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Jävlar i Min Själ ITS FINALLY DONE


Aug 30, 2021
Avoid mental breakdowns
It's not over until I win
Just wanted to show off my project that im finally finished with. I finished my cabin in the woods. Feelin very accomplished now and cant wait to move
the hell away from here and start my journey to get laid. Monday im moving. Been living in the bush for 2 years now. Big thanks to my dad who helped and showed me how to do stuff.
Fell a bunch a trees and sawed all the lumber for the framework/panel. Total building cost is around 10k.
Start to finish
Kitchen built fram scratch, cost me 100 bucks for the countertops only.
Framework for the bathroom is done and sealed, i'll do that later. Fuck yes!
And lastly the view from the door!
Holy shit man, this is amazing. How long have you been working on this?
The end result looks incredible. You have every reason to be proud of this and thank you for sharing!
notAndy said:
Holy shit man, this is amazing. How long have you been working on this?
The end result looks incredible. You have every reason to be proud of this and thank you for sharing!
thank you! yes im increadily pleased with how it turned it, super comfy.
well on and off for two years, but i was never consistent with it because of deppresion. sometimes i'd motivated to work and do crazy amounts in a short time. for example the last two outdoor pics are only 3.5 weeks apart.
MakingAComeback said:

thank you mac i told you my log would be coming on the 27th but this is reason its not here yet, i got delayed in my moving. TUESDAY
Nice job man. This is actually one of my life goals, to life in a cabin in nature with my girlfriend for a while.