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Looking for critique of Tinder Profile


Jul 6, 2022
Hey Guys,

Been using tinder on and off for a good few years now, generally I get a few matches per week (maybe 7/8) but finding that most don’t respond to a message, or stop responding quite quickly. Or if I ask to meet for drinks they’ll say yes then cancel or say yeah I’ll let you know when I’m free and then never do.

I’m 23 and I’ve been in 2 relationships (like a year each) and out side of that i’ve slept with another 8 girls. But only once was that from tinder. Having read the guide trying to figure out how my profile compares and how (if possible) i can push it to a new level.

My profile is :


Hoping to get more use out of tinder because in general I’m not great at cold approaches. This makes it quite difficult at Clubs and parties, unless I’ve had a drink; but then that usually leads to me just drinking too much.

At the moment I’m bulking up trying to put on some more muscle, so although I’m not as lean rn I plan on cutting in a few months or so to be in pretty decent shape

If anyone has any comments or ideas, anything would be helpful! Thanks.
Aswift said:
Hey Guys,

Been using tinder on and off for a good few years now, generally I get a few matches per week (maybe 7/8) but finding that most don’t respond to a message, or stop responding quite quickly. Or if I ask to meet for drinks they’ll say yes then cancel or say yeah I’ll let you know when I’m free and then never do.

I’m 23 and I’ve been in 2 relationships (like a year each) and out side of that i’ve slept with another 8 girls. But only once was that from tinder. Having read the guide trying to figure out how my profile compares and how (if possible) i can push it to a new level.

My profile is :


Hoping to get more use out of tinder because in general I’m not great at cold opens. This makes it quite difficult at Clubs and parties, unless I’ve had a drink; but then that usually leads to me just drinking too much.

At the moment I’m bulking up trying to put on some more muscle, so although I’m not as lean rn I plan on cutting in a few months or so to be in pretty decent shape

If anyone has any comments or ideas, anything would be helpful! Thanks.
5 is the only decent one imo, so lead with that for now.

Buy a camera and start shooting. You're already good looking. If you just follow the guide, you'll have a lot of success in no time.
The photos are of potato quality. All of these photos are terrible. The first step would be to use a better camera to up the quality of the photos. Your not bad looking, probably a 6/6.5 that could be boosted to a 7 with good style but you have a profile of a 3 at best.

You need some photos that show you have style and that there's more to you than University bro that doesn't care about photo quality. Start working on getting photos that aren't blurry and we can optimise from there.
To add some content to what have been already said, you should never have some mirror selfie on your profile pics. That's an absolute no go

Also the mixing table photos should be you mixing on those tables. A profile should show YOU doing cool stuff, not the cool stuff alone!

Try to buy a camera or ask some of you relatives to make a photoshoot of you to boost up your profile.

Brace yourself mate, hard work gives hard results ! Light and Peace on you !