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Losing 1.5kg per week. Too much? Do I have sagging skin?


Jun 6, 2023
So: I've been losing 1.5kg per week for the last month. Seems like a scary amount. My weight fluctuates a lot too, last week it started at 78kg, went up to 80kg, then ended at 76.3kg. I'm going to the gym 3x per week and I keep lifting the same weights, so I'm not losing any muscle.

I worry that 1.5kg per week will give me sagging skin, which might take a long time to get rid of. What do you think? Is that too much?

I currently look like this:

According to the Navy BF% estimation method, I'm at ~12% BF, but that seems rather like bullshit. Comparing myself to pics of people around 15% BF, I might have small amounts of sagging skin, but it doesn't really look too bad. (Here's a calculator for the Navy method: https://www.calculator.net/body-fat-calculator.html , it's based around taking a few body measurements.)

Is this all in my head? Should I just keep at it, maintain my calorie intake and keep losing 1.5kg per week?
bigV said:
So: I've been losing 1.5kg per week for the last month. Seems like a scary amount. My weight fluctuates a lot too, last week it started at 78kg, went up to 80kg, then ended at 76.3kg. I'm going to the gym 3x per week and I keep lifting the same weights, so I'm not losing any muscle.

I worry that 1.5kg per week will give me sagging skin, which might take a long time to get rid of. What do you think? Is that too much?

I currently look like this:

According to the Navy BF% estimation method, I'm at ~12% BF, but that seems rather like bullshit. Comparing myself to pics of people around 15% BF, I might have small amounts of sagging skin, but it doesn't really look too bad. (Here's a calculator for the Navy method: https://www.calculator.net/body-fat-calculator.html , it's based around taking a few body measurements.)

Is this all in my head? Should I just keep at it, maintain my calorie intake and keep losing 1.5kg per week?

How tall are you?
I'm 178cm.

I posted this on other places too, people told me that I'm around 20% BF but that seems impossible. 1) I think I have an unusual bodyfat distribution, it seems to be mostly around my stomach. You can see arm veins on the pic, I can also see striations on my pecs when flexing them. 2) I think I need to take a better pic. This one is from a strange angle (phone tripod) and makes me look weird.

Nobody told me that I really shouldn't be losing 1.5kg per week, so I guess I'll continue doing that. As long as I won't give myself permanent damage it's fine
It’s on the very aggressive side, usually people do these aggressive cuts for limited time and yes, fat distribution is a bitch.
Ok so the angle and the pose make a bit of difference. This is the most accurate pic:
View attachment 1
Also took this one, but my pose is off here:

Yeah I don't think I'm close to 20% BF. I should have something like 5kg more to lose, +/- 2kg. Now that I compare the pics side-by-side, there's an abs outline visible in all of them, although it's the clearest in the "most accurate" pic.

So I won't keep up losing weight at this pace for much longer, just a few more weeks. Thinking about it I should actually slowly start increasing my calorie intake soon anyway, I don't want to immediately go back to eating normally but also I don't want to lose too much weight. I'll figure it out as I go along. Thanks for your help, natedawg and AskTheDom!