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I had COVID, and still feeling it.


Jun 12, 2020
chado I haven't heard much regarding exercise and covid. Though both are huge stressors on your body (exercise is a beneficial one).

I'd say try going a bit lighter while you recover. Like active recovery type stuff if you must. I'm also a huge proponent of listening to what your body tells you. If you're exhausted, you probably need rest. Some of the podcasts I listen to have elite level fit people (Joe Rogan, Jocko), and they talk about having days where they just do stretches and stuff when they feel really crappy.

Some of what I'm hearing is that vitamin D plays a big role covid. So I'd try to make sure you're getting some sunshine. Make sure you're keeping your intake up, a lot of people eat less, and don't drink enough when they're sick and recovering.
@chado muscle stays on for a long time if you keep your diet in check, and your protein up, as im sure you know. Why not just so some long ass very very low intensity (like walking fast) cardio to burn the calories? I have plateued at weight loss for the time being so Im gonna try doing really long cardio sessions that are very easy on the body and you don't have to worry about recovery. Like 1.5 hours on a stationary bike barley getting the heart going (while still watching calories ofcourse) what do you think? You got the muscle base down for sure, if you just keep that fat off for the next short while youll be golden. Whattya think?

Wrote and long winded post but it didn’t save,,,,

This is very common in covid patients as well as any patient who’s had a severe lower respiratory infection.

You’ll have to gauge your exercise tolerance. Still exercise your lungs need it. Also look up cough and deep breathing exercises. Those will help your lungs immensely.

I’m assuming they checked your SPO2? That little thing they clamp on your finger? I’m sure they didn’t do an ABG which kinda sucks gives me the most accurate picture of your oxygenation.

Either way buy an SPO2 monitor. If you ever have any period of extended severe Shortness of breath >3-5 minutes and are sating with O2s in the 80s go to the ER.
chado said:
@DNPTHC are you talking about an oximeter? The thing they put on your finger? If so I scored a 97/98

Also you still recommend exercise, why is that? I'm assuming if I did I cut volume waaaay down and do just light work in the gym.

Yessir, the reason why I recommend exercise is for lung expansion/deep breathing. Doesn't have to be intense or anything weight-related just don't sit and let your lungs not be exerted. Like I said above gauge your own exercise tolerance.

Your O2 sats are excellent I assumed they were since they didn't pursue anything else past that medically.

Seriously though lookup cough and deep breathing exercises. It will help speed up the recovery process doubly so as opposed to just sitting there doing nothing activity-wise.
Doctors/ general practitioners are weird at times they often make the same recommendations to an out of shape bed-bound 75-year-old as they would to a healthy 27-year-old.

an old man shouldn't be doing anything too strenuous after recovering from COVID but you.... I have other thoughts.
chado said:

Thanks man I figured as much. I actually bought an "expand-a-lung" off amazon and started doing sets of breathing exercises with that today. You think that will work?

Also, I played french horn and did breathing exercises for 15 years so my lungs should be pretty fucking strong lmao

That should work ideally you get an incentive spirometer that's the one I'm most familiar with its only about 10-15 dollars to. That other one should work. and for the cough and deep breathing you literally just take a huge breath and cough multiple times haha.

Good luck to you man. Be glad your lungs aren't permanently fucked from COVID. I've seen cases like that, unfortunately.
Well they wouldn’t have O2 sats in the 90s anymore to start.

There a lot of other thingsZ sorry I couldn’t get back sooner. Had work.

I could go deeper but I need sleep. Just know it’s something you don’t have to worry about.
DNPTHC Are you actually a DNP? If so awesome!

One of the guys Joe Rogan just had on has been really delving into breathing, how a LOT of people do it wrong (mouth breathing), and how a lot of our chronic conditions are actually corrected by breathing correctly. He has a book out I think I'm going to check out.

Seems to at least be pretty plausible, I've had good luck in the field with anxious patients making them do prolonged exhalation.
Aloofus said:
@DNPTHC Are you actually a DNP? If so awesome!

One of the guys Joe Rogan just had on has been really delving into breathing, how a LOT of people do it wrong (mouth breathing), and how a lot of our chronic conditions are actually corrected by breathing correctly. He has a book out I think I'm going to check out.

Seems to at least be pretty plausible, I've had good luck in the field with anxious patients making them do prolonged exhalation.

Aloofus I’m on my way to becoming a CRNA. 3 more long years.... haha.

I would argue that literally everyone needs a Cpap at night. So many people have sleep apnea without ever being treated. Even otherwise health individuals.

Judging from the photo you’re a paramedic? If so that’s awesome, I’m also the most worried for you guys.

You have no idea wether the patient has covid or not and working with trauma patients out in the field is always a nightmare in my experience.

Moral of the story. you all are way underpaid for what you do.
Bro, 6 days after diagnosed with covid you went to gym?

No wonder, why virus is spreading so bad in US
DNPTHC said:
Aloofus said:
@DNPTHC Are you actually a DNP? If so awesome!

One of the guys Joe Rogan just had on has been really delving into breathing, how a LOT of people do it wrong (mouth breathing), and how a lot of our chronic conditions are actually corrected by breathing correctly. He has a book out I think I'm going to check out.

Seems to at least be pretty plausible, I've had good luck in the field with anxious patients making them do prolonged exhalation.

@Aloofus I’m on my way to becoming a CRNA. 3 more long years.... haha.

I would argue that literally everyone needs a Cpap at night. So many people have sleep apnea without ever being treated. Even otherwise health individuals.

Judging from the photo you’re a paramedic? If so that’s awesome, I’m also the most worried for you guys.

You have no idea wether the patient has covid or not and working with trauma patients out in the field is always a nightmare in my experience.

Moral of the story. you all are way underpaid for what you do.

It'll go by quicker than you think, then you'll be making bank! If I had to do it all over again I'd have done nursing school. One of my FWBs just took a travel gig to the virgin islands, and she's going to be making like 8k/mo with no expenses.

Here's the book I was talking about:

The dude was just on JRE, I thought it was pretty interesting. He actually does a bit about sleep apnea in there too. It's worth listening to, if you're into podcasts. He's on for about 2 hours

I actually work exclusively with babies/peds (I'm on a dedicated truck for a transition to home facility). So I'm in about as low risk environment as I can be. Also have plenty of N95s, and my own p100.

I appreciate the concern! I always look out for me first (and not feeling guilty about that was one of the huge turning points in my self improvement journey).
king87 said:
Bro, 6 days after diagnosed with covid you went to gym?

No wonder, why virus is spreading so bad in US

He never mentioned anything about going to the gym, no need to be rude.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
@Vice you win the award for oldest thread resuscitated ;)

YWFMS :heart:

But to add some actual value:

Do NOT exercise/strain yourself after recovering from COVID. I decided to be a hero and go on a run in the cold rain the day after I felt "better" and ended up setting myself back a month with a variety of lingering health issues.