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Looking for feedback on my identical twins tinder profile

Sep 13, 2021
Hey guys,

If you've been following my progress log for some time, you know that I have an identical twin brother.

Lately, he's been getting more and more inspired by my humble results when it comes to self-improvement, getting laid, improving my dating life and so forth.

Because of this, he's asked me if I could post his profile on this forum to get some feedback.

His current goal is to get more matches / get laid.

He's working full time as senior graphic designer and is his own boss, does cross-fit and has been working out a tonne for many years (mainly powerlifting-stuff, hence not being ripped I guess). Also he's really into photography, welding, collects old tools and stuff like that.

He'd like input on the quality of his photos, the order and if there's anything, so to speak.

His bio reads:

32 / 5'11 🇳🇴 Visiting LA/Vegas/SF this july with my identical twin. Ready to see some sights, get some sun and see what Cali has to offer.

(I'm also egging him on to sign up on the forum, but we'll see how that goes).
So your brother has all the right cards, like you, to be a Chad.
Although looking at his photos, I smell boring/nice guy vibes...
Just portraits and photos of him working out and smiling (fake and forced) with a bunch of anons

So for me 1-2-4 are ok - ditch the other ones
I would remove the combat bike and group photo, get some good ones with stylish looks and maybe even one with you, I know it sounds weird but I've been told by couple of girls that hot twins are a turn on (like 2 for the price of 1 i guess lmao) maybe it's just a good genetic honest signal or something like that.
Haha why doesn’t he just use your photos?

But yeah looks pretty good to me. Agree with the guy above though, I think adding in a photo or 2 with some edgy/cool style would be a plus because right now the pics are a bit bland in terms of style
Yeah, 1-2-4 are the best for me too, not loving the rest. Also just a remainder to turn "smart photos" off.

I have a twin brother too and would say he is the most important person for me. I guess there are some dynamics you can only understand if you have one, so I think is cool you are inspiring him.
Hey man, I'm glad to read that your brother wants to get laid too, instead of getting jealous of you and telling you that you shouldn't get pussy. ;)

I agree with what was said above. 1, 2 and 4 are undoubtedly the best. Otherwise, like Paid Renegade said, he can use some of your pictures if you allow it. :)
The main thing lacking is any photo indicating a sense of style or interests other than "I lift". He should consider what story will the girl get from pressing through his photos. If the answer is Gym Bro and nothing else, it's going to limit his results.