Korkki's log - From burnout to dream life


Jun 17, 2022

I'm Korkki, a 30yo guy from Finland. I was in Andy's 1-on-1 coaching during summer 2022. I've thought for a while about posting a log here as well, but other things have been prio'd over this.

Short history
  • Started self-improvement journey in 2016
  • Lost >50kg (>110lb) from my heaviest of 120kg
  • Tackled gaming addiction, alcohol consumption and hatred toward own work over the years
  • Burned out in software engineering field
  • Put Andy's Tinder guide and Radical's style guide into good use and got laid couple times in spring 2022 before the coaching

Quick recap what I did during the 3 months of coaching
  • Worked my Tinder to a good state where I was consistently finding girls to try out BDSM stuff (particularly shibari)
  • Had a threesome
  • Realized I didn't enjoy software engineering that much and started wondering could I do something else for money instead
  • Personal biggest win was learning to process negative feelings and limiting beliefs with Byron Katie's 4 questions. The peace I get after doing those any time is priceless

So that was roughly three months ago, what have I done since?
  • I've had a steady rotation of girls that I've been seeing for longer time. Doing experiments and building experiences together is a lot more fun the more you do it with someone. Even if you're all casual and stuff.
  • Dived into local kinky scene by participating in a shibari peer learning sessions, going to kinky munches, visiting sex exhibition, and going to see Hajime Kinoko's shibari show at a local BDSM club.
  • Caught feelings for one FWB, and talked it openly through without any internal struggle. A huge personal win because openness and vulnerability is something I've struggled with in the past.
  • I've been open about my shibari practice to my friends, which has gotten me labelled as "the rope guy" not just with the girls I'm seeing. I've now given tips how to get started to two friends separately, discussed this in another friend group, and I've been helping my FWB from last summer finding a rigger from Tinder after moving to another city.
  • Found a sustainable pace with doing focus intensive productive stuff and doing focus intensive learning for hobbies like shibari and photography. 4h workdays are a personal cheat code that allow me to get 80% of day's work done while keeping a good balance without feeling like I'm burning out again. This balance leaves me energy to also practice my interests with the intent of challenging myself every day.
  • Realized that walking is mandatory to unwind after doing productive stuff. Given that the winter is here, it's gonna be interesting times to walk through snow and wind in below freezing temperatures. But, it's worth it and I like it to an extent.
  • Sold my first photography gig!

What are my main goals for the near future?
  1. Keep the mindset of "Be at peace with Reality, optimize for fun and be honestly open". Things move just so much easier when this is my mindset for my actions.
  2. Build my business to support myself. What it strictly will be, I'm not really sure. At this time, dating photography is a good start to focus on but I'm open for curve balls.

Elite body and girls move forward with just habits at this point. Thus while I got goals for those (bulk to ~80kg / squat 180kg / DL 200kg / bench 120kg, and find candidates for serious long term relationship), they aren't the focus at this point. Tho they do jump out as highlights often when something interesting happens.
To start off, copypasting my previous week's log I wrote on Sunday. Most days are fairly boring and I do things out of habit, so writing weekly and highlighting if something a bit more interesting happened.

FWB asked did I have a day free. Well not really but I was gonna practice photography, so we combined it into a boudoir photoshoot (among other things). It was fun as hell although I felt like I was just fumbling around with my instructions.

Independence day in FI, so had a small party with friends 🇫🇮

Okay, random things I didn't realise I'd have trippy times with after learning about photography. I notice differences in colors of light way too often now. Weird when randomly you notice that some outside lamps have this green tint. At the same time it's fascinating to notice how areas in the shade are actually bluish and areas under streetlights or sunlight are orangish.

Went to a munch again and this time found less nerdy people to talk to. It feels so liberating just talking with new acquaintances about kinks, dating, and differences of swingers, kinky people and fetishist circles like they are the most normal conversation topics in the world. Feels a bit weird saying this, but I felt completely at home in that crowd. Tho gotta say, a lot of people in those circles don't seem to maximize their looks (men nor women), so probably not the most interesting place to get girls from.

Week 49 summary
- +2 blog posts
- Holidays and hanging out with friends (with and without benefits)
At times I have times where I doubt is my shibari picture too much in Tinder, because the matches dry up. Then always soon after I get my mind blown away with even hotter girls that message me first referencing that very picture. I just had an actual beauty pageant winner sleep over tied up, without a date prior. Because of that picture. Holy fuck.

Andy did mention that shibari can be a really effective unique selling point, but I really didn't expect this. Wtf is happening with my life?! 😂

Got a random idea to participate to a powerlifting competition. Result 140kg squat, 97.5kg bench, 152.5kg DL at 71.9kg bodyweight. Not even close to my personal bests but I'm 34kg lighter compared to then so definitely relatively stronger.

The event was surprisingly fun, even if I'm not that into competing.

Week 50 summary
- Fighting against the fear of posting to KYIL forums. Posted my log and commented on one thread, but still feeling huge resistance against it (which is lessening but still there)
- Lifting competition to see what it's like and because quite many from the small gym I frequent participated
- Banged the hottest girl I've been with, all thanks to the shibari picture
Korkki said:
but I'm 34kg lighter compared to then

Dude, there is a reason why powerlifters look like whales :D
I would never go near my 1RM with my actual BW, if you want to push mass, you need mass
Korkki said:
At times I have times where I doubt is my shibari picture too much in Tinder, because the matches dry up. Then always soon after I get my mind blown away with even hotter girls that message me first referencing that very picture. I just had an actual beauty pageant winner sleep over tied up, without a date prior. Because of that picture. Holy fuck.

Andy did mention that shibari can be a really effective unique selling point, but I really didn't expect this. Wtf is happening with my life?!

I have a picture with a pair of cuffs and put things about kink in my bio. I also recently put "erotic photographer" in there as well. Hoping to do some badass shots like Andy has in his profile this year. Probably keeps me from some matches, but the ones I do often get right to the point. Or they open me about some kinky thing.

In the kink community rope guys are like the cool kids because of the skill it takes, so does not surprise me it works well for you.

Korkki said:
Went to a munch again and this time found less nerdy people to talk to. It feels so liberating just talking with new acquaintances about kinks, dating, and differences of swingers, kinky people and fetishist circles like they are the most normal conversation topics in the world. Feels a bit weird saying this, but I felt completely at home in that crowd. Tho gotta say, a lot of people in those circles don't seem to maximize their looks (men nor women), so probably not the most interesting place to get girls from.

I'd be really interested in comparing notes on how you've been starting to navigate the kink community. I've been going to a club that throws a massive event once a month. I volunteer there a couple hours in order to get to know the leaders and top people in the community. This definitely helps because I'm pretty much pre vetted by association, making girls more comfortable with meeting me. Approached a girl last event and have a date with her later this week which I feel should go well since we already talked about sex at the club.

Been to one educational event and one munch so far but looking to go to more. Totally get what you're saying about feeling comfortable in that crowd. I've found almost everyone I've talked to be very nice and welcoming, and I too often feel at home with the misfits. I've also noticed that people are either poor looking or extremely good looking with little in between. Makes for less competition if you actually give a damn about your looks.

Anyways, glad to see you here. Enjoyed your interview on Andy's YT.
Long post warning!

- My energy levels dipped and I used that time to meditate and reflect
- Realized how some behaviour and thought patterns are interconnected to childhood emotional neglect, and how those patterns cause physiological reactions
- Found ways to confront the painful memories that trigger my coping mechanisms, soothe my body, and integrate the memories to the present so they don't cause pain anymore
- Definitely one of the hardest steps in my self-development journey thus far. But this seems to be a step forward in my journey with fluctuating energy levels

It's been a long and extremely tough month. Confronting memories that trigger fight / flight / freeze reaction is probably the most difficult step thus far in my self-development journey. In short, burnout feelings came back with a revenge and got me back to zero energy. Tho there is a bright side to all of it.

So, I was essentially completely out and barely managed to get groceries done since mid December to first week of January. I did get out and play a survivor for Christmas with family and New Year's with friends, but other than that I was completely drained. This isn't anything new really, so at least I was at peace that it does happen. No internal conflict berating me for not getting shit done. Rather, just spending more time observing the feelings instead.


Observing the situations did end up raising couple realizations. After noticing that a Dr K. video and shit ton of TikTok videos on attachment theory were waaaaaay too relatable, I started reflecting how I was experiencing the current situation. Specifically how I have build really high protective walls with my parents, but during the last autumn I've managed to lower my guard with my friends. That drastic difference made me realize how far I've gotten by pushing myself to be open and honest with friends when it comes to e.g. dating casually and participating to kinky events like shibari shows and practice sessions.

At the same time, I was getting extremely annoyed with a pendulum of conflicting thoughts, when it came to the FWB I've caught feelings for. On one hand, I'd like to see it become something more serious, which raises anxiousness on whether she likes me enough, whether her life situation would work for it, whether my situation would work, what if she just ditches me, etm. Ofc the urge is to put more effort in the relationship and push to see whether it would become something more. On the other hand, I get a subconscious urge to bail because it is getting more intimate and too emotionally comfortable. Like, I have fear deep down that I can't trust this person anyway, so better to GTFO sooner than later. This fear can, at worst, shut me down making me unable to speak to the person. You might wonder wouldn't this be extremely confusing if at one time I act really interested to put in effort and at other time basically refuse to talk? Fuck yes it is. Noticing this pattern was the reason why I've been single for 6+ years now, because it messed up my past girlfriends quite bad.

Normally, I probably wouldn't connect these two realizations to have anything in common. But I went digging a bit deeper with the attachment theory and that made some things click. Essentially the theory suggests that children below 2yo exhibit certain behaviours based on whether they have had their emotional needs met or neglected by the mother (or the primary caregiver). These behavioural patterns then reflect to e.g. romantic relationships when you're an adult. Ofc I can't know what happened when I was 2yo, but it got me thinking that I've been scared to trust my parents since I was really young, like 8yo or younger. In addition, the description of fearful-avoidant (a.k.a. disorganized) fits me disturbingly well. I crave an intimate relationship, but the moment I achieve that I start to sabotage the relationship subconsciously by distancing myself and, at worst, freezing up by losing capability to speak to the person even if I'd want to. And what kind of infants typically exhibit the fearful-avoidant behaviours? Those whose parents act as the source of fear.

Realizing these, I decided these have done enough harm to girls especially (and these seem to somehow link to my tiredness), so now's a good time face these fears.

Going to memories that I had avoided for forever

Okay, that fits me but what can I make out of this? Recognizing an unhealthy behaviour is the first step to fixing it, so I took up a book on trauma I'd put on my reading list ages ago as well as signed up for therapy. The book ended being extremely useful* because it explained how trauma alters body functions, how a long term emotional neglect and incapability to do anything (e.g. GTFO) to it results in a trauma, and gave leads on therapy techniques how to address, process and integrate traumatic memories into your life.

*Would I recommend the book on trauma for others? No way, unless enjoy reading scientific text in layman terms and you're too curious for your own good about e.g. trauma from child sexual abuse or military deaths. The actionable advice parts were extremely light in the book, and reading the book did trigger my coping mechanisms in a public place accidentally.

With these leads on techniques, I started experimenting with them by myself. I had started with a therapist, but my own way is usually to go all-in with anything. I wasn't just gonna sit down and do nothing while waiting for the next session. So I bunched up ideas I had gathered from TikTok videos and the book into my own "trauma meditation" technique. I created a pillow and blanket fortress to my closet, where I went to meditate while listening to bilateral music with side-to-side alternating bass sounds. The book suggested that following a steady side-to-side rhythm with your eyes (the proper therapy is called EMDR) helps process traumatic memories, emotions that rise from them, and transform your body's reaction to them.

As always, I'm extremely skeptical of most of these, but I was extremely surprised when it worked way too well. I picked a memory that triggered a fight / flight / freeze reaction, which manifested as an extremely uncomfortable pressure in my chest and an urge to quit now. But I stayed in that memory, focused on my breathing, and followed the bilateral sound with my eyes. To my surprise, the pressure slowly decreased even if I was in that same triggering memory. After a (long) while, I could even start interacting with the memory.

After soothing the triggered reaction, I looked at parts of me in specific situations and questioned which parts of me tried to protect me, how, and which parts of me were they protecting (proper therapy called internal family system or IFS). Essentially what I ended up doing was relive the situation, and think what my parents in that situation should've done. And reprimand them for scaring the little me. This allowed me to go through a lot of painful situations and made me realize just how necessary these coping mechanisms were, even if they are counterproductive and dysfunctional now.

What happened after trauma meditating for couple days

I have no idea whether it was because of it, or I just coincidentally happened to regain my energy the moment I had meditated through most of the painful memories. Anyway, I'll take it. I still get painful memories pop up, but they don't cause as bad of a reaction as the first ones did. And that "trauma meditating" technique hasn't failed me once thus far. So I gotta say, for me this goes to the same category of life altering techniques as Byron Katie's 4 questions.

Similarly to the 4 questions, it feels weird just how drastic the difference is. Earlier I was tired and getting triggered physically by descriptions similar to my childhood, now I'm peacefully present even in those memories. Earlier I was a small mess with FWB with conflicting feelings both stemming from own insecurities, now I'm just a bit confused how peaceful I am with her and where did all that back'n'forth in my head vanish into. Like, this didn't happen at snap of fingers but it feels like it. At one moment I was facing an invisible monster, and the next I notice I'm in the present moment completely at peace with the reality.

Tho I didn't stop there. Most of the memories were quite messy, so I ended up writing three self-reflective articles to my blog about my coping mechanisms and where they rose up. Writing those really helped highlight to me how those fairly disconnected problems had similar origins. They all seem to start from feeling that there's no one to trust, and those that you need to trust out of necessity will betray that trust.

Either way, my energies seem to be higher again so I can do stuff that I want to do. I do realize there's a whole another can of worms that I haven't touched yet, which is attempting to lower my defensive walls with parents. I most likely need / want to do that some day, because I also realized that hanging out with them for longer periods (e.g. 3 days over Christmas) was the reason my energy was so low. Losing a month of productive time for a mandatory family Christmas isn't something I really want to see happening again.
AskTheDom said:
Korkki said:
but I'm 34kg lighter compared to then

Dude, there is a reason why powerlifters look like whales :D
I would never go near my 1RM with my actual BW, if you want to push mass, you need mass

Not all of them tho! There were brothers which definitely weren't whales, but lifted like mad men. IIRC the older one was ~90kg and his DL was 270kg. I can't remember the squat and bench, but those were mad numbers too. Either way, if I didn't see that I wouldn't believe that he lifts much and for sure was lean as fuck.

Bman said:
Korkki said:
At times I have times where I doubt is my shibari picture too much in Tinder, because the matches dry up. Then always soon after I get my mind blown away with even hotter girls that message me first referencing that very picture. I just had an actual beauty pageant winner sleep over tied up, without a date prior. Because of that picture. Holy fuck.

Andy did mention that shibari can be a really effective unique selling point, but I really didn't expect this. Wtf is happening with my life?!

Probably keeps me from some matches, but the ones I do often get right to the point. Or they open me about some kinky thing.

In the kink community rope guys are like the cool kids because of the skill it takes, so does not surprise me it works well for you.

Yeah, similar observations. I'm definitely getting a lot less matches, but those that I do match and talk with are a lot more open with it. They might be shy, because I seem to attract a lot of "I've always thought about it but never tried" girls on Tinder. But it is really fun to introduce them to the dark side, it's a lovely role.

The fun thing is, girls I meet from Tinder typically have no idea what the kinky community is. So it's not that they even realize the skill needed 😂 Thus far I've met one who had prior knowledge, and she knew about stuff only because her twin sister had been a rope bunny for some time.

Bman said:
Korkki said:
Went to a munch again and this time found less nerdy people to talk to. It feels so liberating just talking with new acquaintances about kinks, dating, and differences of swingers, kinky people and fetishist circles like they are the most normal conversation topics in the world. Feels a bit weird saying this, but I felt completely at home in that crowd. Tho gotta say, a lot of people in those circles don't seem to maximize their looks (men nor women), so probably not the most interesting place to get girls from.

I'd be really interested in comparing notes on how you've been starting to navigate the kink community. I've been going to a club that throws a massive event once a month. I volunteer there a couple hours in order to get to know the leaders and top people in the community. This definitely helps because I'm pretty much pre vetted by association, making girls more comfortable with meeting me.

I'd be happy to!

Thus far, I've most actively participated to local shibari peer learning sessions. Ended up accidentally teaching the basics on a newbie night last week, and then one hot girl from there approached me for a chat in a swinger / BDSM party I went the next day. So agree that volunteering can get your face familiar and help girls be more comfortable.

Other thing I did for the party (and for the next party I'm going to participate tomorrow), was to wear ropes as an accessory to my outfit. I tied a red rope to a gauntlet on my right arm and had couple ropes dangling on my belt from a carabiner. That did what I hoped and attracted couple rope bunnies and riggers from otherwise quite vanilla crowd.
Fairly mundane week, because it's been just getting back to rhythm with all my habits. Back to gym, cooking, writing on forums and Discord, writing content, pushing for outreach, sleeping with steadier schedule... Still listening to my body on the energy levels, but thus far seems to be keeping roughly steady. Not going full power immediately, rather slowly ramping up with 2x/week gym instead of 3x/week and doing shorter days when feeling like it.

So, extremely boring in a way even if this is the most important part of self-improvement, keeping the habits going.
Rising up and habits kicking in again. Getting stuff done that I want and still having a bit of energy left over. I wrote three articles this week without much fuzz.

Tho I still need to look at my energy levels, especially when I don't sleep as well. Pushing through the tiredness just makes me pay it double the next day.