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I wanna share something you probably haven’t heard of


May 31, 2020
The umbrella term for it is “somatics”

There’s various approaches to it such as:
The Feldenkrais Method,
Trager Mentastics,
Zhan Zhuang,
Real Yoga as described in the book “the heart of yoga”

In a nutshell “somatics” works based on the assumption that thinking, feeling, sensing, and moving all work together and influence each other.

To explain it via a parallel example,
You go to a psychologist and talk using words to try to improve your condition. You use language to get to the problem and work with it and hopefully get somewhere.
This can be a very arduous process due to the ambiguity of language, it takes a whole ton of conversation to get on the same page and even then it’s hard to elicit an inner change in your life through language.

In somatics you work with the body, and through various physically involved stuff you are able to affect your feelings and thoughts.
This is superior to language because it’s less ambiguous, you can directly work with the body and clearly be aware if something improved or not.

Now for me to get into the details will make this post into a book, so if “somatics” sounds intriguing I simply suggest googling the ones I listed above, they all have a somewhat different way of approaching the same essence aka the human body.

For what it’s worth, Zhan zhuang practice was maybe the first ray of hope I experienced years ago during my deepest unhappiness and poor health.

Thanks to the feldenkrais method, I have experienced frequently improved vision 3x times, I have ordered a pair of glasses 3x weaker from -3.5 to -1.5, and I no longer wear glasses 99% of the time after 15 years of wearing them.

Due to years of self misuse playing sports and pushing my body and mind too hard, I have several chronic injuries which a stiff left shoulder chest back, lower abdomen stiffness and left leg, also neck issues.

Thanks to the feldenkrais method and trager mentastics and some Gentle Zhan zhuan I believe I will fully recover my health and well being.

I just felt I had to share “somatics” with this community, because it works fast! A single feldenkrais awareness through movement lesson can open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities for yourself, this stuff is legitimate and it really works.

Don’t take my word for it, a single awareness through movement lesson will speak for itself.

This website is a pretty solid FREE feldenkrais source of info and awareness through movement lessons

For trager mentastics, there’s a small book you can find free pdf on google,
Just google “movement as a way to agelessness pdf” it’s there somewhere.
I also like this YouTube channel I found recently it has some nice videos with various “mentastics” movements
Here’s a video on legs movements from the channel
Here’s a video with Milton trager himself

For Zhan zhuang I can’t think of a better intro to the basic thing then this video series called “stand still be fit”

For yoga, the book called “Heart of Yoga” seems to be good, I’m not done reading it but what I’ve read so far shows a lot of overlapping principles with the feldenkrais method, so I like it.

Anyway, now that I’ve shared I feel at peace ✌️ good luck everyone with your health and well being, it’s priceless.
Oh yea I forgot 1 more thing, it’s more of an honorary mention, but it’s very useful for when you REALLY feel like shit and are in no mood for anything at all.

It’s called yoga Nidra, and you don’t move your body at all, just lie down and mentally follow some guided mental stuff, it’s still “somatic” because it involves noticing things involving the body.

Here’s some that I’ve personally listened to and enjoyed
