Looks evaluation request


Sep 24, 2022
Hi squad,

I am looking over Andy's Tinder and I know one of the first steps he mentioned was to get an evaluation of my looks to ensure I am maximizing those and have a good foundation to start with.

With that, I would love you guys' takes about my looks. I took a close-up selfie, fitness pic and fashion pic (To show what I typically dress like.)

P.S. Here are a few stats and current action plans for reference:

6' tall, 153lbs, 27 years old living in Dallas

-Currently working with a trainer to build muscle and strength. Currently on week 7 with some gains while my waist shrank from cleaning up diet (HEAVILY reduced alcohol, sugars and sat fats.)
-Taking Finasteride + Minoxidil for hairline recession I noticed. So far no sides.
-I wash my face fairly often and getting an additional 1-2 derma lasering sessions to reduce acne scars.
-Reducing caffeine to get better sleep.

Feel free to comment on any improvements you recommend, I want to get an outsider's view.
What's up man! Welcome and it's good to have you! If you want one man's opinion, I'm happy to offer it.

Physically, I'd say your body looks fine. Plenty of room to add muscle (something I'm trying to accomplish as well), but it sounds like you're getting a trainer to help with that. I would also recommend, if you aren't already, heavily focusing on diet. As much or moreso than on the gym. You said you've heavily cut back on alcohol and junk food. Congrats dude! That's fucking awesome! Absolutely a good first step. You and I are fairly similar in height, and your weight is what mine was about four years ago. If putting on muscle is your goal you need to eat more. Find a TDEE calculator online (just google it. It'll be the first thing that pops up) and fill it out. It will give you ballpark recommendations for your daily calorie intake. It won't be perfect but it'l give you a rough idea. Then go to MyFitnessPal. It's a free online calorie tracker that I use and recommend. Set up a profile with your calorie goals from the TDEE calculator and make sure you set the protein goal to get you at minimum 1g protein per lb of bodyweight. Diet is 80% of body transformations. Go to the gym and hit it hard, yes. But the old truism that you can't outwork diet is true.

My own personal opinion, get a haircut. Yours is not bad by any means, but it looks kinda frizzy in the photos, which could just be the photos, but makes it look like you just don't care about it. If you like the short look, find a good high quality barber and have him give you some sharp lines on your hairline and get regular trims. Keep it tight. I'm no barber or hair guru, but personally it just looks like a low effort afterthought.

Only the first photo has an outfit so I'll just say that, while you look fine, fine is not what we are going for. I'm struggling to upgrade my own wardrobe so take my advice here (and everywhere) with a grain of salt. I would highly advise never wearing a powder blue button down. Ever. I've tried them, and I never like the way I look. They're too blah, corporate casual America nonsense and I feel like they make me look like a high school english teacher, not a guy a girl sees and wants to jump between the sheets with. Your actual profile picture is better. The leather jacket at least has a bit of an edge to it. If that aesthetic is something you like and want to go for, lean into that and go for a more bad boy look. Again, I'm learning myself here. My current strategy is to find pictures of guys who I think look cool and sexy, and basically just copy them. Andy's Tinder Guide has a bunch of pictures of guys who look sexy as photo inspiration. Take a look at those. If none of them work, hell, just scroll through Instagram or Pinterest or something. Find guys with a style you envy, who make you think "Damn if I looked like that I'd get laid" and mimic them. That's what I'm doing. Maybe someone here with more fashion savvy could give you finer pointers. If they can I'd love to hear them myself lol.

Again, Welcome dude and congrats on making the big steps you have! Fucking amazing! Wish you the best man!
sgs said:
-I wash my face fairly often and getting an additional 1-2 derma lasering sessions to reduce acne scars.

add tretinoin to your skincare routine, its the one thing in skincare that actually works and should help with looking younger and getting rid of acne scars
sgs said:
Hi squad,

I am looking over Andy's Tinder and I know one of the first steps he mentioned was to get an evaluation of my looks to ensure I am maximizing those and have a good foundation to start with.

With that, I would love you guys' takes about my looks. I took a close-up selfie, fitness pic and fashion pic (To show what I typically dress like.)

P.S. Here are a few stats and current action plans for reference:

6' tall, 153lbs, 27 years old living in Dallas

-Currently working with a trainer to build muscle and strength. Currently on week 7 with some gains while my waist shrank from cleaning up diet (HEAVILY reduced alcohol, sugars and sat fats.)
-Taking Finasteride + Minoxidil for hairline recession I noticed. So far no sides.
-I wash my face fairly often and getting an additional 1-2 derma lasering sessions to reduce acne scars.
-Reducing caffeine to get better sleep.

Feel free to comment on any improvements you recommend, I want to get an outsider's view.

You look familiar haha. Cool to see you on the forums.
