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I ask for honest opinion on my looks

Aug 2, 2020
Hey, (scroll down for photos I suppose)

I want to begin getting laid on Tinder... I want to be confident around women in everyday life, but if I have to start on online dating, so be it. I'm afraid I'll still be shy and tame when in a position to approach a girl in everyday life, but it might change once I get the good vibe going by knowing I am attractive to someone.

I have a lot in my way, but I don't want to focus on that right now. A lot of stuff will take several years to do. But setting up online dating profile can be done now. I had very attractive women attracted to me even before when I was looking worse than I do now. Right now though I lack confidence and direction.

Photos/looks info:
I am more of an artsy/music guy (I have those bunch of pictures while I'm DJing), I like both "loose" hippie/alternative clothes as well as the go-to "smart" clothing that are in fashion these days.

I took those pictures just with my smartphone, the DJing ones are ofc not mine, I wonder which ones would be best for profile pics?

I'm excited to read what you think!
IMO, 6 and 8 are the only two worth considering; they're the only two with good face profiles that show you doing something.

I'd scrap the rest. You have any photos with friends?
The lighting is bad in number 1. 2 through 5 are good, but I'd avoid repeat photos, so I' put number 2 up. your DJ shots are great, but again, you only want 1 of them, so I'd say go with 6 and 9.
How about my fashion/facial hair style?

Dislexya said:
IMO, 6 and 8 are the only two worth considering; they're the only two with good face profiles that show you doing something.

I'd scrap the rest. You have any photos with friends?

In 25 years I've taken maybe 20 photos of friends or myself with friends... I'm not a big "party photo" guy. Honestly, when you asked this, I felt anxious that if I were to take photos with friends, I would feel awkward, not knowing what to aim for.

This shows how closed-off I'm feeling
The decorations make that look like a psy trance event

What sort of music do you do?

Not a fan of the style in the pics

You can do better with what you have. I'd defo make sure you have a pic of you as a DJ tho

In terms of maxxing yourself out as a bald guy, style and physique are really important. Check out either Andy or DNPTHC for reference
I'm working on my physique as we speak

Yes, it was psytrance event. I was DJing with some dark prog/zenonesque psytrance. Music I make is a mix between psytrance and mental tekno

Radical said:
You can do better with what you have. I'd defo make sure you have a pic of you as a DJ tho

What do you mean? The style, or?

This weekend I'm going to buy an outfit or two, go out with friends, take some photos and upload a profile. I'll share it

I'm very happy I've found my way to these forums

Radical said:
In terms of maxxing yourself out as a bald guy, style and physique are really important. Check out either Andy or @DNPTHC for reference

Do you guys really think being bald is that much of a deal? Didn't seem to pose a problem to me when I did have some success, though, that was all luck and no skill.
my opnion doesnt mean shit but you have a lot of potential. Not nessecarily your clothes in these pics but i like ur look. You could get your own thing going on that separates you from other boring dudes. Start lifting weights and with your body you could start looking really good in a few months time. These pictures aren't good , but it looks like your a cool guy that would be fun to have a drink with. Most pics of dudes i see dont look like that, even if they look good.
Are you aussie then? I went to some psytrance events in Sydney area

Being bald isnt an issue but you need to lean into what works with it. Aim to get sub 15% bf then bulk up.
Radical said:
Are you aussie then? I went to some psytrance events in Sydney area

Being bald isnt an issue but you need to lean into what works with it. Aim to get sub 15% bf then bulk up.

Nah, I am Polish, living in Utrecht, Netherlands at the moment