How to look like a fuckboy in pics?


Jan 8, 2023
I feel like my pictures exude nice guy/boyfriend vibe. Any example pics for looking edgy? I’ve read Radical’s guide.
Check the tinder guide on this website, along with all the example photos Andy posted.

But if you’ve read/watched Radicals content then you should already have a good idea of what edgy/fuckboy style looks like.

Also if you’re committed then you should post your pics up here for recommendations.
Paid Renegade said:
Check the tinder guide on this website, along with all the example photos Andy posted.

But if you’ve read/watched Radicals content then you should already have a good idea of what edgy/fuckboy style looks like.

Also if you’re committed then you should post your pics up here for recommendations.

This was the best I could come up with.
Alright cool I remember you now. Those pics aren’t too bad, I can tell you’ve put effort in and your style looks pretty decent to me.

Minor thing, pic #1 would be better if it wasn’t a henley.

Also the last pic, your friends look very nice-guyish which is going to detract from whatever edge you’re portraying yourself. Ideally you’d throw a picture up with a couple hot girls instead

Otherwise there’s a couple things that come to mind. You can work on leaning out if you’re not there yet and grabbing a good shirtless pic. Visible tats and edgier accessories (like a couple rings) could help.

Mind you this is coming from someone who also has the tendency to look like a bit of a standard nice guy in pictures. It definitely won’t prevent you from getting laid as long as you look good. Still, best thing is going to be if you can pick a few photos from the tinder guide and try to copy them exactly