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However lopsided you think Tinder is, it’s worse

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Jul 16, 2022
Hi all, just quickly want to share this really quick so you know what women tinder looks like. I have bad photos and deadname on my profile and I had this unmanageable slew of men in less than 2 days. And I’m not even that cute. Added some photos just cause, legit just Snapchat selfies. 😭

It’s so hard out there, boys, so I’m proud of every one of you that has any luck dealing with this shit. I knew it was bad but not like this. I hate it, what a clown show lol.

I wish I had some tips, but I might once I have more conversations. Ig don’t double message quickly and recognize she does not give a fuck about your stance on her because you’re one of thousands. I’ve seen that a couple times and like, read the room bro. If I’m getting those numbers, imagine what a hot cis girl gets.
SpaceBunSarah said:
Hi all, just quickly want to share this really quick so you know what women tinder looks like. I have bad photos and deadname on my profile and I had this unmanageable slew of men in less than 2 days. And I’m not even that cute. Added some photos just cause, legit just Snapchat selfies. 😭

It’s so hard out there, boys, so I’m proud of every one of you that has any luck dealing with this shit. I knew it was bad but not like this. I hate it, what a clown show lol.

I wish I had some tips, but I might once I have more conversations. Ig don’t double message quickly and recognize she does not give a fuck about your stance on her because you’re one of thousands. I’ve seen that a couple times and like, read the room bro. If I’m getting those numbers, imagine what a hot cis girl gets.

Mad respect for putting yourself out there like you have.

Thanks for sharing. It's a good reminder. I did this experiment a while ago but I forgot how lopsided it is. It's nice to remember that it's most of the time not something I did.
To be honest, I think going by number of matches or even conversations is not a good metric to a woman's success on online dating. Some people will cite the large number of matches as a reason as to why any guy below an 8/10 will not ever get a date from online dating.

There's something most incel/blackpill groups get wrong about hypergamy. Just because women have a tendency to go for guys who are higher in SMV, doesn't mean that they're successful. They make it sound like average looking girls can bang 8/10s whenever they feel like it. What's more likely is that they will go for the hot guys, get rejected, and then go down the ladder until they find a guy who doesn't reject them.

So in reality, a lot of hooking up/dating is actually quite looksmatched. This aligns with my own experience because I've gotten dates & laid from dating apps with mostly average to slightly above average looking girls and I'm maybe a 6/10 at best.

Also, out of curiosity, does your profile openly state that you're trans?
MILFandCookies said:
SpaceBunSarah said:
Hi all, just quickly want to share this really quick so you know what women tinder looks like. I have bad photos and deadname on my profile and I had this unmanageable slew of men in less than 2 days. And I’m not even that cute. Added some photos just cause, legit just Snapchat selfies. 😭

It’s so hard out there, boys, so I’m proud of every one of you that has any luck dealing with this shit. I knew it was bad but not like this. I hate it, what a clown show lol.

I wish I had some tips, but I might once I have more conversations. Ig don’t double message quickly and recognize she does not give a fuck about your stance on her because you’re one of thousands. I’ve seen that a couple times and like, read the room bro. If I’m getting those numbers, imagine what a hot cis girl gets.

Mad respect for putting yourself out there like you have.

Thanks for sharing. It's a good reminder. I did this experiment a while ago but I forgot how lopsided it is. It's nice to remember that it's most of the time not something I did.

Thank you! It was nerve wracking at first, but I’ve only had one roided out dude cuss me out in Russian because there’s this weird subsection of dudes who swipe in the US from abroad for no discernible reason?

It’s really not you at all. I find myself doing the same ghosting and dropping off that I hated. Or I’ll even lose people I want to talk to; it’s been a huge adjustment.

The privilege extends to women too because they’re way nicer and receptive to me, too. I have 2 boys, and I don’t want them demoralized by this bullshit when they’re older.
Squilliam said:
To be honest, I think going by number of matches or even conversations is not a good metric to a woman's success on online dating. Some people will cite the large number of matches as a reason as to why any guy below an 8/10 will not ever get a date from online dating.

There's something most incel/blackpill groups get wrong about hypergamy. Just because women have a tendency to go for guys who are higher in SMV, doesn't mean that they're successful. They make it sound like average looking girls can bang 8/10s whenever they feel like it. What's more likely is that they will go for the hot guys, get rejected, and then go down the ladder until they find a guy who doesn't reject them.

So in reality, a lot of hooking up/dating is actually quite looksmatched. This aligns with my own experience because I've gotten dates & laid from dating apps with mostly average to slightly above average looking girls and I'm maybe a 6/10 at best.

Also, out of curiosity, does your profile openly state that you're trans?

That’s a good point! Living as a man, I’d usually date people slightly below my SMV from Tinder by a point or two, and I expected that to reverse as a woman more or less. So far I’m punching way above my weight because I’m a 2 or 3 setting up dates with 7s. Guess we’ll see if they meet up or not. Still too early to tell, but I’m guessing I’ll end up with some interesting stories.

Tinder doesn’t let you change your name, so my given name is still listed and it says I’m a queer trans woman, but I also have that photo with the trans flag background since no one reads profiles, so I think I’m being clear.
I don't see the purpose of this thread, as MattsCrib has stated. "wow guys, girls get more matches on dating apps than guys! whoopity fuckin doo!"

This isn't the space for reddit-style postulation and "theories". It's for having logs with goals and hustle and documenting personal journeys. I honestly think this thread should be locked.
Gotta agree with colgate

SpaceBunSarah if you have been around here before you'll be aware we primarily encourage logs more than reddit style articles

In my ideal world this place would only be progress logs... i can dream
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