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Journaling my OLD experiences (Big Brach Edition)

ovnidos said:
Me neither lmao can't run 20 minutes, all for the aesthetics
Gotta pump your heart hard so you can pump the girl hard.

So, money came in today and I've made some purchases on Etsy (a pendant) and Twistedpendant (two rings). Problem is, with the rona, delays are to be expected, so I'm going to have to wait a week or two till they get here, so photos would either have to be delayed or done again with the accesories.

Outside of that, been hitting the gym with my pre lockdown list of exercises. Couldn't recover in time for yesterday after my Leg day last Sunday, which is an issue that has happened pre lockdown. So, in order to avoid injury of muscles and/or tendons, I'm going to reduce all 4 sets exercises to 3 sets for the coming weeks to see if I can both recover in time and get through past strength plateaus. Got some good deadlifts in (170 kg for 2x9), but the third set both went only to 7 reps and felt limited due unrecovered legs.

And, breaking new ground in the thread, got a call back from a recruiter regarding a job application interview I had last week. Unfortunately, it was a bust, due my experience making me a junior and them not having enough manpower to have a senior help me learn the ropes, partly due other juniors already being there and needing that. It sucks to suck, but it is what it is. I do have another (online) interview next week, so we'll see if that leads somewhere.

Back to the grind.
Back again.

Accessories are still not here, the necklace is to be expected anywhere from 28 January to 14 February and the rings are already in the Netherlands...at customs. Here's hoping for that they arrive next week so I can finally get some new photos taken. We'll see.

Outside of that, had a meeting per video call yesterday regarding a potential job. The conversation itself went pretty well, seeing as I have another one scheduled later today, this time with a Dev Lead, which will mainly involve discussing my skillset. Assuming that goes well, the next thing to do would be a technical test, then a job. Can't make plans on a maybe, though, so nothing to do but give it my best shot.

Gym going has been pretty consistent, Monday was Chest, yesterday Back and today the everloved Leg day. Something that has been bothering me, though, is my grip slipping on Back days, especially near the end of a set. For reference, the sets were:

- Lever Machine Lat Pulldown (3 x 12 with 110kg)
- Lever Machine Seated Row (3 x 11 with 105kg)
- Lever Machine Underhand Front Pulldown (3 x 11 with 80kg)
- Barbell Row (2 x 11 + 1 x 10 with 80kg)
- EZ Bar Skull Crushers (3 x 10 with 30kg + bar, not sure what it weighs)

Am I a bitch or do I need to look into forearm training/more rest between sets/grip straps?

Aight, back to work.
And just when you think I called it quits, here am I again. Mainly because of these. Unfortunately, I didn't get my accessories before the shoot, because hell is real and it's actually called customs (They're still there as of typing, lmao).

Any fashion advice for future shoots down the line? What are the best pics? Did I waste my money?

Tear me a new one and I can restart my Tinder (with Gold) with whatever remains.

Outside of that, job applications were going more or less. Getting responses, but nothing concrete. Until earlier this week, when a process that was on hold started moving again on their end. In short, I have a test assignment due for Tuesday, which, if done properly, will likely net me a job after all this time, finally. I'm planning on laying some groundwork tonight after this little update post and diving into some API documentation tied to said assignment.

Might also need to move, so I've been looking into sites regarding rooms, appartments and the like. Same as the first senctence of the paragraph above, but I still got some time, and it's not like stressing myself out over it is going to make a living space become available any faster.

Aight, that's it. Back to the grind.
Unreal upgrade with these photos. Night and day. The results will follow.

I would go with 3-4 photos. The studio shots are best, but you really only want one, maybe two of them, or else it gets repetitive. Then throw in your full body suit photo (cropped to make you look as tall as possible) and your denim jacket photo.
Yo man, you look so much better in the new photos.
Thanks for the compliments, was half expecting a repeat of the last assessment.

Currently have pictures 3, 5, 9 and 10, from left to right, top to bottom. I'll describe them seeing as I can't upload them here (even just one is too large):

- 3 is me looking away in a black top.
- 5 is me in a white top only slightly pushing up my biceps.
- 9 and 10 are the outdoors pictures.

Are there better choices for the indoor studio pictures? Specific ordering?
Well, I'm here after a week of Tinder Gold and the use of the boost on Saturday and updating other dating apps. The results?

A good 20 odd likes on Tinder the next morning (after thinking the boost was a scam with nothing changing in terms of like count the moment it ended).

Of these:
- A lot of them are much farther out than I put as a filter
- A few odd ones were just bot accounts shilling camsites
- A good chunk of girls that allegedly are planning to travel to the Netherlands
- The odd few "holy shit, she's hot" girls that also are verified

This translated to:
- about a third that I matched with actually responded (not the girls in the latter category above, unfortunately)
- 3 were open to giving me their number
- 2 of those were looking for boyfriend/platonic relationships
- The one open to meeting me is allegedly going to be in the Netherlands in a month (Press X to doubt)

Now, I'm currently too broke to afford more boosts aside from the freebie Gold gives you. And the dropoff in likes is VERY noticable, with maybe a like or two on Monday and nothing in the last few days. Pay to win in-fucking-deed.

Bumble has been moderately succesful, with about 8 likes, of these I only matched with 4, of which one never did anything. 1 dropped off the conversation, 1 is currently up in the air as to where it will go and 1...actually led to a date. Just now actually.

Unfortunately, no lay. When I offered to hang out at my place after the cafe we were at closed, she declined, saying she had something to attend to early next morning (a babysitting job, I was told). I am a bit on the fence as to it being true or not, but not much else I can do. Did seem open to another date, and she did mention specific days for the job, so perhaps with that I mind I can get better logistics with the follow up.

Also important to mention is that I've been following Andy's guide, in particular the messaging girls part (part 3, I think), to a autistic degree. It cuts on time twiddling my fingers and just copy pasta the message, although it does force me to use a braincell or two when I need to translate to Dutch. Hopefully the polarizing bit carries over to potential dates.

Speaking of, couldn't do too much on that front on the date itself. Did manage to hold her hand to ask about a bandage on her finger and hug her at the end of it (alongside the most awkward peck on the cheek you've ever done seen), but didn't want to sit next to me when I offered at the cafe. So all around...okay for my first date from OLD, I guess? Perhaps being more aggresive with physical contact would help, but, again, not entirely sure if the decline on my invitation was purely logistical or not.

Also set up Badoo earlier this week, but holy shit dude, the amount of girls that have nothing but selfies of their face under a metric ton of makeup and filters is frankly absurd. Face only profiles usually scream "I'm fat and extremely self conscious of it", so that's just a no from me. Maybe my ego's gotten a bit bigger with the results from the past week.

Might end up resetting my Hinge, if only because I haven't touched that shit in years (wow, my old photos were so baaaaaad), but also because you can't remove photos, only replace them. Didn't get anything from this, but also didn't really swipe on it or buy the premium options (broke af, boi).

By all accounts, I should be happy that I managed to get a date within a week of resetting my OLD accounts (ironically coming from the app I didn't pay for, lol), but somehow there's still a twinge of feeling like a failure. Maybe I'm a bit too focused on only counting a lay as a "success" instead recognizing the improvements I've made so far. Or maybe my backed up urges are yelling too loudly at me, who knows.

Oh, and my rings came in today just before the date, by some divine miracle. Got a plain silver ring and a silver dragon ring, of which I wore just the plain one to the date (because I was too much of a self conscious bitch to be cool and wear the dragon one as well). Maybe if I wore it, she would've swooned immediately, come over and I would feel less of the aforementioned twinge (probably not).

That was my weekly update, expect less exciting news next week because no more boosts.