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Indo Kiwi's overcoming himself log


Dec 11, 2023
About me:
- 33 years old
- Born in India, grew up in NZ, living in Aus
- Senior Software Engineer

Dating history:
- 1st GF at 16, cheated on me when I was 18
- 2nd GF at 23, on and off toxic relationship for 2 years
- Consumed RSD/Redpill from the ages of 23-28 and took no action. Got laid once a year off Tinder due to luck.
- Took a CA bootcamp when I was 28. Got my first month casual relationship from approaching a chick at a bar.
- Covid happened so I joined some online PUA communities. Invested in photoshoots and spent 6 months learning text game. Got my first lay inviting a girl straight over to my place. Had another 25 or so lays since then from the apps. A lot of these girls I didn't find all that attractive.
- The last few years I've been going on dates with extremely attractive girls but I haven't been able to sleep with any of them. I go on a lot of 1st dates but barely any 2nd dates. I ask them on 2nd dates but I get told there's no connection even with girls I've kissed on the first date. Currently trying to figure this out.

Sticking points:
- Mental health issues (anxiety, depression, CPTSD, ADHD)
- Limiting beliefs around sex/dating/women
- Toxic shame and self-sabotage
- Harsh inner critic
- Chronic masturbation

Goals for the next 6 weeks:
- Meet women and have more fun sexual experiences
- Regulate my emotions
- Get a remote job