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How to search forums


Jun 26, 2022
Anyone managed to do this successfully? Is there some kind of knack to using it that I don't understand?

For example, when I search "Lima" in the search, I get two results using the default options.

If I search in the private area, I get 0. But there are several references in posts that should be in the results. What am I doing wrong - or is it just fundamentally broken.

Occasionally I stumble across a really excellent post on something that is relevant to me - but if I could search for them it would be highly valuable. E.g that guy who started an social media generating content holiday business.

Also annoying is that the search blocks "common" words, even when they are highly relevant to the result - e.g "tinder".

Cheers lads
It works best when you remember the name of the author. For example, Zug has written high quality posts on texting. So to find those, I put "texting" in the search query with "Zug" as the author.

It's almost useless without knowing authors.
I wrote this post some time ago:

eyowhatup said:
pancakemouse said:
I have a fashion thread on here about my own journey, I wish I could find it but somehow it doesn't come up in search anymore

Here is the thread (thank you for creating it :) btw):

The search function on this forum sucks. If I have trouble finding certain threads I often use the advanced search option, which sometimes gives me results.
If you want to find every thread someone has created first go to advanced search.
search pancake 2.PNG
Under "Search query" you put in the name of the author of the topic. Then under "Search options" you fill in the option "First post of topics only". Then you click search at the bottom.
pancake real.PNG
This will show you every thread someone has created.
search pancake 3.PNG

It can help you find some posts.