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Kratos needs a profile review


Jun 21, 2020
A fulfilling sex life
Down Under
I've been back on online dating for about 4 weeks now. Implemented profile setup specs as suggested by Andy in his guide. Happy enough with results on Tinder so far - approx 50 matches, about 5 of those are in the pipeline for a meetup after the hard lockdown here in Melbourne is eased. Don't get any likes or matches outside of when I'm using boosts. Lots don't reply at all.

Hinge has been ok, a handful of matches but nowhere near the results of Tinder. Preferred membership purchased. Sending 50-100 likes/messages a day. Noticed in the last few days the quality of women in my feed has dropped DRAMATICALLY. Single mothers (just not my thing), snapchat filters, foreigners just wanting "friends", very obese girls are all the norm in my feed now. I know there's hotter girls on Hinge, I just don't see them (yes, I am setting wide search parameters). Any theories as to why? I'm not a tall dude (5'5") and my height listing is 5'8" - any more than this I think is pushing it with what i can get away with. Sucks its a mandatory thing to put on your profile. Could be a reason im being screened out on there more as opposed to Tinder.

2 matches in a month on Bumble, using the "Spotlight" as often as i boost on Tinder. Dead conversations. Same photos and vibe as the others. Waste of time.

Could really use a profile/photos review. The attached Imgur album is my current bio, and a set of all potential photos I could use. I currently have photos 1-7 on my Tinder at the moment. 1, 2, 3, 7, 11 on my hinge + a video of me doing a heavy clean & jerk with the caption "a special talent of mine". The last shirtless bathroom shot is from a few years ago, shot on a iPhone 5 front facing camera and obviously the lighting is pretty harsh. It's been lightly photoshopped to accentuate some leanness. I'm about 2-3 months off being this level of lean again (based off current fat mass from a DEXA scan), when I'll definitely be taking some better and more relaxed shirtless and good clothing photos. Should I throw that one in the mix anyway and see how it goes? Or could it be manipulated in a way to make it usable in the interim with Photoshop? (i.e not a bathroom selfie). I don't smile showing my teeth too much as one of my front teeth is a little discoloured due to an accident several years ago where it basically got smashed in half and there's a composite tooth cap there now - I use the healing brush in photoshop where I can make it work. My next dentist visit in 3 weeks time I'll be getting it finally bleached and smoothed out properly which will be great and of course I'll be able to comfortably smile in photos from then if all goes to plan.

If anything could be run through lightroom/photoshop to make it a clear winner, I have a basic working knowledge of both or I'll just pay Andy to do it.


Stay strong dudes,

First off, you need to watch this video. After you do, you'll realize just how creepy your eyes look in photo #4 and hopefully won't make that mistake again lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff7nltdBCHs

Rule of thumb: If I can see the white UNDER your pupils, you're fucking up

Edit: You're almost doing it correctly in photo #6, which is actually a really good photo and you look a lot less creepy in it

Edit 2: IMO take out 1,2 3(keep if you don't have any higher quality group photo), 4 and 7
Replace with 9, 11 (12 and 16)-good for now until you get something better
Readytokillthebeta01 said:
First off, you need to watch this video. After you do, you'll realize just how creepy your eyes look in photo #4 and hopefully won't make that mistake again lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff7nltdBCHs

Rule of thumb: If I can see the white UNDER your pupils, you're fucking up

Edit: You're almost doing it correctly in photo #6, which is actually a really good photo and you look a lot less creepy in it

Edit 2: IMO take out 1,2 3(keep if you don't have any higher quality group photo), 4 and 7
Replace with 9, 11 (12 and 16)-good for now until you get something better

Thanks man, that video actually makes a lot of sense. Appreciate the feedback. I'll give your photo suggestions a go.
Hey man.

Sorry for the delay.

I can't comment on how to have a good BDSM profile, I've never gone this route.

I'd say, if this is something you're really interested in and want to pursue more often on tinder then go for it.

However, just know, it's going to screen out A LOT of girls and if your pictures aren't amazing then it's going to be tough to get matches.

Lets start with looks.

You need to manage your hair in some way.

1. Check out moreplatesmoredates.com for hair loss treatment.
2. Maybe start wearing a hat, I don't know if this is something you look good with but it's something to try.
3. Use minoxidil to start growing a beard, it might help off set the hairline.
4. Style in a way that looks great. #3 looks great but I feel you were much younger there.


Stay lean man. You carry a lot of fat in your face similar to me and it hurts your results for sure.


I feel like you have decent style but then sometimes you just don't give a fuck.

Good style (#1, #3, #6 dig the jacket, #9, #11, #17)
Bad style (#2, #7, #8, #12, #16, #20)

Make sure in all your photos, your style is the best it can be.


If you're going to use a gym picture, make sure it looks good. It's cool you do Olympic lifting but chicks unless they do this themselves aren't going to care. This is the equivalent of posting an MMA picture of you bloody punching someone in the face. Cool sport, doesn't look flattering. A good gym picture where you look good would be better, not one where you look like your head is going to explode haha.

#3 is a pretty good photo, because you look great and it doesn't look like you literally took it for tinder. It's just a good photo of you that you "happened" to have.

#1 Not sure how I feel about this to be honest. Try to get a good photo of you looking your best in a public setting where it isn't obvious you just took the photo for tinder.

This is the best example of me that I have of this.

First photo photo should be YOUR BEST of your face where you're smiling.

#2 Looks like you're scouting out a kill. Look mean, like you're about to fuck someone up lol.

#4 Again can't comment on BDSM pictures.

#6 Good photo but you could look way better. The hair is fucking you over, keep trying to take photos like this, eventually you find one that is money.

#10, #11, #18 could be much better. Looks like you travel a lot which is cool but you need to present this better.

Can't comment on all the photos but if you need clarification let me know.

Hope this helps.
I concur with DashedHopes on your hair. You should try out finasteride and minoxidil at least. MorePlatesMoreDates has so much information on hair loss. That, or maybe buzz/shave and see what it looks like. Think it would look solid on you when lean.
approx 50 matches, about 5 of those are in the pipeline for a meetup after the hard lockdown here in Melbourne is eased.
I'm sorry to be the bringer of the bad news, but after the lockdown not a single one of these girls will be down to meet with you, or even remember you unless you keep texting them all the time. AND EVEN THEN they will probably just get bored. On online you either get the date ASAP or move on.
Writing this not to discourage you, just to spare you disappointement when all 5 ghost you.

As for your profile - you are obviously very muscular. You need to use it for your advantage, but right now you dont do that. The photos you posted are either: low ql/repetitive/not lean enough.

My advice - get your body fat down (not suggesting you are fat, just that it's quite visible on your face): at least for a time required to get some good photos (the best if it's for good - you will need to meet the girls eventualy). Then pay some good photographer to take good pictures of you.

As of photos right now: main photo is your best shot at the main photo. Lifting photo is cool. DJing photo is nice aswell, because it shows your being a musician and you look quite good. Hedgehog photo is nice, because there is an animal, but you don't look at your best there imo.

The handcuffs photo - it kinda gives me "I wanna be bdsm-master, so I shoot a selfie with a smarthphone" vibe. Maybe it's my opinion, but edgy photo are either high quality, or plain bad. I guess it's inspired by Andy's photo? You should redo this photo with a good camera, or some good photographer (I recommend the latter).
(KillYourInnerLoser please shout at me if I am wrong with this one, because I just realized I cant really say I am BDSM expert by any means.

Overall I am sure you can get a lot of results with your body and a little more direction from us and effort.
Lostcause said:
I'm sorry to be the bringer of the bad news, but after the lockdown not a single one of these girls will be down to meet with you, or even remember you unless you keep texting them all the time. AND EVEN THEN they will probably just get bored. On online you either get the date ASAP or move on.
Writing this not to discourage you, just to spare you disappointement when all 5 ghost you.

+1. My dates ghosted me too. Especially:

-) One I made out really long and hard to. Even had plans to explore a college campus and book a hotel afterwards. After a month in quarantine, she said "I'd rather meet new people".
-) Another where she explicitly told me to meet in a motel for a "good fuck". After 2 months in quarantine, she said "I'd rather not fuck as it's not good for my mental health."

You can keep in touch with them, but I just wanna tell you I've been there. Just don't get your hopes up. I'd rather you focus on something else other than girls atm (business, hobby, better Tinder photos, etc.)
Thanks all for the feedback. I'm definitely not naive to the fact most if not all these girls won't pan out to a meet IRL.

Priorities from here on will be:
- Fat Loss. Already in progress. 2-3 months and I should be back at a reasonable level. DEXA scans have been my best friend in this aspect to know how much lean mass im carrying & where I'm at.
- Hair. Have been using Finasterine and Minoxidil for about 9 months now. Some of those photos are from before I started and was clearly losing my hair. Starting to slowly notice small improvements now. Have added ketoconozole shampoo in as of yesterday after reading through moreplatesmoredates' site. Will probably add in a dermaroller to the mix soon. Or might just have to bite the bullet and buzz cut when I'm lean.
- Photos to be addressed once lean, new ones to be taken.
- Will likely do a consult with Andy when the time is right (i.e lean bf + better photos) with adding a bdsm element to my online profiles (Have been into bdsm for a bit over a year now but have no idea how to work it into my profile. Did take some inspiration from his photos in the guide.) Have removed the handcuff photo from my profiles for now and just kept it to a simple "bdsm & kink friendly" line my about me.

Update to be given on December 1st. Marked in the calendar with an alarm on my phone.

Time to get to work.