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I am worried its over

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Jan 16, 2024
I don't really know where to turn, i do believe "loved ones" will just gaslight you and tell everything will be fine. And that lookism people take things too far, but i can't shake the knowledge that women only want the top guys. I think my genetics preclude me from being that and it fucking sucks.

I try and take pictures for tinder but they just show me how hopeless it is. Its so fucked. It really hurts. Here ill attach some. Yellow ass teeth (no money for veneers) shitty skin and bad hairline, i feel like it's over for me already at 26. I've aged poorly. Fucking hurts man. I'd like some honest feedback on my looks. Yes its looks related, that's what people and especially women care about. So yes, it's make or break.

Being average isn't going to cut it we all know that.

As you can see from the attached photos, i have a nerd physigonomy, big foreheard type shit and we know that just doesn't cut it. So yes, honest feedback on what i should do. Should i stop trying for this shit? It feels pointless, here is exhbit a-z.

Is this all in my head? I can see it so clearly when i look at these photos of myself. I don't how ugly i am until i look in the mirror or see a photo of myself and most of the time it ruins my day. I hate not cutting it.

I will attach a close up of me smiling. You can see what i mean by yellow teeth, aged skin, etc. Please give real feedback.
Do you have a log? Cos post in that. It’s over when you call it. This is gonna be tough love, but you’ve done 1 photoshoot and some new style changes and your results arnt what you expected. Big fucking whoop.

Look at MAC log, look at Squil etc. You have examples of guys going through the gauntlet. Up to you if you want to.

You seem like a normal 26 year old. You say your “shit is fucked” well no one else is going to un fuck it. Write down all the shit that is fucked, and write down what you can change and stick to a plan over time (my teeth are yellow, I can take better care buy brushing more often, not drinking coffee/smoking etc)

Issa marathon not a sprint
Adrizzle said:
Do you have a log? Cos post in that. It’s over when you call it. This is gonna be tough love, but you’ve done 1 photoshoot and some new style changes and your results arnt what you expected. Big fucking whoop.

Look at MAC log, look at Squil etc. You have examples of guys going through the gauntlet. Up to you if you want to.

You seem like a normal 26 year old. You say your “shit is fucked” well no one else is going to un fuck it. Write down all the shit that is fucked, and write down what you can change and stick to a plan over time (my teeth are yellow, I can take better care buy brushing more often, not drinking coffee/smoking etc)

Issa marathon not a sprint

This is mental health related. Its not about me needing to put more work in man. Its about the IMMUTABLE CHARACTERISTICS that are only going to get worse with age. The skin, hair, etc. I guess i should be looking into major cosmetic overhaul stuff if i want to actually have a chance with pretty girls. Its not that my photos didn't come out so great its that they make me realize the flaw is my own corporeal form. And i don't see any way to change my aged skin or teeth or hair outside of 50k worth of procedures. I am willing to do that if that's what it takes.

As to your point of being normal. That *does not cut it* in 2024 usa. We all know that don't we?

Im looking for honest feedback on what to do.

It also is a sprint because these things will just get worse with age. This belongs in mental health. I gurantee i'm not the only one who feels this.
Bro I’ve seen your other pics. You look good. More than good enough to get laid on Tinder. You look better than me tbh.

Your problem is your pink hair. Straight up. It’s killing you. People tiptoe around saying it definitively, because no one’s 100% sure how pics will do on Tinder, but I’m extremely confident that it is crippling your profile. It’s between -3 and -6 to your attractiveness. You did most of the other things right but that one mistake ruins your pics. It sucks, but at this point it’s a sunk cost and it’s time to move on.

And I’m not trying to be critical, it’s your choice obviously. That said, I genuinely believe it is kryptonite to your profile.

Stick to the basics, don’t try out a wild new fashion statement. Before you throw up your hands in despair correct the extremely obvious flaw in your profile. You say being normal is not enough, but you haven’t even done that. Having hair dyed pink is very abnormal for a man, or even a woman but especially a man. Again, not saying this to be disrespectful or critical, I just genuinely think it is a big big problem with your profile.
zekler said:
And i don't see any way to change my aged skin or teeth or hair outside of 50k worth of procedures. I am willing to do that if that's what it takes.

As to your point of being normal. That *does not cut it* in 2024 usa. We all know that don't we?

Im looking for honest feedback on what to do.

Citation needed

“If only I had money I’d be happy!”. Brah you seriously think you need 50K you “fix” your hair. Wtf you could just shave it for like $20.
Yggdrasil13 said:
Bro I’ve seen your other pics. You look good. More than good enough to get laid on Tinder. You look better than me tbh.

Your problem is your pink hair. Straight up. It’s killing you. People tiptoe around saying it definitively, because no one’s 100% sure how pics will do on Tinder, but I’m extremely confident that it is crippling your profile. It’s between -3 and -6 to your attractiveness. You did most of the other things right but that one mistake ruins your pics. It sucks, but at this point it’s a sunk cost and it’s time to move on.

And I’m not trying to be critical, it’s your choice obviously. That said, I genuinely believe it is kryptonite to your profile.

Stick to the basics, don’t try out a wild new fashion statement. Before you throw up your hands in despair correct the extremely obvious flaw in your profile. You say being normal is not enough, but you haven’t even done that. Having hair dyed pink is very abnormal for a man, or even a woman but especially a man. Again, not saying this to be disrespectful or critical, I just genuinely think it is a big big problem with your profile.

Im going to get it changed, to blonde. thanks for the input.

pancakemouse said:
Close thread post in log

I'm not sure how to close the thread. But that makes two people who believe it doesn't belong here, understood. Can someone tell me how to close it, and i will.
Hey bro,

Firstly, I totally hear ya. I actually thought it was impossible to get a chick to go on a date with me. My first 6 months here, I worked my ass off to lose weight, and did online dating pics every month. I smashed the apps, daily, for an hour. Month after month, I got nothing. But I kept going.

Kept losing weight. Kept dating better photos. Eventually, after 6 months, I got my first match.

Those matches, were mostly non responsive. But I was thrilled I FINALLY got a match.

I still thought it was impossible that I could get a date.

I lost more weight, kept taking pictures, and started to cold approach.

Approached daily while living in a shit location, go nowhere. Began to get the train to London on the weekends and would approach 12hrs a day (2hrs to LDN on the train, then 2hrs back) because I was dead f**king serious,

After a month of that, I got a gal to not only give me her number, but she agreed to go on a date with me. And I had my first ever date, at 30 years young.

....That date, was a major life victory. She sat there, did not say a word, and wandered off at the end. She agreed to a 2nd date and then changed her mind a week later when I had already booked tickets to return. I didn't care, still a major W.

And I did not stop going from there. Got 200+ women to go on dates with me, banged a bunch, and actually built a fairly interesting dating life towards the end of that chapter.

So, the thing is, it's never over dude. I am proof of that. I am older, I started VERY late, was a virgin until 30, had never been on a date or done anything, and I tried my ass off since I was 18. My looks, never got to where they were much. I think I got to be about a 5 or possibly a 6. So....not exactly a head turner ;-) Despite that, I got somewhere, through consistency, performance, and complete dedication.

You will, too.

The solution is:

-Self Improvement: Hitting the big areas, improving oneself, being patient and compassionate.
-Massive Action & Numbers Game: Go hard into levelling up your photos, approaching, and consistency.
-Inner World: You will need to heal your inner world, which is a 2 step approach. I will make some resources on this as I am doing it in depth right now.

I do feel for you, as I know how bad this feels.

It will go away over time. I have been at it 3 years, and I still experience pain for sure, but it is nothing like it was.

As such, I am of the opinion, that is is never over for any man who is prepared to truly do the work.

A tip I have for you, is just don't compare yourself to any other men. As you rightly recognise, looks are important, and there are some who just have a look women like. I ended up not having that, so it was literally a multi year uphill battle. But despite that, I still made it work with sub-par looks. You can just blank them out, and focus on YOU. Focus on YOUR LOG, YOUR JOURNEY, and be the best version of YOU.

I drew great inspiration from absolute legends like The Bastard, who killed it despite Low SMV.

We can help, man, but we can only do so, if you post in your log consistently. It's all got to be in there, man. Everything.

I'll close this one, go ahead and post in your log for us, and we'll help you out.

Got your back, brother. Stay strong and if you do ever want my personal input, you can tag me in a post within your log - sound good?

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