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Improve Your Voice: 8-Week Course Log


Nov 10, 2021
This is my log for the Improve Your Voice course on Vocabilities, I’ve always been insecure about my voice even though people have said that it is a desirable voice for a man, but people have always pointed out to me that my voice doesn’t match my face. So I’m just going to experiment and use this course to see what will happen, it is 8 weeks long and I will log the practice sessions, the course uses many mindfulness practices to help you gain control and focus on your voice. Each day has prompts that should be answered so I will post those here. Thank you guys for the support.
Week 1, Day 1: Semi-supine (sacrum)
-Did the exercise and read the Arthur Rat short story, which is in the YouTube link below but I can’t listen to it until the end of the course to hear my progress. I did lack emotion from what I remember reading the short story which has characters that express their intentions and emotions clearly. I forgot to say the correct words a couple of times, and stopped inconsistently to figure out my thoughts.

-The questions for the end of the day after the exercises.

1. How do you feel physically?
-I felt exhausted, I didn’t get great sleep at all last night, 2-3 hours. After the exercise, I feel more calm, present, and attentive to the nuances in my body.

2. How do you feel emotionally?
-Calm, hopeful of the future.

3. At this moment, what do you think about your voice?
-Still not confident in it, I feel like I talk too slow, shallow, and I stutter frequently.

Week 1, Day 2: Semi-supine and side-twists with clock arm
-Did the exercise today, using the semi-supine position breathing in the sacrum for 10 minutes then moved to the new exercise involving the arm twists for 5 minutes. Yesterday, I forgot to complete the Seven Statements which you will answer based on the ranking of 1-10, 1 being “No absolutely not” and 10 being “Yes, without a doubt.”

1. I enjoy using my voice!: 4
2. Other people understand me!: 3
3. I consider myself to be a confident and self-assured person: 7
4. My body is relaxed!: 3
5. My mind is calm: 3
6. I can express myself freely!: 4
7. I am comfortable around other people!: 4

Now, for the questions after the session:

1. How do you feel physically?
-Calm, very alert, attentive, during the shoulder rotations my shoulders felt tight and my hotel furniture was blocking my rotations.

2. How do you feel emotionally? -Safe, hopeful.

3. At this moment, what do you think about your voice?
-Still not confident in it, but I can feel the focus more in my sacrum.
Week 1, Day 3: Semi-Supine, Side-Twists w/clock arm, Child’s Pose, Cat and Cow, Cat and Cow (up and down, sides and circles)
-Did the 5 exercises today.

Now for the questions:

1. How do you feel physically?
-A little bit light-headed but more aware of my surroundings.

2. How do you feel emotionally?
-Happy, happy to be practicing.

3. At this moment, what do you think about your voice?
- More confident, more fluid in my words, way better than Day 1.
Week 1, Day 4: Semi-supine, side twists with clock arm, child’s pose, cat and cow, spine rolls
-Did the 5 exercises today.

Now for the questions:

1. How do you feel physically?
-My mind is foggy, my abdominals are sore.

2. How do you feel emotionally?
-Mellow, not really motivated.

3. At this moment, what do you think about your voice?
-Voice feels like it strains when I talk, not too pleased about it.
Man I feel a bit sad that you feel you need to work on your voice, because it's actually pretty cool. Fuck those people that made you feel insecure about it.

If you want to work on stuff like elocution, putting more emotions when you talk and things like that ok, but you don't need to change how it sounds overall.

But good luck in your journey anyway, hope you'll get where you want.
Week 1, Day 5: Semi-Supine, Side twists with clock arm, Child's Pose, Cat & Cow, Spine Rolls, Archer & Push Hands
-After a fucking hiatus, I've come back to doing the course. The fundamentals are still present in my practice because I also meditate which is pretty much the same as this, but this is more like yoga. I feel more control and presence when the exercises, slightly only losing focus when I breathe out. The exercises are still a learning experience because of the awkward positions that my body has to get used to.

Now for the questions:

1. How do you feel physically?
-I can feel more of the front of my head, like the blood is flowing more to my nose and forehead after doing the exercises.

2. How do you feel emotionally?
-I have to admit that life is a bitch man, past few days have been hard for me but I'm still breathing, proud of the work that I got done today.

3. At this moment, what do you think about your voice?
-Still straining, I don't know if it's from a sore throat but I feel like it takes a lot of effort to speak and show emotion in my voice.
Week 1, Day 6: Just Semi-supine
Only managed to get one exercise today will manage to do the rest tomorrow, today was just the semi-supine position breathing.