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suit pic u look 16, also not a great picture in general. I wouldn't use it for a profile. Other 3 pictures are pretty good. You look oldest in the last pic where you're wearing a black shirt. You do look young but thats not necessarily a bad thing. I think the facial hair in the last pic makes you look older.
pic 1 - You do look young af and the lighting is bright giving you the 'deer in headlights' look.
pic 2 - good pic, still lookin young. If you can grow a soul patch or some scruff that could help you out. That jawline tho.
pic 3 - bad lighting. maybe you could edit it a bit to get some of the red out of your face around your eyes/nose
pic 4 - best pic. you look at least 3 years older than pics 1 and 2. good lighting. good haricut.

I'm not sure how well you grow facial hair, but that would help you out.
Your jawline is sick, so I wouldn't grow too much to where you're hiding that.
You could pass for 22. Muscle mass would make you look older, and growing out the beard so long as it doesn't look patchy. Don't know why you wouldn't be chasing young girls as well, I'm sure you will get plenty of action.
As guys said, I would try to let that your beard grows... you look very young and ladies love nice beards.
Love the 2nd pic with the purple shirt and blue trousers.Stylish and you look a bit aristocratic, mate :)
Would go with the 2nd & 4th pic, both make you look early 20ies imo.

I dont really see the point of hiding your age though. Im sure the dating pool in Toronto is big enough, that youll find tons of 18-19yo girls who are into you.
Hahah I want some of this guys anti aging secrets, you look 16 at a stretch. Are you one of the Dúnedain from Lord of the Rings??
Mate, I think your bigger problem is that, you look a bit queer. Especially on that picture with the red shirt. I would have thought you might be even gay.

Put 3-4 kgs of muscle on and you will look much better.
Yeah, you look pretty young. I do too sometimes (and have acne which really doesn't help...), growing a short, trimmed beard helped a ton even though my facial hair comes in really shitty in general.

Losing some fat will also probably help you look older, a lot of the "baby face" look comes from fat stored in your face. How much depends on how lean you are already overall though, it's pretty hard to tell from these pictures
Pics look great but I wanna make the following joke:

TheGreatTurk said:
Mate, I think your bigger problem is that, you look a bit queer. Especially on that picture with the red shirt.

I knoooow this, muuuuuch is… :)