Indian Losers Progress Log

Indian Loser

Dec 5, 2023
Hi all,

I'll be using this thread as a way to keep track of my progress in the game. In this thread, I'll be reporting on actual lays. I'll have another thread that's dedicated to field reports that talk about failed dates, cold approaches etc.

I'm going to be dedicating the next 2.5 years to going hard at the game and getting this area of my life handled.

Some of my goals are:

1. Get my lay count to 200+ (in first-world countries. Girls I bang in South America won't count towards this).
2. Banging 7+ girls only from here on out.
3. Have a rotation of 2-3 girls (with a primary) of 8+
4. Master Nightgame and use it as a lead source to fuel the above goals.
  • This is a big goal of mine because nighttime venues scare me. Same with large groups of people. Super important that I conquer this.

Right now I'm in a fairly small city of 300,000 people. There's only so much I can do as far as cold approaching goes without blowing my reputation here. So I'll mainly be relying on online game whilst here. I'll be moving away from here in April to a bigger city in Canada.

My current lay count is at about 45. Hoping to break 50 before leaving my current city.
Here's a lay from September 2023:

LR #1 - 45th Girl
White, Curly Hair.

Pretty straightforward lay here from Bumble. I was out of town visiting some family. A week before coming back to my hometown I started Bumble up again. I matched with this chick and she's about a 6 overall (Face = 5.5, Body = 7). I typically prefer good faces over big tits and ass, but I also prefer having sex over not having sex - I'm not one to turn down some pussy when it presents itself (as long as the chick isn't straight-up gross).

You can tell from the messages she was pretty eager to meet up (long messages, sending me pics, etc.). This is what we call a layup. Meaning, this chick wanted to get fucked. All I had to do was not screw it up.

My routine is pretty rinse and repeat. I meet chicks at a bar close to my place. We usually get a table that has us in close proximity to one another. I find reasons to grab the girl's hands (see their rings, read their palms etc.). Once I start touching their hands, I'll just hold onto it for the next 20-30 minutes. 90-95% of the time the girl will let me hold her hand.

In this particular case, this girl was all over me during the date. It was basically on. We finish up drinks and it's already assumed we're going back to my place (I didn't have to ask her "to grab drinks at my place"). We get in the car and drive like 2 minutes back to my place.

We're chilling on my couch. I started playing some music. I make my move and start making out with this chick. We're making out and things are getting hot and heavy. I moved it to the bedroom. Clothes are off and I start fingering her and eating her out. This is a part of my game that I've really improved. I made her orgasm twice with my hands and another two times while I was fucking her. She was also pretty good at giving head so that was pretty enjoyable too.

We smash a few times and talk a little bit as well. She leaves after a few hours. I text her to grab dinner sometime. I haven't heard back from so we'll see what happens. I'm pretty shitty at retaining girls so it's usually just a one-and-done. Need to improve retention. I'm actually thinking about smashing these girls after a few dates so there's a bit of a connection built up first.

#45 is in the books. I'm 5 away from my goal of 50.
LR #2. Girl #46
Brunette with Blue Eyes

This was an interesting interaction that I ended up learning a lot from. I learned about how prolonging sex with the girl can make it easier to retain her after you eventually have sex. I think it's because more investment has built up. I also realized how important it is for me to have a woman who is kind and nurturing above all else. Ambition, intelligence, etc are all secondary qualities for me personally.

So I met up with this girl for drinks on our first date. Realized within the first few minutes of meeting her that it was a bit of a catfish. She's about 30-40lbs heavier than her pictures. She's overweight but the weight went to her ass, arms and tits, which I'm fine with. Her face is absolutely beautiful. You can tell this girl is a solid 8-8.5 once she manages to lose a bit of weight. I should also note that I am a catfish as well. I'm about 40lbs lighter in my pictures than in reality lol. So I can't exactly be judgemental about catfishing haha. Bottom line: I was attracted to this girl and I was down to hook up.

We grab drinks for our first date. I invite her back to my place which she politely declines.

We set up a second date to go play mini golf and grab drinks. We grab drinks, play mini golf, and end up at my place. We start making out but she's not down for sex just yet.

The third date was watching a movie at her place. I automatically knew we would finally hook up and that's what happened. The sex was enjoyable but nothing crazy good. She gave pretty good head and her pussy tasted good as well. Far from the best sex I've ever had though.

We hung out for a few more weeks after that as work was getting really busy for me and I needed stability. We ended up going exclusive which was a huge mistake in hindsight. I told her 2 weeks ago that I don't think it's going to work out long-term between us. I'm trying to move it back to an open relationship but I doubt it will happen. She feels way too rejected at this point.

Oh well. Live and learn. So currently I have 0 girls that I'm seeing regularly which is a problem. Really need to focus on building the rotation up.


- Let the girl bring up the conversation about exclusivity
- Try to keep it a open relationship as long as possible
- Don't just go into exclusivity cause she's asking. Be honest.
Indian Loser said:
Hi all,

I'll be using this thread as a way to keep track of my progress in the game. I'm going to be dedicating the next 2.5 years to going hard at the game and getting this area of my life handled.

Some of my goals are:

1. Get my lay count to 200+ (in first-world countries. Girls I bang in South America won't count towards this).
2. Banging 7+ girls only from here on out.
3. Have a rotation of 2-3 girls (with a primary) of 8+
4. Master Nightgame and use it as a lead source to fuel the above goals.
  • This is a big goal of mine because nighttime venues scare me. Same with large groups of people. Super important that I conquer this.

Right now I'm in a fairly small city of 300,000 people. There's only so much I can do as far as cold approaching goes without blowing my reputation here. So I'll mainly be relying on online game whilst here. I'll be moving away from here in April to a bigger city in Canada.

My current lay count is at about 45. Hoping to break 50 before leaving my current city.

If you have a huge lay count goal
You probably need to leave your city sooner.

300k people is basically nothing.

Because you'll need to be banging, a new girl everyweek. Which sounds doable. But you'll have down periods too. So it will likely be like 2 or 3 a week.

And then if you mix in retention your appetite is gonna drop to.

Those are high quality problems. But just letting you know now. You need to think about how to get 4 new girls every week. Because your standards are going to reject girls, and your gonna have down periods too
Manganiello said:
Indian Loser said:
Hi all,

I'll be using this thread as a way to keep track of my progress in the game. I'm going to be dedicating the next 2.5 years to going hard at the game and getting this area of my life handled.

Some of my goals are:

1. Get my lay count to 200+ (in first-world countries. Girls I bang in South America won't count towards this).
2. Banging 7+ girls only from here on out.
3. Have a rotation of 2-3 girls (with a primary) of 8+
4. Master Nightgame and use it as a lead source to fuel the above goals.
  • This is a big goal of mine because nighttime venues scare me. Same with large groups of people. Super important that I conquer this.

Right now I'm in a fairly small city of 300,000 people. There's only so much I can do as far as cold approaching goes without blowing my reputation here. So I'll mainly be relying on online game whilst here. I'll be moving away from here in April to a bigger city in Canada.

My current lay count is at about 45. Hoping to break 50 before leaving my current city.

If you have a huge lay count goal
You probably need to leave your city sooner.

300k people is basically nothing.

Because you'll need to be banging, a new girl everyweek. Which sounds doable. But you'll have down periods too. So it will likely be like 2 or 3 a week.

And then if you mix in retention your appetite is gonna drop to.

Those are high quality problems. But just letting you know now. You need to think about how to get 4 new girls every week. Because your standards are going to reject girls, and your gonna have down periods too

You're right. I just don't want to move to Montreal right now because it's going to be winter and cold as fuck. It's not worth it to be there right now. Another idea I've been playing around with is moving to South America until it warms up in Montreal.
Yeah 150 in 2.5 years is too ambitious if you also want a rotation plus want to focus on night game too.

Evenings/Nights are valuable timeslots. If you go out or see a regular girl, that's a timeslot where you can't fuck a new girl. Unless you're somehow hyperefficient with your time, you can see regular girls during the day, and you have the libido of a teenager, I don't see it happening.

Why 200+? Not judging, just curious. Most people pick 100 or 50 as their "I'm satisfied now" number.
Indian Loser said:
LR #2. Girl #46
Brunette with Blue Eyes

This was an interesting interaction that I ended up learning a lot from. I learned about how prolonging sex with the girl can make it easier to retain her after you eventually have sex. I think it's because more investment has built up. I also realized how important it is for me to have a woman who is kind and nurturing above all else. Ambition, intelligence, etc are all secondary qualities for me personally.

So I met up with this girl for drinks on our first date. Realized within the first few minutes of meeting her that it was a bit of a catfish. She's about 30-40lbs heavier than her pictures. She's overweight but the weight went to her ass, arms and tits, which I'm fine with. Her face is absolutely beautiful. You can tell this girl is a solid 8-8.5 once she manages to lose a bit of weight. I should also note that I am a catfish as well. I'm about 40lbs lighter in my pictures than in reality lol. So I can't exactly be judgemental about catfishing haha. Bottom line: I was attracted to this girl and I was down to hook up.

We grab drinks for our first date. I invite her back to my place which she politely declines.

We set up a second date to go play mini golf and grab drinks. We grab drinks, play mini golf, and end up at my place. We start making out but she's not down for sex just yet.

The third date was watching a movie at her place. I automatically knew we would finally hook up and that's what happened. The sex was enjoyable but nothing crazy good. She gave pretty good head and her pussy tasted good as well. Far from the best sex I've ever had though.

We hung out for a few more weeks after that as work was getting really busy for me and I needed stability. We ended up going exclusive which was a huge mistake in hindsight. I told her 2 weeks ago that I don't think it's going to work out long-term between us. I'm trying to move it back to an open relationship but I doubt it will happen. She feels way too rejected at this point.

Oh well. Live and learn. So currently I have 0 girls that I'm seeing regularly which is a problem. Really need to focus on building the rotation up.


- Let the girl bring up the conversation about exclusivity
- Try to keep it a open relationship as long as possible
- Don't just go into exclusivity cause she's asking. Be honest.

Respect man. You're new to this all, but you're learning things quickly.

As for keeping things open, you say "as long as possibe." My man, that can be forever if it's important to you. I just got out of a 1.5 year relationship (I ended things) and the whole time I was free to sleep with other girls on my own. Up front, before we even had sex, I just made it clear that's what I wanted and it wouldn't change.

Even now, after we've broken up, she wants us to be FWB. I was actually apprehensive about it, since I've built up feelings from dating her for so long, but she wanted to be fwb so bad I decided I could try it, and it's been pretty dang awesome. And she doesn't create drama either.

I say this to show you what is possible if a girl is really into you. And to show you that you don't have to accept a monogamous relationship if you don't want it. Don't get me wrong, a lot of guys PREFER monogamy, but if you don't, nobody is making you do it.

Just keep on grinding, working on yourself, etc. and you'll eventually be valuable enough that girls will be so into you they won't care. Trust me, I used to be fat and mentally ill, on all sorts of fucked up meds.

You've got this man. You're in the right place.
Indian Loser said:
- Let the girl bring up the conversation about exclusivity
- Try to keep it a open relationship as long as possible
- Don't just go into exclusivity cause she's asking. Be honest.

This is better than what you did, but is still not it imo.

Why the fuck should the girl have to lead when it comes to exclusivity? That logic has never made sense to me, is she the dominant? If not, then why is she leading? I've never gotten a good answer to this. You're the man, you're the dominant, you lead the relationship. Don't rely on the submissive to lead the relationship. That just means no one is driving.

The reality is most men ask for exclusivity out of weakness and FOMO. That is not a good reason to ask and never will be. It doesn't matter if its a man or woman asking if that's the reason.

If you want exclusivity then fucking own it, same thing if you want to remain open. Stop trying to please everyone. Some dudes prefer vanilla sex, I have no fucking idea why, but they do, and they should own that instead of being ashamed about it.

There's valid reasons to want exclusivity, because it provides the foundation and structure to build other things on top of it - marriage, kids, shared finances, etc. Also, IMO there's certain levels of intimacy are not possible in an open relationship. That's my opinion after testing it out and trying to disprove it. In the case of women, most women do prefer exclusivity with a partner if they're really interested in him. Men are far more capable of being romantically exclusive and sexually open, but this is an individual thing. Whatever you're preference happens to be, own it.
Holden said:
Yeah 150 in 2.5 years is too ambitious if you also want a rotation plus want to focus on night game too.

Evenings/Nights are valuable timeslots. If you go out or see a regular girl, that's a timeslot where you can't fuck a new girl. Unless you're somehow hyperefficient with your time, you can see regular girls during the day, and you have the libido of a teenager, I don't see it happening.

Why 200+? Not judging, just curious. Most people pick 100 or 50 as their "I'm satisfied now" number.

I'm already at 50 and nowhere near where I want to be. To be fair, it's just a number I threw out there. I'm more concerned about having the consistent quality that I want. My theory is that I will get to that level at about 200 lay count but it could be way sooner than this for all I know. It's also definitely an ego thing. 200 just sounds great to me haha.

Anyway, not tied to any number per say. If i'm at 100 and getting the quality that I want then I'm a happy camper.
MILFandCookies said:
Indian Loser said:
LR #2. Girl #46
Brunette with Blue Eyes

This was an interesting interaction that I ended up learning a lot from. I learned about how prolonging sex with the girl can make it easier to retain her after you eventually have sex. I think it's because more investment has built up. I also realized how important it is for me to have a woman who is kind and nurturing above all else. Ambition, intelligence, etc are all secondary qualities for me personally.

So I met up with this girl for drinks on our first date. Realized within the first few minutes of meeting her that it was a bit of a catfish. She's about 30-40lbs heavier than her pictures. She's overweight but the weight went to her ass, arms and tits, which I'm fine with. Her face is absolutely beautiful. You can tell this girl is a solid 8-8.5 once she manages to lose a bit of weight. I should also note that I am a catfish as well. I'm about 40lbs lighter in my pictures than in reality lol. So I can't exactly be judgemental about catfishing haha. Bottom line: I was attracted to this girl and I was down to hook up.

We grab drinks for our first date. I invite her back to my place which she politely declines.

We set up a second date to go play mini golf and grab drinks. We grab drinks, play mini golf, and end up at my place. We start making out but she's not down for sex just yet.

The third date was watching a movie at her place. I automatically knew we would finally hook up and that's what happened. The sex was enjoyable but nothing crazy good. She gave pretty good head and her pussy tasted good as well. Far from the best sex I've ever had though.

We hung out for a few more weeks after that as work was getting really busy for me and I needed stability. We ended up going exclusive which was a huge mistake in hindsight. I told her 2 weeks ago that I don't think it's going to work out long-term between us. I'm trying to move it back to an open relationship but I doubt it will happen. She feels way too rejected at this point.

Oh well. Live and learn. So currently I have 0 girls that I'm seeing regularly which is a problem. Really need to focus on building the rotation up.


- Let the girl bring up the conversation about exclusivity
- Try to keep it a open relationship as long as possible
- Don't just go into exclusivity cause she's asking. Be honest.

Respect man. You're new to this all, but you're learning things quickly.

As for keeping things open, you say "as long as possibe." My man, that can be forever if it's important to you. I just got out of a 1.5 year relationship (I ended things) and the whole time I was free to sleep with other girls on my own. Up front, before we even had sex, I just made it clear that's what I wanted and it wouldn't change.

Even now, after we've broken up, she wants us to be FWB. I was actually apprehensive about it, since I've built up feelings from dating her for so long, but she wanted to be fwb so bad I decided I could try it, and it's been pretty dang awesome. And she doesn't create drama either.

I say this to show you what is possible if a girl is really into you. And to show you that you don't have to accept a monogamous relationship if you don't want it. Don't get me wrong, a lot of guys PREFER monogamy, but if you don't, nobody is making you do it.

Just keep on grinding, working on yourself, etc. and you'll eventually be valuable enough that girls will be so into you they won't care. Trust me, I used to be fat and mentally ill, on all sorts of fucked up meds.

You've got this man. You're in the right place.

Cheers man! Appreciate the insights. I think you're right.
Would you mind sharing your dating profile because it must contain stuff we don’t know very well yet on the forum?

You mentioned you’re 25-30% bodyfat (thats fat) and of Indian ethnicity (which is not the most optimal one) so unless you have a model tier face, it’s obvious you know things.

Many members here are in good shape and don’t get anywhere near this much compliance from 7+ girls off the bat
kratjeuh said:
Would you mind sharing your dating profile because it must contain stuff we don’t know very well yet on the forum?

You mentioned you’re 25-30% body fat (thats fat) and of Indian ethnicity (which is not the most optimal one) so unless you have a model tier face, it’s obvious you know things.

Many members here are in good shape and don’t get anywhere near this much compliance from 7+ girls off the bat

Happy to do so. I mentioned this in the post but maybe you missed it:

I am about 40lbs lighter in my pictures (they're from when I was 29 and a lot lighter). If I had updated pictures I'm sure I wouldn't do as well. But I haven't had any issues with it. I'm sure women are a bit surprised but I think I do pretty well on the dates and showing my personality.
Indian Loser said:
kratjeuh said:
Would you mind sharing your dating profile because it must contain stuff we don’t know very well yet on the forum?

You mentioned you’re 25-30% body fat (thats fat) and of Indian ethnicity (which is not the most optimal one) so unless you have a model tier face, it’s obvious you know things.

Many members here are in good shape and don’t get anywhere near this much compliance from 7+ girls off the bat

Happy to do so. I mentioned this in the post but maybe you missed it:

I am about 40lbs lighter in my pictures (they're from when I was 29 and a lot lighter). If I had updated pictures I'm sure I wouldn't do as well. But I haven't had any issues with it. I'm sure women are a bit surprised but I think I do pretty well on the dates and showing my personality.

Missed that part, cool that you manage to deal with this issue.

I’m always interested to see working profiles, if you don’t want to share in public you can DM me
Hi guys!

Hope you're doing well! I wanted to post an update here as to where I am and what's coming next.

I moved away from my small city of 300K people in Western Canada about a week ago. I ended up banging one other girl, which brings my total count to 48. 2 away from the goal of 50!

I'll be flying to Lima, Peru, on this upcoming Friday. That leg of my trip will last about two months before I return to Canada.

In Early May, I'll be moving to Montreal, Canada. The population is 1.8 million. This should give me a pretty big play ground to game. I'll be focusing primarily on online and night game which I'm nervous/excited for.

Goals for Peru

Lead Generation:
1. 10 cold day game approaches/day
2. Online Game

Other Goals:
1. One hour of training per day - I'll start a fitness log here to share my progress.
2. Work - Don't get fired. I've learned everything I want to at my current job. I'm literally staying in this position so I can finance the above goals. So, the goal is literally to do enough not to get fired.