lot like RSD Luke).

Shit like, if a girl is from Bulgaria, he says "Oh I thought you were from Bulge-area haha", or shit like "that's what she said".

And he recommends against sexualizing over text unless you're advanced.

So it's sexual but "funny-sexual". Every guy I know that games at a high level has a similar approach. Directional,sexual but also funny and dettached.

Seems to work pretty well from him. Yes he's 6'4" and white, but he isnt facially attractive,is balding, used to be skinny fat. And there's plenty of tall white male models failing miserably.

JAL won't help you with deeply rooted non verbal and mindset issues. He doesn't go as deep as RSD or other guys.

He says all of that internal process is bullshit but I think he knows a lot of Game is very hard to teach so he focuses on the more practical and measurable aspects of game like texting, that if changed can produce immediate results.

Imo he is the best in the world right now with an online presence, specially compared with the rest of game coaches (most are bad imo). He may be a "piece of shit", but all care about is that what he teaches is useful.

To me his infields are legit and you can learn a lot from them. All of his objection handling material IS witty but also simple and natural, like "how could no one have thought of this before?".

I used one of his lines to the objection "ohh what if you're a serial killer?" and it got me laid. Same for other type of objections.

To recap, learning game, wittiness and cold approach is HARD. The only shortcuts I know are being a dj/promoter/bartender or having a top 0.5% tinder profile with a very solid texting system.
Sisyphus said:
I used one of his lines to the objection "ohh what if you're a serial killer?" and it got me laid. Same for other type of objections.

nyc daygamers have iterated on this a lot and optimal play discovered so far is to as flatly and unemotionally as possible say "I am a serial killer"
september said:
Sisyphus said:
I used one of his lines to the objection "ohh what if you're a serial killer?" and it got me laid. Same for other type of objections.

nyc daygamers have iterated on this a lot and optimal play discovered so far is to as flatly and unemotionally as possible say "I am a serial killer"

"Don't worry, I just want to increase my body count"

It's silly, I know but it works EVERY SINGLE TIME.

They would never know!