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How to Stop Being Lazy & Get Sh*t Done (A Paradigm Shift I Used To Beat Procrastination)

How to Stop Being Lazy & Get Sh*t Done (A Paradigm Shift I Used To Beat Procrastination, Lose 100lbs, Start 2 Businesses, and Travel The World)

(1) Recognize that You’re Not Lazy—Not Even Close: Let’s get one thing straight: if you’re here, reading this, you’re not lazy. The real issue isn’t a lack of motivation or drive; it’s an output problem, that is being driven by certain variables. Your plans, schedules, and to-do lists aren’t delivering the results you want, and that’s frustrating, yes. But here’s the truth: genuinely lazy people don’t care enough to look for solutions. They don’t embark on missions like yours. Your issue, is that you’re not on your A Game, and that’s OK. So, let’s get you back there.
(2) Shift Your Perspective—Focus on Effectiveness, Take The Emotion Out: Stop beating yourself up over whether you’re doing enough.I see this a lot, and it is unhelpful thinking, that just perpetuates states of inner tension. Instead, focus on being effective. Emotional thinking drags you down; logical, calm, and rational thinking lifts you, because it’s no longer adding fuel to the fire. If your current approach isn’t working, don’t double down—take this as feedback, and be open minded enough to adjust. This isn’t about grinding harder; it’s about fixing things, and learning from this experience. Think of it as optimising a performance engine—tweak the parts that aren’t firing and get back on track. You’ll know when you are, because you will wake up, focused, clear headed, and motivated to get on top of your to do list.
(3) Get Real with Yourself—How Do You Really Feel? It’s time for some honest self-assessment. If you’ve lost your spark, if you’re not feeling the drive to get sh*t done, take a step back and examine what’s really going on. Stress is the silent killer. When it builds up, your mood, thinking, and productivity take a nosedive. This state, is mild burnout and depression—the slow creep that many business owners and high performers face. Reflect on it, and be honest: when was the last time you felt truly in control? When did you go to bed content with how your journey is going, and as if you’re on top of your biz? If it’s been a while, it’s time to be open minded to changing some things.
(4) Fix the Root Causes—Take a Multifaceted Approach. Getting back on your A-game is NOT about willpower. Approaches which depend on willpower will put you on the never ending merry-go-round to nowhere. You need a comprehensive strategy that addresses the underlying issues, and it has to be aligned with you. My advice: Start by tackling the thoughts and behaviors that are fueling your stress, and focus on rebuild your self-care routines and focus on habits that support your biological and mental well-being. Optimise your sleep, your wellness habits, and actually work on your biology and human battery. Yes, it’s work. But the rewards, are stress-free performance and an actual quality of life. There’s a lot of tools out there, and ask if you’re not sure, but when you reduce stress and tension, your energy, focus, and output will naturally start to return without you even trying. Your output, will increase without you even trying. Because you were never lazy in the first place….you just hadn’t solved your puzzle.
(5) Reconnect with Your Mission—Find Your True North: As you start to stabilise, take the time to reflect on how you ended up here. This isn’t a cycle you want to repeat, because we want to live our life, content and in a good headspace. Reassess your vision and ensure your life is aligned with what you truly want. Here’s a tough question: are you living a life that’s true to your core values, or are you just going through the motions? If there’s a disconnect, you’ll feel it—deeply. Use this period of rebuilding your performance levels to clarify your mission, understand your core values, and align your life with them. We tend to do best, in our areas of strength and genius, and where our deeper being is aligned.
(6) Ditch the Hustle Culture B.S.—Embrace Stress-Free Productivity. Let’s be real—hustle culture is a toxic trap for most people. The idea that you have to grind yourself into the ground to be successful is a myth that’s done more harm than good. Instead, focus on creating a performance foundation based on stress-free living. Here’s the secret: when you prioritise well-being and happiness, your output naturally increases. It’s not about doing more; it’s about doing what matters with less stress. The deeper mechanics of this, I have covered many times elsewhere. Joyful performance and balanced living lead to sustained success—anything else is a fast track to burnout and human suffering. Period.
(7) Keep Moving Forward—But Do It YOUR Way: The final step is simple but powerful: keep moving forward, but do it in a way that aligns with who you are and what you value. Your journey is unique, and so is your approach. Don’t get sucked into the trap of doing things because you think you should or because others say it’s the way to succeed. Whether it’s biohacking, reworking your schedule, or focusing on joyful performance, find what works for you and stick with it. Keep refining, keep improving, and most importantly, keep showing up.

Personal Story: How I Applied These Steps to Transform My Life

A few short years ago, I hit rock bottom, and had to dig myself out. I was 100 pounds overweight, crippled by severe clinical anxiety, had a brutal case of brain fog, and stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and frustration. I didn’t let that define me, and it was this period of my life where i had to try something else entirely, after all conventional approaches failed me. I started by recognising that I wasn’t lazy—I was stressed, burned out, and my mental and physical health was in the gutter. I shifted my focus from pushing myself, to healing myself, and focusing on sustainability, logical, effective action, and fixing the underlying issues. This reconnected me to my personal power and my mission. I lost 100 pounds, overcame my anxiety and poor mental health, and the lifetime of sheer human suffering I’d endured at the time.

Now, I’ve built two successful companies—all while traveling the world. The journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. The key to these results? Following these seven no B.S. steps, and humbling myself to respect my body and mind, and respect nature’s code above all.
