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Just been banned unsure why?


Apr 10, 2022
So apparently Tinder has banned me, unsure as to why?
Literally bought 10 boosts and used one, only thing I've had anything from is the opening line from Andy?
Has this happened to anyone else?
I got banned for using a controversial word in my bio. Tinder will auto ban profiles if they generate enough reports, regardless of their validity.
It's just bizarre given that I'm following the guide Andy posted. I don't understand so I've been trying to find out why so far no luck. I will post if I find out.
Vice said:
I got banned for using a controversial word in my bio. Tinder will auto ban profiles if they generate enough reports, regardless of their validity.

As an aside, this is why you never argue with women who treat you like shit on Tinder. There's a real danger they're just going to report you and Tinder won't give a fuck about justice or fairness or who started being mean. Just unmatch and move on. I have to be careful to follow my own advice here, because my ego loves having the last word and having a "witty" comeback to girl's bullshit.


OP, it's very possible a girl or 3 were offended by the word "sexy" and reported you. That's really all I can think of. Personally I don't use Andy's opener, but I have experimented with it, and I did get some very negative reactions with it. It's screening hard for a reason.

Without know more about you/your profile, I'll just assume that an opener like "you're sexy" isn't congruent with the way your pictures portray yourself.
I have never been banned from Tinder and have used 'Hey you're sexy' for years

Holdens point about congruence may well be true
Holden said:
As an aside, this is why you never argue with women who treat you like shit on Tinder. There's a real danger they're just going to report you and Tinder won't give a fuck about justice or fairness or who started being mean. Just unmatch and move on. I have to be careful to follow my own advice here, because my ego loves having the last word and having a "witty" comeback to girl's bullshit.

I don’t even argue with women any longer. I just unmatch them. Then again, I’ve set myself up in a way that it’s difficult to get in an argument with me unless the woman is extremely critical and negative, which I wouldn’t want anyway. Im already enough like that myself, and am drawn more to positivity since I’m actively trying to be that way.

There’s a book called Reality Transurfing that allowed me to understand that engaging in an argument is feeding negative energy to something called a “pendulum”, and the best course of action is to not even engage the pendulum so there’s no negative energy to feed it. It sounds woo-woo, but it’s worked and significantly reduced my stress.

Plus arguing is inherently low-value. Im not interested in debating some random chick. I’d rather be getting laid than winning debates. The women can experience the consequences of their philosophy later on down the line when the universe is ready to show them.
Wait so how do you even know if you have been banned from Tinder, do you just stop getting matches?
Thanks all, basically I've got nowhere on this so that sucks.

Holden Vice I completely get your points about arguments, I avoid them as best I can in real life left alone online. Just less stress that way. I try not to give any shit online as it just comes back to haunt you someway somehow, and been like this for years.
I see your point also about the profile congruence. Honestly though just using Andy's opener of Hey, name, you're sexy whatcha up to? shouldn't have caused any offense.

Pluto Just so you know what happened. I was getting practically no matches for a few days, might have been one or two here and there but nothing more. One of my recent hookups went on hers and said, by the way, you've disappeared from my Tinder, resent her a message and I popped back up. I thought why not use a boost, left it, thought nothing more, went to bed. Woke up next morning to find I couldn't go on as it said Your account is banned screen.
jonyrids said:
Thanks all, basically I've got nowhere on this so that sucks.

@Holden @Vice I completely get your points about arguments, I avoid them as best I can in real life left alone online. Just less stress that way. I try not to give any shit online as it just comes back to haunt you someway somehow, and been like this for years.
I see your point also about the profile congruence. Honestly though just using Andy's opener of Hey, name, you're sexy whatcha up to? shouldn't have caused any offense.

@Pluto Just so you know what happened. I was getting practically no matches for a few days, might have been one or two here and there but nothing more. One of my recent hookups went on hers and said, by the way, you've disappeared from my Tinder, resent her a message and I popped back up. I thought why not use a boost, left it, thought nothing more, went to bed. Woke up next morning to find I couldn't go on as it said Your account is banned screen.

Well fuck man.
I was getting practically no matches for a few days, might have been one or two here and there but nothing more... Woke up next morning to find I couldn't go on as it said Your account is banned screen.

Same experience here, also used the same opener from the article. Could be Tinder just doesn't like us men who don't spam "hey" or "hi" or "how's it going"