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Looking for A Different Perspective


Jan 10, 2022
May be for another section, but basically the in-person coaching with Andy seems the best option right now.

My question is: is there a way to travel to Australia from the USA right now that I'm missing?
Or, is there a different perspective or way to look at it? I have an easy excuse for everything that I am waiting for the travel restriction to end so its not really what I want to do.
I've worked with non-GLL coaches in the past and did some things and made progress but it was always a struggle I didn't really believe what they said and always had the excuse of i really wanted to do a GLL style coach instead.
The best thing to do is to hop on a call with Andy and talk to him

He does screening calls before you actually agree to start

Cant really predict Australia entry stuff atm. Fuck knows when the will sort it out
Call him and see what he can do to help. Dunno about travel to there right now, but I know Andy has different levels of coaching and I'm sure you will figure out something that will work.

I know you are asking this because you want in person and you just want to figure out how you can get there, but I would encourage you to be open to exploring other avenues.

Any contact you can have with Andy will be a great investment.

He has self improvement down pat, he just knows how to do it in a systematic way. Plus he will push you....hard...lol.

I'm a group coaching client, which is a great experience - you get help from Andy, Radical, and very importantly, you make friends with other badass dudes who have your back and help you through everything.

Many options for a guy who wants a better life man.

Good luck to you,
Appreciate it both guys. I know that's not good to count on the entry rules changing