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Ideas for shooting my shot?


Jun 21, 2020
A fulfilling sex life
Down Under
Hey bros.

I'm not looking for anything super crafty, but an idea or two on how to shoot my shot with a girl I've known a while without making it awkward.

Backstory: we used to train at the same weightlifting gym together a few years ago. She had a boyfriend, so was never an option at the time. Now train at different gyms but we both still compete so see each other around at competitions from time to time. Hasn't put anything up on social media about/with her boyfriend for a long time now so I assume she's single. I'd say we are good acquaintances at best at the moment. We usually like each other's posts on Instagram and she gave a compliment about my own lifting looking good at the moment on the weekend when we crossed paths at a comp.

Situation: she shared a meme today on Instagram that was two buttons being pressed at the same time that said "a healthy loving relationship" and "nasty, disrespectful sex". I replied and said "all i see here are synonyms". She liked my reply and that's it. Took a look at the accounts she's following on Instagram and see a few about ethical non-monogamy and bdsm/shibari which is right up my alley and is a dynamic/lifestyle I seek out normally anyway.

Figure I should see if there's any interest in me, cause I'd certainly be interested in her. I never hit on girls I know (I've always been getting laid via Tinder etc) so not sure how to approach it when I've known someone a while. Should I:
1 - keep conversations/likes etc going, gently and indirectly try and gauge her interest in me over a longer period of time
2 - just rip off the band aid and straight up ask "Hey, I noticed you haven't posted anything with [ex boyfriend] for a while. Are you single? Also, I'm curious - are you into ENM & BDSM? Noticed a couple of accounts you follow. I'm into that as well, have been for a a few years. I've always thought you're hot and just wondering if there's any interest there from you with regards to me? If so, we should grab a drink soon and see where things go".

^ if i go with option 2 - fire off all questions at once or break it up into smaller questions one at a time?
Kratos said:
just rip off the band aid and straight up ask "Hey, I noticed you haven't posted anything with [ex boyfriend] for a while. Are you single? Also, I'm curious - are you into ENM & BDSM? Noticed a couple of accounts you follow. I'm into that as well, have been for a a few years. I've always thought you're hot and just wondering if there's any interest there from you with regards to me? If so, we should grab a drink soon and see where things go".

no, sounds like stalking.
The idea is that you should start a conversation (which you tried but didn't hook enough) and after a couple of good exchanges you should gauge interest with a soft close (this would be a funnier conversation with some wine a.e.)