JV12's Log


Mar 11, 2021
In this log I will be posting my progress on the main goals where I need to work (in a focused way). Any comments and feedback (positive or negative) is welcome.
  • 21 years old
  • from Spain
  • 5 months to complete Aerospace Engineering degree
  • started dating and getting laid a couple of weeks ago (going well)
  1. Get laid as much as possible
  2. Develop sense of entitlement and be able to get pussy so I don't have to worry anymore about being able to get a girlfriend/whatever in the future
  3. Continue improving my physique in the gym (nothing to change, just keep going to the gym, having fun and improving)
  4. Take dieting more seriously (actively working on it right now, going good)
  5. Grow 1-1.5 inches (following GLL newbie routine for PE, easy, fun and rewarding stuff)
  6. Stay away from p*rn (currently on day 38 of no PMO) - focusing on the other goals helps a lot
  7. Figure out what I want to do in life and do whatever it takes to get there
As you can see I have a lot of goals, but some of them don't require that much willpower and/or time so I don't think I have to worry about that. For instance, the 2 first goals go hand in hand and for achieving them I just need to keep doing what I doing (using Tinder, going on dates and improving my looks through goals 3 and 4). On the other hand, I really enjoy going to the gym so it's not something that requires a lot of effort.
The main thing that's worrying me right now is figuring out what I want to do with my life because I have realised that I may not enjoy working as an Aerospace Engineer and that maybe working as a web developer (remotely) could be a better choice.
While I figure it out I'm going to learn the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript so, in case that I decide to become a web developer, I have some knowledge.
Figuring what you want ro do in life will take you 60 to 180 days of full 100% no-disttactions commitment.

Source: I was a career counselor.

Get this book:

Get up to week 6. It will be a major shift in your life if you do.

There are lots of books to hell you do that. But this book is written by a lady who really figured out: how to figure it out.


I know you want all your goals to be accomplished but focus on one complete it and move to the next. I know nobody, absolutely nobody who can do two major projects at the same time.



I'm not suggesting you pick the Figure out What you want to do Goql above getting laid or anything else. Prioritize whatever feels more important right now. But realize you probably will have to have things on the backburner.
Manganiello said:
Get this book:
I'm going to start reading it right now, thank you!
Manganiello said:
I know you want all your goals to be accomplished but focus on one complete it and move to the next
I understand that, but I don't think any of them takes time from the rest. For instance, going to the gym takes around 2 hours of my day, 4 to 5 times per week and besides from that I don't have to worry about it anymore. Right now going on dates takes between 2 to 4 hours on the days when I have dates (2 or 3 per week) and around 30 minutes per day using Tinder and answering messages from girls.
Apart from that, when I focus on one specific goal I tend to procrastinate more because I get bored of doing all the time the same and changing tasks, even though is hard, is always more fun for me.
Still, I will try to focus more on the figuring out what I want to do and see how that goes.
Thank you for your comments Manganiello!