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Liam's Log

Apr 12, 2021
Seeing as this is my first log post I'm going to have to project backwards about a week to when I found GLL and started working on Tinder.

4/4 - 4/10

Re-downloaded Tinder, Bumble, Hinge. I haven't been taking pictures of myself so I had a selfie, a pic from a house party with my friends, and a mirror physique pic. I did some swiping and directionless messaging and ended up psyching myself out.

Went out drinking with my friends and just handed my phone off to someone and said message all of my matches please. Obviously now that I understand why Andy recommends the template strat it makes sense but I hadn't found this page last week and having another guy "play" me really helped me get over trying to get girls to like me.

There was a table of really cute girls right next to us and they were bored and on their phones for like an hour before a group of frat guys they were already friends with showed up(shit made me so jealous, I've always wanted to have a social group that includes women, my friend's are all STEM autists like me or NEET) and I wanted to talk to them but was too nervous, really made me think about what opens up when you have that level of social freedom.

Pushed hard for a date with one girl who seemed receptive to the personalized messages my friend had sent out. She ended up driving 40+ minutes to go out for coffee with me and I was late bc I was cleaning my room(living with my parents jfl). I got a cup of water when I got there, shook her hand just to push myself and talked to her about random shit for like an 80 minutes. The coffee shop closed at 9 and I asked her if she wanted to come back to my place and have a glass of wine. She readily agreed and didn't even blink when I told her I live with my parents. We are both really into film so we started Killing of a Sacred Deer and drank wine together. She was touchy and really sweet so I had two small cups of wine and just asked her to make out and it worked lol. She said she wasn't going to have sex that night bc she was on her period but she seemed really into me and stayed over until 1am making out and fooling around. Not getting sex didn't even bother me a little bit, I've never asked a girl out on a date before so that was huge for me.

4/11 - 4/12

I was lifting weights at my house and a recent ex FWB randomly dropped by to say hi. One of my friends was with me and was wearing a do-rag for whatever fucking reason and she blew up on him about some racial appropriation thing and then blew up at me for trying to laugh it off and defuse the situation. I was hurt because I have treated her well both in and out of our FWB relationship and she said some aggressively cruel shit over something that little. I felt like I was lying to myself when it happened and I thought "she's being irrational" but looking at it now, I don't have to put up with stuff like that because I'm working on having more options.
4/13 - 4/17
Made almost no progress this week, had a crisis of confidence and stopped replying to girls/following the template and dropped the ball on probably 30+ conversations. This was an enormous teaching moment for me, I got cocky because matches were piling up and deviated from the template and got burned because I started analyzing my manner of texting. I awkwardly reengaged all the girls I had dropped the ball on and only a handful responded. Live and learn but this was a huge error considering how small my dating pool is.

4/18 - 4/21
Went to therapy on Monday for the first time in a few months. I explained to my therapist that I have an out of control fear response around sex and dating. Shockingly she was really understanding and literally told me to keep improving my mental health and once I was more stable go ask out 50 girls for exposure therapy. Maybe she is a closet GLL reader lol.

Got a date for Wednesday. I'm hyper anxious because this is only my second date using Andy's methodology, but I'm going to stick to the plan as best I possibly can. This girl is the type that I am most afraid of by a lonnnnnnng shot, but she's 18 and looks extremely short in her pics so that does temper some of the fear.

Made some progress moving out of my parents place, I have a prospective roommate and we are looking for places as much as possible.