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Just got my DSLR. Which photos should I include?

Sep 16, 2020
Monetary Freedom
Life is meant to be lived, not just survived
Went shooting with a friend.

Got a hundred photos of each of us or so.

I picked the best 20. Which should I use in my profile? Keep in mind I'm adept with photoshop, so for instance if a photo is great but underexposed, I can fix that.

(Just say the numbers of the photos - right next to the Imgur logo underneath the photo.)
(Also protip: move your mouse to the left/right side of the embedded photo viewer. An arrow pops up so you can stay in the forum while you navigate through the album.)

Most are cool. I would choose one that is:
1. The sharpest
2. The brightest
3. Where you fill the frame the most, after croping to tinder ratio.
SIGMA_1234 said:
I like 4. Do you have abs already?

The sides of my abs are clear, the center is hiding behind a thin layer of fat. Shy...

When I work out hard you can see the faint outline. Give it a month or two and I'll be there.
#4 and #13 are great but need diversity can’t have bunch of photos that look like you took them all in 1 day

Also, who is taking these photos?
Defguy said:
#4 and #13 are great but need diversity can’t have bunch of photos that look like you took them all in 1 day

Also, who is taking these photos?

My friend. I got a tripod and remote shutter thingy though so more are coming.
Did you test these photos on photofeeler? It can be helpful - just get 5-10 votes for each and see which gets the most love.
Thebastard said:
Did you test these photos on photofeeler? It can be helpful - just get 5-10 votes for each and see which gets the most love.

One step ahead o' ya ;)
View attachment 1

I wonder how applicable this is to Tinder... The mindset of a girl rating on Photofeeler might not be the mindset of a girl swiping on Tinder. Anything not a neutral expression or a smile gets docked points severely and shirtless photos also seem to be docked.

Could be my photography skills too - more testing is needed.
I agree photofeeler isn't perfect for tinder - after all you're getting the rating for one stand-alone photo whereas a silly pic on Tinder isn't going to be your first pic.

But I don't doubt that the higher rated your photos get, the better they'll do on Tinder. The shirtless thing is somewhat fake news - if you use IG models, they still get 9s shirtless. Dude on GLL proved me wrong on that point and I confirmed it a while back.

For silly photos, I'd think the "Social" category on photofeeler would be more apt.
Can confirm, I got a 9,3 attractive score on photofeeler with a shirtless pic. I guess photofeeler is probably good for evaluating your main pics where we see you clearly. Scores are less relevant on photos you'd use as secondary photos (hobby pics or full-body pics from a distance or whatever pics that give info about you without explicitly making it clear you're physically attractive as a standalone pic).
Makes sense. In context it'll make a different impression. Plus my shirtless photo was over edited and I don't have abs yet.