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How To Not Procrastinate And Be Productive As F**K In 2024: 20 Tips From MAC DADDY (+ VIDEO GUIDE)

How To Not Procrastinate And Be Productive As F**K In 2024: 20 Tips From A Former Extreme Procrastinator Turned High Performer

Below, you’ll find all you need to know. Enjoy!

(1) Procrastination Is A HABIT: Firstly, you need to understand how you arrived here. Procrastination is not something you were born with. You don’t have defective genes or a broken brain. Your natural state, which you were born into, is to be engaged with the world and interact meaningfully with your environment, without tension. Procrastination is a learned behaviour you have developed. It doesn’t matter what your specific triggers may be; stress, overwhelm, or boredom. All that has happened, is your brain has developed a set of reactions and responses to stimuli, that set off an avoidance loop. Your mind has been trained to explode into chaos when what you need is clarity. And yet, this can be rewired, unlearned, and overcome.
(2) Personal Responsibility: You are the one who has put you here. No one else, you. No matter what circumstances may have pre-disposed you to developing this subconscious pattern, though I acknowledge, you may have been through a pressure cooker of a past - like the shitstorm that was mine! That is now done. You now get to decide, who you want to be, where you want to go, and what contribution you will make in this world. You have to decide, you will slay the dragon within, and embark on your own hero's journey. The choice is yours.
(3) Stress, Procrastination’s Best Friend: The more stress your brain and body are, the more your mind will rebel. Fact. When you are deep in the procrastination state, your biological and energetic reserves, have been flogged. You are overwhelmed by the world, and your mind is seeking a way out - escapism. It’s saying, I am already stretched as it is, leave me alone. This is why, “grinding”, does not tend to help you solve this problem at its core. Rather, you persist and push through for a while, only to burn out far harder, and in a more intense fashion. This can take you to some ugly places. Instead, recognise, that you have to recharge your biology, heal, regenerate, and be compassionate with yourself as you work through this chapter of your journey.
(4) Your WHY: So now you know what is going on within your brain, we do something about it. To see your way through this experience, and to overcome it, you will need to think deeply about the person you want to become. This step is not to be overlooked. For any deep, meaningful change to take place, especially if you are a seasoned veteran procrastinator, you will need to have a clear understanding of your core values, your mission, the impact you want to make in this life, and why. Once you have truly gone deep within yourself, and have your why nailed down, you will succeed. How do I know this? Because you will take all this information, and simply smash through every obstacle that arises in the change process. Fact.
(5) Be Process Oriented: From now on, your job is to put ONE BRICK in the wall each day. That’s it. Design your process, and each day, you just need to place that ONE BRICK. In time, you’ll have a wall. Please have realistic expectations. Just like it took you a long time to habituate your frenetic, anxious, avoidant, stressed, task-resistant, dopamine-searching way of being, that put you in the procrastination dungeon, it will take you a while to recalibrate your subconscious brain towards being a focused, productive, action taker. This is an overall lifestyle change, and it will need to happen, layer by layer. Incorporating these habits, and putting them into a framework, that you will apply over time, will lead to effortless achievement and success. But to get there, respect that you have to build the neural pathways and subconscious habits to realise this. So be prepared to show up, daily, to work on rebuilding your subconscious behaviour. You can whine, complain, and get nowhere this year. Or you can do the hardcore brain reconditioning it’s going to take to win.
(6) Deep Work & Massive Action: Create 90-minute deep work blocks, and use the Pomodoro technique to train you to do them. The most powerful weapon you have is massive action. Real, mental stimulation. Sitting there and focusing your brain on the stuff of life, out there, in the real world. Doing, doing, doing. Do not give your brain space to invert into its conditioning. Beating this is about massive action, and overwhelming the old neural pathways of procrastination. Bury them under productive, meaningful, engaging behaviours. Hours and hours of focused behaviour a day may be necessary for a while, to send this data into the subconscious, where it will be processed, and allow you to lay down the appropriate new neural pathways and conditioning. You will need to train your brain to be able to sit and focus deeply. Expect vigilance, expect resistance, expect every fibre of your being to rip out of the chair like the incredible hulk and sprint away to the next task. Your stressed brain, believes there is a sabretooth tiger in the room, so you have to show it otherwise. Joyfully, calmly work.
(7) DHA Consumption: Reducing brain inflammation, supplying omega 3 fatty acids, to reduce brain inflammation, restore clarity, and focus, and help you rebuild your brain and rewire your habits. I prefer marine sources, as they more effectively pass through the blood-brain barrier and enter the peripheral nervous system. Salmon, Mackerel, Anchovies, Sardines, Herring, Oysters. All of these, are high in DHA and will help you heal your stressed brain, and produce calmness, clarity, and focus.
(8) Circadian Alignment: Get up and watch the sunrise, each day. Same with the sunset. You need the information entering your naked eye, so no glasses or contacts. Your circadian rhythm needs to be bang on point. This will give you optimised sleep, and will elevate your brain chemistry, to give you the restoration and function needed to turn into a consistent action taker. These layers are important. We have to reduce inner tension, allow our biology to fight back against resistance and mount a more powerful energetic response, and be able to do this with the consistency required to create lasting change.
(9) Sleep Habits: Your structures in life, and the rituals you use, need to become non-negotiable during this time. If not, your conditioning will run the show, and you’ll have another unproductive week/month/year. Consistent rising, consistent to bedtime. This gives your brain no way out. You MUST start to use the time in between, in a productive way. I like a morning and evening routine, designed for you to work on your beliefs and consciousness. The point here is, that you want a life that is consistent and focused. Just get it done.
(10) Brain Health: A powerful tool I use in cleaning the brain, removing toxins, and dead cells, and allowing the engines of our cells (our batteries, the mitochondria) to heal and restore. When you’re stuck, and things aren’t moving, at the very least, you need to make sure your biology is working as well as it can. So optimising brain health is non-negotiable. I like 24-hour fasts, 3 times a month. Your focus, concentration, and motivation, will go on. And your stress, resistance, and tension, will go down.
(11) Total Balance: Here’s one that will trigger some folks. During brain reconditioning, we want calmness and clarity. So, we want to reduce, or cut out, alcohol and caffeine. Why? Because your nervous system is already fried. Reducing stimulation, and trying to live a calm, focused life gives your brain a fighting chance to reknit itself, and be better. I understand this may be tough for some. But I did this, for 3 years during my transformation. That is called being serious about change.
(12) Inner Work & Stress Reduction: Going through the change process, we’ll all have baggage to confront. Meditation, journaling, belief work, and other forms of inner enquiry, can be explored here. The negative and self-limiting beliefs we’ve picked up in life, will require us to work on them, because they will bleed into your brain’s ability to focus, by pulling us down into thought spirals. We want to work on these triggers and produce a more positive headspace.
(13) Acceptance & Letting Go: You cannot white-knuckle your way through this. Resistance begets more resistance. You will need to accept, that you have developed some inappropriate conditioning within your brain, let go, and accept that completely. Fighting through the process, whilst it is going to happen to some extent, isn’t ideal. Instead, sinking into what we have to do, and coming from acceptance, works best. David Hawkins's Letting Go technique is great, and may support you. There is a whole body of thought about acceptance as a therapeutic tool. Look into this.
(14) Overcoming Learned Helplessness: Because your journey may have seen much defeat, part of you has been conditioned to believe you cannot succeed no matter what you do. This is an insidious problem, and will make you prone to self-sabotage, and shooting yourself in the foot. The best way I have found to break this spiral is massive action. Nothing changes a stuck brain faster. You need to execute and prove to your brain that you can win.
(15) Belief Change: High performance, will require you to back yourself, you have to believe you can overcome. You have to use these tools, to not only fight back against your conditioning, but to empower you to believe that you are a person who can easily perform at the highest levels, accomplish their vision and goals, and be a person who brings good things into this world. I have found, it is challenging for any human being to stick to something, if they cannot truly see themselves being successful. This is why, we have to work on our beliefs and start to brainwash ourselves into believing it can be done.
(16) Posture: You will need to make an overall commitment to proper posture and alignment because your consistency and focus depend on it. We need nasal breathing, with good spinal alignment, to promote oxygenation of tissues and the brain. Improper breathing and posture, will lower brain oxygen, and make focus and performance, hard to come by. Look into the Buteyko method for the science of breathing, and for posture, follow what resonates best with you, but all those who read what I share here, can start with performing a McKenzie extension, every day, for 15 minutes. This is a superb fix for a lot of posture challenges,
(17 Anti Perfectionism: Overthinking and paralysis by analysis, are risk factors in this game. As my first mentor used to say, give yourself permission to suck, and simply execute, embracing being entirely imperfect. Love that you take action, regardless of how that looks. Action takers, rule the earth. Be one of them.
(18) Baby Steps & Incremental Progress: Slight edge principles, do not underestimate the power of these small habits. Working on a few at a time, and nailing them, you will unlock new levels of being, and bring amazing things into your life. Start small, and just stay with it. In time, the compound effect kicks in, and you can create some pretty special experiences in your reality. This is what we live for. Savour them. I still do.
(19) Neuroplasticity: The principles underpinning this guide, are the principles of brain change. People have done amazing things using this work, from relearning how to walk, to the blind learning how to see. The brain can change itself. Mercifully, evolution gave us unlimited retries. I want you to hence, understand that your condition, does not define you, and so much of your being, was created without you questioning it. As such, I encourage you to be open to forming a new chapter in 2024 and choosing a focused, happy, healthy way of life.
(20) Hydration: Finally, don’t underestimate this step. The dehydrated brain is a very chaotic and negative place. We don’t want that. Your daily hydration habits, matter. Nail them each day. Add electrolytes to your water. [/list]

That’s it.

Commit to a structured schedule, apply my habits above, and within 30 days, you will start moving the needle without stress and inner tension.

Apply them layer by layer, and you will start to rebuild your psychological foundation, towards achievement and consistency.

If I can clarify anything further, or you have questions, let me know below.



This is pure gold! Thanks Ravi! I almost need to print this post, frame it, and hang it on my wall! :)
You should put this on Medium. I would go as far as writing that you should consider writing a book for us nomads.

Just a paragraph a day. You will change lives, whether or not there will money involved I don’t know.

This forum is on the fringe of society and yet toxic feminism is not. You are completely relevant to the guys I see who unalive themselves because of lacking goals and focus. Veterans, physicians who only bring 20% of what they bill and younger souls who didn’t have a solid father figure like myself.

Procrastination is just a part of a bigger problem. The grind is the answer and I would love for your articulate self to put it out there.

This was a great read, even at my age. It’ll definitely be applied by us older guys who are divorced, facing crises, and just plain miserable.

Yes this post was just about procrastination. Yes this forum is about making something of ourselves. I’ve isolated myself because I so believe I’m the issue and the solution. But I don’t know how to put it into words like you can.
Wnyhg said:
You should put this on Medium. I would go as far as writing that you should consider writing a book for us nomads.

Just a paragraph a day. You will change lives, whether or not there will money involved I don’t know.

This forum is on the fringe of society and yet toxic feminism is not. You are completely relevant to the guys I see who unalive themselves because of lacking goals and focus. Veterans, physicians who only bring 20% of what they bill and younger souls who didn’t have a solid father figure like myself.

Procrastination is just a part of a bigger problem. The grind is the answer and I would love for your articulate self to put it out there.

This was a great read, even at my age. It’ll definitely be applied by us older guys who are divorced, facing crises, and just plain miserable.

Yes this post was just about procrastination. Yes this forum is about making something of ourselves. I’ve isolated myself because I so believe I’m the issue and the solution. But I don’t know how to put it into words like you can.

This means a lot to me, truly. Thanks Doc!

I will be writing books, articles, and giving it all to this community.

I want us to SUCEED



With the focus on IronWilll, I can create more resources, and serve the human species more.

Hope it helps.

Any questions? Let me know.

You mentioned stress a lot in here MakingAComeback, I know it's a broad question but... do you have tips about stress specifically?