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Looking for "club game" veterans


Feb 24, 2021
Publish experiments
to be great is to be misunderstood
the American South
Hey guys. I am looking to get better at club game. I have been following GLL advice but have not had success yet. Is there anyone on this forum who logs club game or has a resource/blueprint for success?
I've spent about 13 years doing night game. Can you show me what GLL night game material you've been reviewing?
I wrote a couple of posts about it here


I don't mind doing a (free) 30 min call sometime to walk you through nightlife/answer quick questions, would rather not write an essay
Vice said:
I've spent about 13 years doing night game. Can you show me what GLL night game material you've been reviewing?

Honestly mostly the articles Rags2Bitches posted. The current system I have been running is:

See hot girl -> Immediately approach -> grab her hand within 0-30 seconds -> run out of things to say -> use the "come with me move" Chris mentions -> take girl to more private place -> talk/makeout -> attempt to try to leave the club/bar and do this within 10-30 minutes with another "come with me". I've only been out like 8-9 times. I've never been laid by being this aggressive but I have gotten a couple of girls almost out the door.

I feel like "club game" is more about setup. Or its about making yourself the funnest guy at the club. I am eager to learn either way.

Rags2Bitches said:
I wrote a couple of posts about it here


I don't mind doing a (free) 30 min call sometime to walk you through nightlife/answer quick questions, would rather not write an essay

I'll DM you. You are the man.
Go for Rags2Bitches 's advice for now; I just leafed through it and it'll be a great start for you and others. I'll write up my own additions by the end of the month (taking a multi-day boot camp soon and have tons of dates scheduled when I return).

As I said before, I have YEARS of experience in night game, with a few years of relationships in between nightlife phases.
You need to talk to EVERYONE at the club, including mixed groups, fatties, and lesser beauties. If you're just standing there waiting for a hot girl to appear before talking to her and you're NOT social, you're going to have difficulty freely flowing and socializing. Plus if you make everyone at the bar think you're cool you'll constantly be pinging back and forth from the people who love you as you move through the night.

Running out of things to say should never happen; there are exercises you can perform before going out to unlock the creative part of your brain.

Exchange Instagrams with everyone you meet, even the fatties/lesser beauties. If you don't have an IG or it sucks, unfuck that shit immediately. The effort placed into having a good online dating profile runs parallel to the effort to having a good IG; there's no excuse to not have one. Phone numbers are obsolete, you might as well get a fucking pager if you think otherwise.

You can be more proactive near the end of the night, but if you're doing all of that at 10pm, that's too much too soon.
Vice said:
Running out of things to say should never happen; there are exercises you can perform before going out to unlock the creative part of your brain.

What kind of exercises? Running out of things to say has been my biggest crutch on dates since I am not a creative person.
Magic 8 Ball - 3 minutes of sitting in a comfortable position in a semi meditative state and saying out loud the words that come to mind, and allowing those words to freely associate to each other. For example, I might say “turkey” followed by “Mediterranean” followed by “rocks”. They are tangentially related to each other. The more you do this exercise, the more your brain will be able to freely associate conversations.

Game the wall - spend five minutes gaming a literal wall. You should be able to do this uninterrupted and be able to go through a variety of subjects in a compelling manner. If you can game a wall for five minutes you can game an unresponsive girl for five minutes, and the girl will always offer you more feedback than a wall could.

These are the two of exercises I use before going out to allow myself to get into a loose, social mood, and are extremely effective. It takes practice but over time running out of things to say will never be an issue, and that’ll allow you to reach your next sticking point.
Vice said:
Magic 8 Ball - 3 minutes of sitting in a comfortable position in a semi meditative state and saying out loud the words that come to mind, and allowing those words to freely associate to each other. For example, I might say “turkey” followed by “Mediterranean” followed by “rocks”. They are tangentially related to each other. The more you do this exercise, the more your brain will be able to freely associate conversations.

Game the wall - spend five minutes gaming a literal wall. You should be able to do this uninterrupted and be able to go through a variety of subjects in a compelling manner. If you can game a wall for five minutes you can game an unresponsive girl for five minutes, and the girl will always offer you more feedback than a wall could.

These are the two of exercises I use before going out to allow myself to get into a loose, social mood, and are extremely effective. It takes practice but over time running out of things to say will never be an issue, and that’ll allow you to reach your next sticking point.

Thanx man will try it out as often as I can especially before dates :lol: