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I don't know whether i should bulk up or cut...


Feb 27, 2022
Hey. I want to get more ripped & muscular, like many of u/possibly u already accomplished it to an extent, I'm gonna go on a 2 week cut due to a ski trip(would be easier and I don't want to go on maintenance now).

What should I do after I come back?

should I start lean bulking on a 300 calories surplus(2400 = maintenance) or 1700 calorie deficit till I get to 10% and bulk from there due to better muscle to fat mass % when bulking from leaner bodyweight & I probably won't feel bad about my body when I get a bit of fat after the cut, unlike how I might feel like when finishing the bulk straight off the bat now.
Thanks so much in advance for any tips, I'm here to learn from you.

This is how I look currently & shirtless:

I'm on the fence, but leaning slightly towards cut. Maybe see what you look like after two weeks, though. Your frame is already small and two weeks can make a huge difference.

My personal preference is I want to see at least one row of my abs at all times of the year, it keeps my face lean and my brain happy when I look at myself in the mirror.
Alright, Thanks. I'll start trying to lean down, I'm standing at 174cm~ and weighed 70.5 kg~ when the pic was taken(the day i posted the post), now I weigh 69.3kgs but it's probably mostly water weight that I lost, Will try to lean down to about 66 kgs, should take me around 6 weeks if I'm on point, could take around 7-8 if not, It's not that long anyways, and probably after a short maintenance period I'll start lean bulking.