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"Let's keep in touch"


Aug 20, 2021
So, I've hooked up with a few girls this last month and there's this one pattern that is boggling me: The nonchalant "let's keep in touch" after I explicity say "we should do this again/We should meet again/Wanna do this again?".
I tend to see this as the girl did not enjoy her time, that was definetely the case before( I sucked in bed and it was very clear to me they didn't enjoy).
But now I'm not sure. To be specific, a few girls replied like this and I believe we had a good time, but sure, I might be wrong.
But these 2 specific girls, I know we had a great fucking time, pun intended. One came to my place in the afternoon saying she could only be a couple of hours with me cuz she had a dinner or something with her parents, ended up staying for 7 hours, came at least 3 times and "flaked" on her parents. The other girl literally came 7 times( she said 6 before I ate her out for 1 more, and she couldn't be lying cuz she's a squirter), and 5 min after going back to her place she sends a msg saying she had a great time and all.
I told this to a very open minded girl I saw just a couple of days ago, and she said It might be because of my bio pointing out "I'm not looking into anything serious at the moment", so the girls I'm attracting are the ones who really just want a one time thing, which I think makes sense. But just like Andy and a lot of guys here, I don't really dig one time sex.

Sorry for the long rant. Any thoughts?
The default state of a woman is to ghost. When a woman does not ghost, you should consider it a miracle.

So, in many cases, there is essentially nothing you can do about this, if you're aiming for first date lays.
I think Andy talked about screening with a "not looking for anything serious but something ongoing" kind of message or in your bio. Don't remember exactly which article it's from though.

Might be worth trying to say this upfront and see what's up
SpongeBob said:
I think Andy talked about screening with a "not looking for anything serious but something ongoing" kind of message or in your bio. Don't remember exactly which article it's from though.

Might be worth trying to say this upfront and see what's up

Oh, this is great, I'll try to find it. To be fair my bio reads "Not looking for anything serious at the start, just enjoying the moment. If something else happens, great.", kinda hinting to the fact I'm down to something more than a hookup, but it might be too subtle, dunno. Ty
Lema said:
But these 2 specific girls, I know we had a great fucking time, pun intended. One came to my place in the afternoon saying she could only be a couple of hours with me cuz she had a dinner or something with her parents, ended up staying for 7 hours, came at least 3 times and "flaked" on her parents. The other girl literally came 7 times( she said 6 before I ate her out for 1 more, and she couldn't be lying cuz she's a squirter), and 5 min after going back to her place she sends a msg saying she had a great time and all.

This is a guarantee of nothing. Girls will flake for all sorts of reasons, regardless of how good of a time she had. Have you read Andy's Retention Guide?

Lema said:
my bio reads "Not looking for anything serious at the start, just enjoying the moment. If something else happens, great.", kinda hinting to the fact I'm down to something more than a hookup

I think that's too subtle. I would add something about "ongoing", "not looking for a one night stand", etc.
SpongeBob said:
I think Andy talked about screening with a "not looking for anything serious but something ongoing" kind of message or in your bio. Don't remember exactly which article it's from though.

Might be worth trying to say this upfront and see what's up

Great advise, just updated my clipboard with this. Also found out I translated that message like a fucking retard. It is a fucking miracle I even got a number.
So like Ed_ said this is purely a retention question

For setting the scene on Tinder:
The 'Hey i'm looking for something casual but ongoing. If you are looking for the same thing drop me your number' approach can work. I stole that closing message off MILFandCookies and it did well enough for me in Manchester

Actual retention after sex:
My basic retention advice is similar to Caleb Jones/Andy

- do what you need to to get to lock in - which is having sex with a girl on 2 separate occasions. After you've done that the drop off rate dramatically decreases, although still not 0 of course
- the sex has to be good which usually equates to both of you getting to cum. The girls that say 'i never cum' have been in my experience the most difficult to retain. I believe KillYourInnerLoser actually screens those girls out now. What i didnt realise as important in the beginning was that you also cumming is important to most girls. I struggle with this wearing a condom at times.
- Caleb claims delaying sex til the 2nd date helps. In my limited experience of trying this (like a run of 10 girls) i did not see a difference in retention. To do this you also have to be ok with losing girls between 1st and 2nd dates who you would have been able to sleep with on the 1st had you pulled the trigger
- dont expect retention from hot party girls - my specific type that im trying to move away from lol
- Andy's retention guide covers the rest - have actual shit going on in your life that she can see, have a nice place etc

Hope this helps