LG's log

May 15, 2024
Become a chick magnet
hi everyone, said that in my presentation already but just to give some context, I'm a 30 yo guy living in Paris at the time being. Story time, I'll try to make it interesting :

I started blooming pretty late. In fact, I feel like I'm still beginning to embrace my true self.

I used to be the exact opposite of what girls would find sexy : Nerdy, skinny fat, pale and acneic skin, fairly shy. No hobbies besides gaming. Dropped music when I was a teen, I did a few sports but never commited. I was bullied at school, then I grew up to become that guy that people somehow like, but still find a bit weird.

When I finished highschool, I had no clue what to do with my life and let my parents chose for me. They sent me to uni (it's cheap in France, so a lot of people go there without really knowing what to do), to get some kind of generalist degree. I didn't care much, was daydreaming during lessons or skipping them, finding solace only in World of Warcraft on which I was spending my entire free time.
I made a few like minded friends, which made it bearable, and passed year after year without thinking too much.

During that time I made my first experiences, losing my virginity 1 month before my 20th birthday to a girl I had met in a summer job. 6 months later I started dating a gamer girl. It was my dream back then. This was during the last year of my masters degree, I got hit by reality pretty hard : First, I had done every possible mistake in my relationship and got dumped for another guy, she didn't even try to hide it. Second, I realised that after graduating I'd have to work a job I didn't like for the rest of my life. This was my wake up call and I decided to leave everything behind and travel to London and get some life experience. I stayed only 6 months there, but leaving my parents house for the first time and living by myself transformed me. I gained a lot of confidence then and it helped me with girls (although I didn't f*ck any, I got really close 3 times and each time it ended up being another goofy story that I won't bother sharing).

I then came back to France to pursue a web development bachelor (fortunately, I was still 23 since I skipped a class in school). On my last year, I got the dream of every nerd: a goth / cosplay nymphomaniac girl. It was amazing at first, the sex especially, it's like she had no limits. Though the tide turned quickly. She was unemployed, half depressed, and extremely demanding in terms of attention. I eventually got a job in Germany in 2020 and she followed, only to dump me (again, for another dude) a year later. The story repeated itself : I wasn't happy at my job at the time, and in shambles after the breakup. I got depressed and didn't do much for a few months, then I quit my job and traveled to Mexico for a bit over a month, it was Summer 2022.

I remember one night especially, I was in a hostel at a big party with some friends I had met there. Everyone in the group was hooking up, except me. At some point I gave up, went back to my room but couldn't sleep because the music was too loud. I was so bummed I installed Tinder on my phone (I tried in the past but it never worked for me, I had one match every two months or so), and eventually fell asleep at about 3am. When I woke up on the next day I realised I had something like 25 matches overnight. I guess being European, especially with fair hair, helped a lot. I slept with a couple of local girls there, but tried not to get my hopes up, as I was going back to France already. But it kept on working. Of course not as much, but I could still land matches and dates.

In late november 2022, I met my dream girl. Small tanned blonde, green eyes, mischievous smile, with a nose piercing (I like them for some reason), and she was amazing in bed. I fell head over heels for her in the span of 3 weeks. I did the classic rookie mistake : I cared way too much for her, I gave her gifts, was cooking everytime she was coming, I put her on a pedestal. The more I showed her my emotions and feelings, the more distant she got. I spiraled, doing everything I could to get her to love me. She was only getting colder, despising my weakness. She was hurting me in so many ways and said terrible things. It wasn't all her fault though. She told me multiple times I wasn't being natural, that I was overthinking, putting myself down too much... And she was right about that. My behaviour was turning her off.
Eventually she dumped me on the very day I lost my dad. I was overwhelmed by sorrow, but I knew that staying busy and focused was the best antidote to pain and sadness. I got back to work after two days, started lifting and eating for real.

I got back on dating apps quickly, banged a few girls, got into a rebound relationship for a few months. I decided to end it in November 2023, when I realised the new girl wasn't putting too much effort into it. That was the first time I dumped someone without a backup relationship, and it was somehow empowering to do it, because I knew I had become attractive enough to find someone else. I took a month pause, started playing an instrument (violin, I had done a few years as a kid but dropped it), then got back to dating apps again, with new pictures. This time I was acing it compared to my previous experiences, and chained short term and ONS relationships.

Today my BC is at 23, and I'm again in a more stable relationship. I think it would be a shame to stop my progression there though, as I feel like I'm just hitting my prime. My main objectives are :

- Gym (I want to get bigger, but more on the lean side). Currently weighing 77kgs, aiming for at least 80, more like 82-83 before cutting
- Get rid of my sugar addiction (I'm currently on 30 days with no sugar)
- Quit watching porn
- Gain experience at my job (web developer) to the point I can do freelancing. I currently have 2 years experience, I'd like to get a couple more.
- Get a raise, stack up money and make my first real estate investment
- Move to Australia (I want to do a work holiday visa there). This is gonna take time, I'm thinking about leaving in late 2025 or early 2026.
- Travel across France / Europe as much as I can before doing the big move.
- And of course become more attractive, get laid more and get laid easier. Not currently chasing as I'm currently in a casual relationship, which helps me to stay focused.

I'd also like to get newer / better pictures in the meantime, for when I go back to dating apps. This means working on my physique, but also find how I can look handsome and natural on pictures which is quite hard for me.

I will update this when progressing on any of these goals