Kill Loser Chris with a social life - My Log

Nov 2, 2022
So this is my log for me to keep track of my social life and to eventually build great relationships.
I'll keep this short and sweet:
Moved to a new city two months ago. I have no friends here and I've always been a loner so it's hard for me to make friends. I'm also socially awkward. I've always been jealous of the guys that are so well versed in social settings and can hold a crowds attention and make then laugh. I WANT TO BE THAT. Well it's time to change then. Let's go!

I'm going to turn a total 360 and be the life of the party!!! I'll use this log to see how my social interactions go, what I did right, and what I can improve on.

My long term goals:
- Be able to hold a crowds attention while I tell a story
- Have 5 great ambitious close friends
- Host one or more parties a year

Short term goals:
- To find and go to at least 2 events a week
- Meet one new person at those events.
- Record a video of myself everyday and study it to see what I need to work on.
- Read material once a day on social interaction and/or charisma

Today is day one! I'll report back tomorrow!
Yesterday was my first day focusing on being more social making friends. Yesterday's social event was going to a small group at my church. I feel pretty comfortable going to these because I grew up in church and a lot of guys are shy and socially awkward. I think it went well, one of the guys was very talkative and made it easy to talk. Two things I need to work on is slowing down my speech and stuttering. Also, I'd like to get funnier? So I'll look at some tips to be funny. I know timing is a big one. Overall a good event. Today I plan to either go to my usual running group or go to a young adults social event on MeetUp. Recording myself is getting easier, I notice me not using expressions on my face so I'll start trying to work on that.

Goals hit:
-Going to a social event
-Meeting someone new
-Recorded myself

Next Goal:
-Practice telling a story to someone I meet
-Going to a social event
-Meeting someone new
-Record myself
Day 2:
Yesterday didn't happen because of certain reasons. Today I'm going to ask if any of the guys from the small group from Wednesday want to hangout. It was only two of them so we'll see what they say. I can probably find something to do. If I can't find anything, there's a jazz club I've been wanting to go to. I can just check it out. If I do go, I'm going to talk to at least one person. Just saying hello at least. I'll report back tomorrow.
Day 5:
I had three opportunities to practice being social and I made excuses to not go to them this weekend... I failed those times but I succeeded in one. That one going to my church and just talking to a couple of people. Those other ones I was just stuck in my head. I faked myself out and those are the times I need to go the most. I'm going to refocus and go to 3 social events this week. Tomorrow night I'm going to go to this 20s-30s age group meetup I found on the app meetup. Wednesday, going to my church small group for men. I'll find one more event to go to. I need to slow my speech down and remove filler words. These are my biggest problems.

Goals this week:
-Focus on slowing down by talking to people I already talk with.( close family and friends).
-Go to 3 social events.
-Record myself and practice expressions and speech.