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looking for an accountability partner

MakingAComeback said:
I am his acc partner!

Aren't I good enough for you Thrice? Hahah


i want to do it like Andy and Chris from Gll said, weekley goals and a call once a week, without sharing daily goals, just a call once a week.
Also if you don't narrow down your bigger goals and share them with your partner there's no accountability, i don't know what you're trying to ahieve anyway

i thought you are very busy to do it like Andy explains in the videos thats why i was looking for someone else, i think if you don't don't do it like Andy said, it's not an accountability partnership

MakingAComeback said:
Aren't I good enough for you Thrice? Hahah

i never said that, we didn't do it at all, watch the video of Andy explaining how it's done

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Thrice you cheating whore, wtf!

no man we didn't do it at all so i thought he doesent have time because he has a lot of things going on, he didn't tell me his goals and he doesn't know mine and we didn't talk about the personality traits we want to develop and the weekly micro steps to achieve it. I think he didn't watch your video on how to do it.

After watching your video i really think it only works if you do it the right way
Fair enough man. I did actually ask you when you wanted to do the weekly call. But it's cool if you need to work with someone else. No problem.

EDIT: BTW I was joking when I said aren't I enough, I was only messing lol, totally open-minded to however you want to proceed no issue :)

I'm very sick and tired of this life, this slow progress, i want to go all in full hardcore, no moderation, put on my self evolutionary pressure... Like if i'm goona die tomorrow. I need a like minded partner so we can help each other do that :arrow_up:
What kind of goals are you going for buddy? I just recently made my account, I'm taking the small steps today like going out for a walk, drinking more water, etc... Think of me as if I just started at Level 1 buddy.
Thrice said:
I'm very sick and tired of this life, this slow progress, i want to go all in full hardcore, no moderation, put on my self evolutionary pressure

It is good you want to do this man, but don't bite off more than you can chew either. Going hardcore is for some people like Master and Andy, for others slow and steady (key word is STEADY i.e consistent) works better. I've spent my whole life doing massive bursts of things, then stopping, then massive bursts, then stopping. I got somewhere with it but nowhere where I could have had I put in 15% or less of the effort and just didn't stop. My progress is slow but at least it is progress. I feel that since I started going slower this year my limiting beliefs aren't as strong and are more manageable. Sometimes they still get in my head, but it is easier to rebuke it now I've seen what slow progress over 6 months has done for me.

That said if you can maintain hardcore forever like some people than do it, it will obviously lead to quicker results. Everyone is different.
Man i m on the GLL forum since 2013. Can't do things slower than that, I'm the oldest member of that forum that's still around and didn't get results yet. I had depression, and couldn't do things. I wasn't just sad i had clinical depression and needed medication. It's time to go hardcore
If you're still looking, or if there is anyone else looking for an accountability partner- let me know! Could use some motivation myself
Hey I'm also looking for an accountability partner. DM me if interested and we can exchange contact details. Cheers