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Low Response Rate?


Jun 11, 2020
What is your guys’ typical response rate to the “Hey, you’re sexy...” opening message?

I’m getting a much better response rate on Bumble (there I have to modify the opening message a bit based on what the girl said) and extremely low on Hinge and Tinder.

Couple reasons for that I thought of:
1. Could be normal for everyone
2. Texas girls are more religious/conservative on average and therefore that is normal for the area
3. My profile is not congruent with the type of person who opens with that, therefore I’m only matching with girls looking for a nice guy and missing the girls looking for fun.

Going to work on 3 anyway but wanted to get some more data points from you all.
What response rate are you getting? I usually get around a 50 % response rate with women I match.

And yes, your intuition may be correct. Maybe try adding some pictures where you don't look so nice.
In addition, if the girls you are matching with want a nice guy, then give them a nice guy? Every girl wants to have sex, whether she is looking for a nice guy or not a nice guy.
Tinder and Hinge I’m at around 10% though it’s a small sample size so far. (Not counted the couple of girls who tried to educate me that I shouldn’t call a girl sexy)

I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing (while improving my photos) and hopefully the response rate picks up.
I begin with "Hey sexy ❤️,..."
Low response rate.

My profile is far from Being maxed out though. But I got numbers. And girls willing to meet.

The most important part though is your pictures and how you sell yourself so To speak
It's entirely down to your pics

Yeah the line screens out some but you dont get a much higher response rate by changing it (ie stressing over the word sexy and sending cute instead)