iPhone Necessary? Apple-ist dating market?


Apr 30, 2022
I've seen several YouTube videos where people have basically stated that women, at least in the US dating market, are going to judge you by your phone.

Apple is for the cool kids. Not really, but perception is reality and the hot girls are Apple girls. Which means they think iPhone's are cool, and everything else is less than cool.

It's been said that it's all about the blue bubbles, which appear when you're sending from an iPhone. Basically, it's letting you know you're in her tribe.

I'm not one of the cool kids but I'm willing to incur the cost of doing business.

Since you didn't ask, although I know you're dying to, I'm currently using a five year old Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and it's served me well. No shame, but I'm willing to play the iPhone game. Sacrifice something small to get something greater... possibly.

Here's the clip of Fresh and Fit talking about why the iPhone is an essential:

There's also the mirror selfie shot, and showing off that you're a member of the her tribe as she sees that, yes, the selfie was captured on her brand of choice. She now knows that if she DM's you, you'll respond back with the appropriate blue bubbled message, and are less likely to live in your mom's basement.

Experienced guys, what do you think?
Not from the US, but I think an iPhone is just a small part of the equation. Better thing to do is just get in shape, talk to girls, & approach. My 2 cents.
It's true, and becomes more true the more status-obsessed women you go after. Refusing to use an iPhone has probably cost me a few marginal lays throughout my career.

As long as you don't care about the technology, the cost doesn't have to be high. Just get a used older model.
pancakemouse said:
It's true, and becomes more true the more status-obsessed women you go after. Refusing to use an iPhone has probably cost me a few marginal lays throughout my career.

As long as you don't care about the technology, the cost doesn't have to be high. Just get a used older model.

Thanks for the heads up.

iPhone 13 on the way.

I promised myself I wouldn't fuck around this time. I have to go all in.

I don't mind dropping the extra cash on the latest model. I just do the math and look at cost per use/day. Over time, just not an issue (for me).

Another cost of doing business.
I can believe that it matters. I can't remember the last girl I went out with that had Android
Same situation a couple months ago. Used to get comments about it all the time, and importantly for where Im at, no one would put me in ANY group chat because iphones lost their shit if there's a single android phone in the chat. Comments were usually in a "haha-I'm joking-Im-not-actually-annoyed-about-it-because-I-don't-want-you-to-think-I'm-petty-but-actually-judge-you-really-hard" sort of tone. Very specific and same, probably cost me a little bit. It's absolutely NOT going to completely torpedo your chances 99.99% of the time, and hell two of the girls I've slept with in the last couple months had android, may push someone on the edge over to a no.

I ended up making the switch to iphone when I dropped my phone in the toilet in december, tried getting it repaired but had more problems come up, and was going to have to buy a new phone anyway. Got an iphone x and have been mildly annoyed at it ever since. It's just worse at everything (especially anything multitasking related). It's not horrendous, it's just a little bit worse in every possible way. Even after months to adjust, my phone is now something I'm mildly annoyed at every time I have to do something new, rather than being pleasantly surprised most of the time.

Also the app store is shit, you know how 90% of the time there's an app that does what you want, for free, and not covered in ads? Yeah forget that, there's ads everywhere or bugging you to upgrade to the "premium" version of the fucking stopwatch or whatever.

Anyway, rant over.
Having gone through exactly the process you just described, yes I would recommend switching, girls DO judge you on it even though it's stupid as fuck. If money's tight go used. I'm expecting to stay a couple generations behind and just get a new, used one every year or two to stay ahead of their BS obsolescence crap.

Do not buy from somewhere like Best Buy, no better result, more expensive, and the only reason that MIGHT have made it worth it, returns and service, are a joke. Literally to open the box AT THE REGISTER to make sure the thing turns on (or more so, check the battery health!) and return it, they would charge you a $100 off the return price for no fucking reason.

Also why are you making everything you type green?
lmao i'll do a lot of things to improve my chances but buying an iphone is not one of them
those girls are trash and can piss off
also fresh and fit is garbage
It's fine if you don't wanna get an iPhone because you very strongly prefer Android for X Y Z reasons, or you have ideological inhibitions about contributing to Apple getting a monopoly through network effects, or whatever

It's cope if you don't want to get an iPhone because you "don't want to change your behaviour for girls", when we consider the costs in time and money of all the other shit you're doing for girls:

- going to the gym
- having fashionable clothes, shoes, piercings, tattoos, grooming
- taking professional photos
- living in a city with hot girls
- having a place close to the hot girls
- venue covers, transport back and forth
- consuming and practicing game materials
- having a high status job, hobbies, and experiences
- actually approaching and talking to girls, which takes a fuckton of time that could've been spent otherwise

Ok, yeah, you'd still be doing some of the stuff on that list if all girls disappeared tomorrow, because of the side benefits.
...just like some military research would still happen if all military threats disappeared, because of the side benefits (to civilian society).

You'd still overall be spending much less time and money on all that stuff. The cost of an iPhone is tiny in comparison, if there's really even any cost - for most people it's a sidegrade, personally I'm much happier after switching from Android, and I'm very technologically competent.

Again, totally fine if it's too hard to switch, or you're ideologically against it, or the benefits don't outweigh the costs somehow. But otherwise there's nothing special about this particular way to use time and money to improve your dating outcomes and I don't see why there's so much of a fuss about it.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Also why are you making everything you type green?

Carried over from an old forum. The moderator-creator had it set up like that. Easy on the eyes for old school computer programmers. Apparently the black and green is easiest in a dark room for extended periods of time.

It also has that "operational security, top secret, covert, yadda yadda yadda" from movies where if you saw anything in night vision, you knew heroes were on the move.

In other words, I think it looks kind of cool and I'm using it as my trademark color here on the forums.

Olafsmash said:
also fresh and fit is garbage

I hear you loud and clear.

I was going through a phase where I was getting cynical and blackpilling around YouTube and came across them. I watched them for awhile, then left.

I'm with them on some things, think they're fake as hell on some other things (a whole other topic that would take things out of the KYIL territory and would get into PUA bashing). A good idea is a good idea, and I think they're right on the blue bubbles. For what it's worth, I wish they were wrong, as I'm fine having a phone that's at least five years old and works well enough.