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(Locked) Anyone find someone better after a break up

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Aug 11, 2022
Does anyone one here have a story of redemption? I got out of relationship that fucked me up. Is there anyone on here that was in a similar situation and found someone better?
can you start a progress log and have some goals instead of asking random questions in some thread
A200 said:
Does anyone one here have a story of redemption? I got out of relationship that fucked me up. Is there anyone on here that was in a similar situation and found someone better?


Not really a straightforward answer to this one. Sure there's success stories out there, but there's also plenty of horror stories.

From my point of view, it could go one of 2 ways: You either find someone better or find someone who could also be much, much worse.

Which one is entirely up to you as it depends on how hard you screen and how serious you are about dating and self-improvement overall.

If you just kinda screw around with it, half-ass it and not take it seriously, then you're probably gonna end up with someone who doesn't respect you and will make your life a Fucking nightmare.

If you put the effort in, set your boundaries, adhere to your red flags, screen hard and work on your own self-development etc. all that good stuff will pay off and you'll get someone worth your time who respects you.

The choice is yours. "Do as thou wilt'".



Going through a breakup now. Which I'll post about later.

So two points.

You're getting flack from colgate and Mimbe393939 because you're asking a question without appearing that you're actively working on it.

Very common to have a guy post a random question and then disappear.


You need to start a progress log and show you're actually working on this problem to earn respect in this community...


Ok so for your question.

I get it's very hard. And your life is absolutely imploding. Or so it feels anyways.

It goes away.
You learn your lesson.
You start seeing flaws you didn't see before.
You double down on improving yourself and talking to more girls
You find a better girl.

Just how it goes for guys who are actually serious about dating.

Tbh I think it's ok to think this thought immediately after a breakup. But you should be coming around to think, oh what the hell am I thinking? Theres so many women out there.

That's the whole point of PUA and Dating imo. Its that you flood your dating life with abundance so you can be living from a place of actual abundance. Not BS-mental masturbation abundance.

I've been lucky to have lots of really smart mentors. And I went straight to them after the breakup. 3 really ultra experienced guys who have no problem finding women and are either married (2) or have a ltr that's working really well.

Those guys talked a lot of sense into me.


Relationship breakup advice geared more towards to women, but still good. Talks about breakups where the relationship was actually really fucking great.


Anyways these are actions I TOOK. You need to start digging in and consuming as much positive content on breakups as possible. I broke up 3 days ago and probably listened to 12 hours of advice already.

Im gonna lock this thread.

You can keep asking questions like this but do it in a progress log that's devoted to you feeling better and getting a better girl

At the very least. You can talk about how much positive content you're listening or how you're talking to more friends or working out more. Update it as much as you want. Or even just a place to sort through your thoughts as you log what actions you took that day. Doesn't matter. Just do something. The only way out is through
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