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Looking for help getting back into cold approaches.

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
I was going to hold this off until after lockdown has lifted, and until I could get my first hair cut in 3 months, but there is no time like the present.
I want to get back into cold approaches so I can start to get over approach anxiety, aswell as get better at opening in general. I did do this around 2 years ago as part of Neil Strauss guide, but I never got beyond stopping attractive women and asking innocent questions “Do you know where I can get some good cloths” and dropping a nice compliment “Hey I love those shoes, are the Doc’s?”, nice and formal, but in no way was I flirting or getting to know them.

I want to try this again, but this time I want to make some improvements. I’m living in quite a small town and I’ve lived here a long time, so the questions I use to ask such as ‘where’s best place to buy men’s cloths’ is redundant. I want to make my approaches as sincere as possible, but I understand some script is probably necessary, I can’t always have a novel opening for everyone I meet.

Secondly, my town is still on strict lockdown. Clubs, pubs and most social gather places are closed. Even shops are implementing strict one way systems. If I am going to do this, it’s going to have to be on the street. I’m going to have walk around and stop women who I feel like I’d want to know.

If anyone has any tips for someone starting cold approach anew, I would highly appreciate it.
You’re right, It would definitely be easier to do it in a couple of months after Lock down is restricted. Thing is, I’ve been reading ‘You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought’ and it points out how we tend to make excuses to put stuff
off for a range of reasons, ‘I’ll do to when I’m older/richer/fitter etc”So I’m determined to try tackling it head on now.

It will be easier once lock down has eased, but the best time to start is now.
You could make productive use of the current situation exactly talking to girls right now.

You don't need to be perfect, but the process of meeting, accepting and overcoming discomfort right now Will make it 1000 times easier and more congruent to do it once the lockdown is out.

Because if you wait you are guaranteed to face the same challenge, only two months later. Facing other excuses, resistance, reasons to not do it fully then...

It is fear, not logic.
Go talk to girls right now. Even once a day, even just asking for time or direction.
Wifty said:
Because if you wait you are guaranteed to face the same challenge, only two months later. Facing other excuses, resistance, reasons to not do it fully then...

It is fear, not logic.
Go talk to girls right now. Even once a day, even just asking for time or direction.

This is bang on. Thank you for the affirmation.