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(locked) Don't ASK for her phone number

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Aug 4, 2022
Assume she wants to give it to you and just straight up tell her you'll take it.

Hey guys, a tip that has worked for me back when I was single: I had good success getting numbers by... never asking for them and simply telling the girls I'm getting their phone number instead.
I'd pull my phone out of my pocket and tell the girl I'll take your number and that was it. (The 'pulling the phone out of your pocket' part is important as your body language shows confidence and congruence with your words)

This assumes that you've already approached her and things are going well and you have introduced the idea of seeing each other again in the future, of course. Once this is done, getting her phone number is just a logical step towards setting the logistic for whatever you said you'd do together (go for a drink at a cool place you know, go to whatever exposition...)
Also: keep the conversation going! Getting the number must not end the conversation, keep going.

I repeat: this assumes you've already approached her and the conversation is going on, this is not an opener.

Of course it works with instagram instead of phone number or whatever the cool kids use nowadays.

Hope this helps, tell me if you try it 👍🏻
How can anyone supposedly take your advice seriously, when there is not much information about your former single self, before you got a girlfriend.

I read a bit about you, that you got 5-6 lays. How? CA? Tinder? Night game? Gutter game? No one knows. Would be better if you wrote a detailed story about your experiences, so there is some backstory about your single experiences/your skill level, then to just random advice on this post.

Forget the information on this post, Game has changed so much over the years. You can't really field test or give an accurate read to what works today for me or other guys on the streets, slugging it out. As you've been in a relationship for 6 YEARS, out of game.
This is probably the most "armchair pua" tip i've seen so far in this forum, so much so that deserves a trophy itself

Jokes aside, I know in your hearth hush you were probably honest and wanted to help, but this would actually damage more than so.
In 6 years, the SMP has changed so fast that whatever you have been doing 7 years ago ( mind you, there were people pulling with asking who cheats more at bars) now might be completely irrelevant.
Perhaps you can share more with guys what you have been doing in 6 years of relationship in keeping the frame, handling craziness, searching for red flags
Mimbe393939 said:
I read a bit about you, that you got 5-6 lays. How? CA? Tinder? Night game? Gutter game? No one knows. Would be better if you wrote a detailed story about your experiences, so there is some backstory about your single experiences/your skill level, then to just random advice on this post.

Cold approach and evening/night bar game in Paris. Also social circle - my first LTR was with a classmate.
Never tried online dating, never installed a dating app, never had cool pictures to show off.

I don't know what you'd like to know about my past experiences, I'll happily answer questions.

I simply suggested a small change in how you get a phone number, the worst that can happen is that you try it and it fails. And it has a low probability to fail once the girl is into you and you agreed to see each other again anyway.

You're free to not take it seriously though
AskTheDom said:
This is probably the most "armchair pua" tip i've seen so far in this forum, so much so that deserves a trophy itself

Jokes aside, I know in your hearth @hush you were probably honest and wanted to help, but this would actually damage more than so.
In 6 years, the SMP has changed so fast that whatever you have been doing 7 years ago ( mind you, there were people pulling with asking who cheats more at bars) now might be completely irrelevant.
Perhaps you can share more with guys what you have been doing in 6 years of relationship in keeping the frame, handling craziness, searching for red flags

Noted, this is the last time I give game advice then :)
Genuinely just wanted to share something that has worked for me (used to get at least one phone number on night outs, some nights 3-4, once in a while also 0 of course)

You can ignore it 👍🏻
yeah i get the intention of what you were trying to do but "general advice to everyone" isn't the purpose of the forum

the purpose of the forum is, people make progress logs and then more experienced people give specific advice for that person to help them

that's why you got so much flak for this post, regardless of if it's true or not
Pretty much what colgate Mimbe393939 AskTheDom already said.

Usually you need a lot of credibility before you give advice only posts. I was on here for about 10 months before I even gave one and that was after I established myself with old results that spoke for themselves.

I know it's coming from a good place. But the integrity of this forum depends on people having established credibility before they give 'free' advice.

If you're looking to do that. Start a log and then give advice from there. But it's usually a "here's what I've found worked this time".

Locking this.
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