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"I'm the only one talking" - how to get around this?


Jun 28, 2021
So on dates I practice active listening and asking questions, making observations.

This leads to girls talking non-stop.

Then they are like: "I'm the only one talking, tell something about yourself!"

I don't know what to tell them, I know the more I tell the more I can compromise my position, so I just ask them to ask me something and when they do I answer and then flip the question back on them.

I always thought people want to be heard more than they want to listen, so I just listen and let the girl tell me everything about her, so what to do to prevent this feeling like she is being interviewed or like she is talking too much, how to add more of natural interaction? What stuff to say about myself?
Sometimes said:
I know the more I tell the more I can compromise my position
What do you mean compromise your position? This isn't war, it's conversation. There's give and take, sounds like you're just giving attention all the time for whatever reason (lack of confidence, scared of rejection etc). Yes, people like to be heard, but it's also a lot of pressure to carry the conversation the whole time and come up with new topics. You should talk about yourself to give yourself a break, and you'll be more interesting to her anyway. She knows all about herself and its boring to her. Converse with her, don't interview.

As for what to say? It really doesn't matter. You can literally say anything. "I went for a walk yesterday and saw a cute dog", "I think the meaning of life is...". You wouldn't judge her if she says something slightly awkward or weird (within reason of course) so why would she judge you for that?

Conversation is a two way street man, relax and just go with the flow. Some days/girls you talk more, sometimes you talk less. It's all okay. Just practise saying random shit and you'll realise it doesn't matter. People care way more about how you say it (ie confidence) not what you say.
I mean the more you talk, the higher chances of reducing mystery and saying something that will talk you out of pussy.

I noticed people like it better when I listen to them and generally people prefer to talk about themselves a lot. So I actively listen and don't ramble about my life.

Of course I will add a few things and say something, but it just seems unnatural. It seems you have more power when you are the one asking questions and the other person is talking.

If I just say all that is on my mind I won't get laid at all, because I'm actually not a good person at all, so I need to put on a facade of non-judgemental dude.

So far when I talk about myself I try to keep it brief and just say something that will be a DHV but like its a no big deal.