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MAC's Big Wellness Thread: 33 Tips For Bulletproof Productivity & Success

I Spent The Last 5 Years Biohacking My Way To Insane Productivity. Here Are 33 Tips I Believe Can Make A Big Difference In Your Life


  • Sunrise Watching: This was the big daily habit that allowed me to start to change my life. In getting your bare eyes and skin exposed to the sunrise, outdoors, a healing hormone cascade is triggered and allows us to build vitality. It allowed me to restore deep sleep, raise my dopamine levels, improve my mental clarity, and turbocharge my motivation levels. The suprachiasmatic nucleus is our master circadian oscillator. It needs to be set every day, and the sunrise helps us to do that. There is no UV light present at sunrise, so you won’t need to worry about burning.
  • Light Breaks: If you’re looking to improve how you feel and function, getting regular light breaks throughout the day is tremendously supportive and is how a lot of important hormones are made - melatonin, serotonin, dopamine, IR-A (Infrared) light is nature’s healing freqeuncy. Mood, mental health, brain function and clarity all come as a byproduct of this habit. For most of our species existence, we lived and worked outdoors, bathing in nature’s medicine, full spectrum light, which brings health, calmness, robustness and rejuvenation of the mitochondria.
  • Sunset Watching: Like the sunrise tells our brain and body that it’s morning, watching the sunset anchors our circadian biology and allows our system to begin to unwind, relax, de-stress, heal, and allows us to optimise sleep over time.
  • Awareness of Light Environment: After the sun has set each day, ensuring all devices are on nightshift, and that we’re limiting artificial light (in particular, blue light, which tells our brain it’s noon) allows us to really anchor our circadian biology through keeping our melatonin levels topped up. Through exposing the photoreceptors in our skin and eyes to information that tells them we can progressively wind down, and avoiding blue light (which destroys melatonin), we can access quality sleep and regeneration which is where we can rebuild health. function, and performance.
  • Blackout Blinds: A tremendous healer for us is sleep, it is one of the most powerful tools we have available to us. The big driver of cognitive excellence is sleep, and what will destroy our focus and performance like nothing else is poor sleep. Poor sleep weakens executive function, impulse control, and turns our mind into a wild stallion thatb refuses to be tamed. As mentioned above, for us to sleep well, we need to preserve our melatonin levels. We can do this by maintaining a dark environment after sunset and sleeping in a pitch black room.
  • Eliminating Snacking: For us to have sustained focus, mental acuity and clarity, and stable energy without crashes, we require good insulin and leptin sensitivity. Sensitivity is destroyed through repeated snacking and has negative consequences for health, energy, and performance. As a habit, it was important for me to stop snacking so I could regain leptin sensitivity and have stable energy that will last - cravings fell away surprisingly fast. Fasting helped clean my system out a lot and regulate my metabolism
  • Fasting & Autophagy: The biggest reason why I got into fasting was for COGNITIVE BENEFITS! At my worst, I’d attend meetings and just be completely unable to follow what was going on, often unable to even think and speak. This was truly a living hell and deeply impacted my self esteem and sense of worth. My determination to find something, anything, to clear up my brain was cast-iron, truly unstoppable. Through a wonderful mentor, Dr. Jesse, I was supported in a group setting to explore fasting and immediately, it improved many of my brain problems of high anxiety and poor brain function. Just having those symptoms lift for a few hours was a relevation, and hence, I set out to understand
  • Nature Immersion/Forest Bathing/Hiking: Being in nature is healing and rejuvenating, and supports us greatly. Being in nature, away from the hustle and bustle of modernity, enables us to place our biology in a relatively low EMF (electromagnetic field) environment which is supportive of our cells and the harmony and healing of our system. It is suggested that nature has a specific resonance, the Schumann resonance, which we become attuned to when we are immersed in it. This can have beneficial effects on our brain, calmness, thinking, and help us regenerate as part of a wellness-building lifestyle - the tree huggers were right….In Japan, forest bathing is an ancient practice, and as ever, there is often wisdom in practices that have endured the test of time.
  • Proper Hydration: Proper hydration is mission critical for performance, every 2% we’re dehydrated, metabolism is downregulated by 10%. The best water we can drink is spring water. Tap water is to be avoided. This is a cornerstone habit and is just done every day, No system in the body will perform optimally if you’re dehydrated, and if you’re trying to build health and performance, you’ll need your system running the best it can. Aim to drink ½ your bodyweight in OZ each day.
  • Retraining Nasal Breathing: How we breathe has a significant effect on how we function, as for robust health and performance, our body and brain oxygen levels will need to be optimised. Low body and brain oxygen is associated with high states of anxiety, negativity, over thinking and emotional fragility. There are different ways to approach measuring this, but a method I enjoy which is free is something called the “Buteyko Control Pause”. I was a student of the Buteyko method for 7 years and gained much benefit. The thesis is, we’re designed to breathe out of our nose, the mouth is for eating. Without getting into the weeds, nasal breathing enables the perfect retention of oxygen and carbon dioxide (mouth breathing causes us to hyperventilate, and hence, blow off the carbon dioxide we need to actually store oxygen in our bodies).
  • Meditation: For focus, clarity, and overall productivity, meditation is a useful tool and supports stillness of the mind. In the modern world, our thinking becomes very shallow, fractured, and broken. Meditation is a great healer of the mind and allows us to experience a sense of stillness which is very healing for us. We can enter, as Eckhart Tolle would say, the ‘NOW’ which in and of itself does deep inner healing work for us. Part of building high performance is creating a positive, healthy psychology anchored in beliefs and inner concepts aligned with success, achievement, and the firm understanding that you, too, can accomplish your dreams.
  • Taping The Mouth at Night: This enables us to eliminate mouth breathing, which creates poor quality sleep which in turn contributes to poor cognition, thinking, memory consolidation and learning. You can purchase microporous tape at most pharmacies for a few bucks, and place a strip across your lips at night to ensure your mouth remains shut. This will support proper brain oxygenation and, in time, enable better focus and brain health.
  • Cold Thermogenesis: Cold exposure is one of the best ways to get healthy, wade off and reverse disease, reduce inflammation, boost energy, turn white fat into brown, and charge our bodies battery. Cold has the power to increase mitochondrial biogenesis/density thus increasing metabolic efficiency, vitality, and immunity. Start with cold showers, and over time, work your way into cold baths, and then ice baths. I take ice baths for 20mins, daily.
  • Earthing/Grounding: Place your bare feet on earth each day. I like to spend 20-45mins connected to earth a day. Building health is about redox potential and maintaining a net negative charge within the body. When we’re engaged in earthing, we’re gathering electrons from he earth (they move from an area of high concentration, the earth, to an area of low concentration, our bodies). Earthing was very powerful for my own brain problems, such as high anxiety, and helped me jump start my brain again! A very powerful practice.
  • Postural & Core Work: In the sphere of breathing, another consideration for us is our posture. We need a strong core that allows us to properly ventilate our system, and for our system to perform it’s functions well. Proper posture in the modern world requires work, awareness, and is important if we are to oxygenate ourselves effectively and live healthy, low stress lives. A big bang for your buck postural routine I developed for myself was the following: perform a McKenzie Extension for 15 minutes each day, 3 x 10 McKenzie pushups, and perform the McGill ‘Big 3’ core exercises. The musculature of the core being properly developed allows us to more easily maintain proper posture.
  • Oral Posture/Tongue Position: You can look into myofunctional therapy to learn proper tongue posture, and how to train the tongue to remain in the roof of the mouth. This will support proper breathing, and importantly, allow us to get deeper and more restful sleep. Measures we can take to optimise sleep will enable us to gain far better clarity and cognition over time, and habits such as mouth taping, blackout blinds, managing light environment and watching the sunrise/sunset are all, essentially, methods we’ll use to optmise sleep over time, heal the brain and enable our best work. Poor breathing and myofunctional habits are theorised to be significant contributors to ADHD, Sleep Apnea, Anxiety, among other conditions, and as someone who has struggled with focus, anxiety, and insomnia, improving my breathing, structure and habits, only did good things for my work and ability to achieve. Generally, aligning ourselves with nature’s design will enable us to realise our highest potential.
  • Cardiovascular Exercise: We do cardio for releasing BDNF, stimulating the creation of new neurons, and increasing ATP. A regular running habit, for me, supported my mental wellbeing and stress levels and has, over time, helped my brain function and processing ability.
  • DHA Consumption: DHA is an incredibly supportive substance for the health of our brain and is required to decrease brain inflammation. Consuming DHA through the form of salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, tuna, oysters, among other marine sources is ideal and was an incredibly important habit for anxiety and brain fog reduction.
  • Day Structure/Planning: When a brain is navigating stress, vigilance, anxiety, and resistance, just getting things done can be very difficult, and we can develop unproductive patterns like procrastination, perfectionism, delaying needle moving tasks, among others. When we’re not feeling our best, our motivation can be low, we can feel little pleasure from completing tasks, and living a high performance lifestyle can seem impossible. This is where day structure, proper planning, and rituals can really help. Taking time each evening to plan the following day, and develop some structure, supports us in building new neural pathways associated with focus, work, and task completion. Day structure combined with repetition enables us to not only train our ability to focus, but important, begins to instil a sense of joy following the checking off of tasks and action items, building momentum.
  • Cornerstone Rituals: A defined morning and evening routine can support us with structure and performance. These are useful to initiate the day, as well as wrap it up. Having these processes in place gives us foundations for productivity, ideally, they would be repeated at the same time each day. This is a useful way to implement microhabits which produce incremental progress over time, or engage in tasks you’re prone to putting off. For me, my morning process involves visualisation, reading, sunrise watching and earthing, followed by myofunctional therapy. I get some useful self improvement done, and then start the working day. Gains are made over time.
Operant Conditioning:An important concept to grasp and a powerful tool. Sustained focus, productivity, and ability to execute and step up are learned behaviours, are trainabe, and respond positively to conditioning. Having a daily structure and plan, and executing this, repeatedly, over and over again, produces a conditioning effect on the brain, builds new neural pathways, and instils this behaviour as a subconscious habit. It is how we learn anything in life, and it can be applied to our productivity and goals.
  • Beating Negativity: The stories we tell ourlives about different areas of our life are powerful and often without knowing it, we can embody internal negativity which does make realisation of our highest potential needlessly difficult. Performing activity through gritted teeth is not ideal and makes success harder than it would be should we be able to perform the same actions from a place of joy, happiness, and acceptance. For myself, through sheer force of will, I drove myself through much inner noise and negative chatter by telling myself stories about the need for “hard work”, “sacrifice”, and “wilingness to suffer” in order to be a better person. Whilst all these things have utility, in hindsight, they were byproducts of low self esteem and negative self talk. Performance and consistency issues are tell tale signs of a lot of negative junk in the psyche, and for us to be our best, it may be valuable to introduce measures to create a more positive psychology and mental space. There are many avenues one can explore, for myself, I find reading and listening to uplifting materials every day very supportive of building a healthy mental environment.
  • Socialising & Fulfillment: We are social creatures and as such, need social contact, need to speak to others, and we thrive mentally when we are able to engage in stimulating, engaging, nourishing social contact. Do not neglect friendships, be proactive in making plans and seeing your tribe, and ensure you have things in the schedule regularly - you can lose your edge when you isolate yourself and life can feel like it’s passing you by.
  • One Day Off Per Week:One day where we rest and do nothing related to our goals is important - I learned this the hard way. See friends, your lover/partner, and explore the world, life, each other, and humanness. It recharges you at levels that are beyond what words can capture. It matter
  • Ketogenic Diets:High fat, low carb diets are clinically proven to support brain health and function, and as part of a high performance lifestyle, offer significant cognitive and performance benefits. I have been far more productive since going keto and it has only made positive improvements to my life, health, and mental functioning. For me, entering ketosis made a great difference to my levels of anxiety, emotionality, clarity and ability to execu
  • Visualisation:When it comes to achieving change and improvement, visualisation has proved to be very useful for me in changing subconscious associations, removing negativity and resistance, and enabling me to achieve my goals, Creating a picture within my mind and building a burning desire for the realisation of this end has supported me in journeys which required sustained, long-term commitment. It is no joke, and nothing to be scoffed at - it has a great impact on mental health, emotions, and brings joy, excitement, and motivates us to stick at it. There is a real magic to it and it is no surprise to me that elite performers across different domains use it to achieve their objectives.
  • Belief & Emotional Trigger Work: Related to the above, in my own work, with myself and with others, I’ve found that often people not being able to achieve their goals is seldom pure laziness or ability to execute, and is often something deeper. Beliefs are powerful.Incredibly so. Our past experiences, challenges we’ve faced, stories we’ve told ourselves and conditioning that has occurred in our brain can become deeply embedded in our minds, and this in time can become our prison. If you do not truly believe you can be your best self, and that the goal infront of you is not only attainable, but is something you believe you deserve, self sabotage can occur in often quite inventive ways. Work on our inner beliefs is to be taken care of as a priority, in my opinion, because when we truly believe we can realise a certain vision for ourselves, and also believe we deserve it, the path to realise that end result opens up, and we walk down the road with excitement and joy, as opposed to the negative emotions that unproductive beliefs generate.
  • Intimacy & Human Connection:We do need to be touched, we do need to be held, and we do need to have nourishing bonds with others that make us feel whole. Take it from someone who had huge image issues, anxieties, insecurities his whole life and avoided any form of romance and connection due to a very low sense of self worth and overwhelming anxiety: this hurt me in ways I cannot describe, and the damage went to the very core of my being. Opening up, being more vulnerable, and healing myself enough to better connect with others enables me to become more effective in my life and gave me the drive and hunger to realise more for myself. As per Maslows hierarchy of needs, sex and human contact is part of our very core needs, and when this is tossed to the wayside for extended durations, we can become very wounded and scarcity does not tend to be a good position from which to build success. Take care of this area of your life. It matters.
  • Intellectual Stimulation: Boredom is the best friend of our anxieties and negative thought patterns. Being bored gives our mind the space it needs to wander, engage in thoughts and behaviours that are our baseline conditioning, sometimes like procrastination and distraction, and can be fertile ground for unproductive beliefs to manifest and fester. Being truly engaged in your mission is a pathway to victory. And this involves being stimulated, feeling as if you are living your mission and are pursuing your goals with vigour and excitement. A stimulated person moves through the world with passion, excitement, and seeks joy, whereas their bored counterpart is stuck in the same old patterns, motions, and doesn’t tend to be able to realise change. This is where life does need to be made more fun, and hobbies, new environments, new activities, and fresh, new, interesting, stimulating novel data needs to be fed into the brain.
Goal Setting: As above, not having goals in life is a recipe for boredom and being stuck in sameness and stagnation. Proper goal setting, with a view towards the
  • development of actionable processes, greatly supports our entire being, mental health, and gives us a sense of achievement and provides the wind in our sails we need to really stick at an objective long enough to see it realised.
  • Tribes & Community: “It takes a village to organise a mind”, and with a tribe, you can heal the mind. Success is a team sport, and human beings need to be around other human beings who are supportive, nurturing, loving, and want the best for them. As tribal animals, we respond to this, it greatly impacts our mental health for the better. It becomes your second brain, and a source of information, perspective, and fine tweaking and honing - I am a true believer in the power of community and attribute all I have achieved so far to being surrounded by excellence. Find mentors, coaches, people who’re way ahead of you, and other people who share your passion and drive for your goal. Iron sharpens Iron, success breeds success, effective people find other effective people, invest in each other, and amplify their success - a virtuous cyle. I do this in my own life and it is a game changer.
  • Acceptance, Letting Go & Our Stories: In life, we gain beliefs, perspectives, and attitudes over the course of our lifespan that begin to embed themselves into our reality. We lay down grooves in our mind, repeating patterns, thoughts, and in time, those grooves become deeply embedded. Our past, our stories, and memories of what has happened churn deeply in our subconscious brain and cause us to put up walls. In time, those walls become our prison. The clutter of the mind and past experiences can simply drain us and for me, when triggered, would cause all manner of negative emotions to stir up and would create panic attacks as well as other mental downward spirals. Learning more about letting go through the work of Dr David Hawkins supported me greatly in letting go of my own painful past and life failures, and in the space created by just allowing these memories and thoughts to be as they are enabled something better to be created. Part of being our best will involve letting to of past pain, processing it, and unburdening ourselves. It is a gift we give ourselves.
  • Begin with the End In Mind: What is all your hustle for? I know EXACTLY where I want to be in my life, who I want to be, who I want to be with, what I want to produce in terms of output, legacy, and family, who I want to be friends with, where I want to be. I have a clear, clear vision of this and review this vision twice yearly. All my goals and actions I take each day ALL link to this overarching life vision. Because I know this, understand this, and have my WHY totally nailed down, I am able to continually push past self doubt, lack, scarcity, fear, anxiety, pain, and endure the challenges along the way because I know what my end goal is, and I myself am willing to die for it.

To keep this post from becoming a book, I kept the descritpions brief.

But if you’d like me to expand on one of them, I’d be happy to do so.

Gimme a few details about you and I’ll do my best to guide you.

Radical said:
MakingAComeback said:
Aim to drink ½ your bodyweight in OZ each day.

What does that mean?

oz of water (ounces) :)

As in, the measurement

Not to be confused with EZ which is a very very deep biohacking science on the exclusion zone which is arguably the bodies battery, lol, lets keep it simple

that's 32.527ml per kg of bodyweight for the """""sane""""" world

guys metric is so much better everything is just in tens!!!!!!!!!


(i actually had to do this calculation since i'm in a metric country)

(also you could probably just round to 30ml per kg or something and be fine)

EDIT: also this is basically just
60-75kg → 2L
75-90kg → 2.5L
90+ kg → 3L

if you want some NO BRAINS guidelines
Great post thank you. This post reminds of just how many small things/tweaks we can do to get that 1% closer to our goals and that these 1% things will stack. I know a lot of guys on here have read The Slight Edge, but goddamn I just read this book and its one of the best books I've ever read. We are trying to get top 5% results, so we have to do what the 95% won't do: embark on a slow, consistent guide to our goals. This means people won't understand your journey, it will seem abnormal to most--and it should because you are doing what the 95% does not. I have been trying to do P (prepare for the next day) R (read) I (intermittent fast) M (meditate) E (exercise) (study) every day. Dating is a secondary goal for me (career over everything, let's fucking go), but I know if I make marginal improvements every week in a few years I will have something great. I have seen it before and I know it will happen again in any field.
Weird habit that has helped me to sleep better: go walk around the neighborhood at night (if you live in a suburban area or near a park). It forces you to avoid artificial light (not %100 but a considerable amount) It's easier than turning off every artificial light in your house.
Man what a post. Cheers Mac.

Any other tips for the nasal breathing. Mouth taping? Actually fuck it I bought tape and I’ll just try tonight and see how it goes.
MakingAComeback said:
  • Postural & Core Work: In the sphere of breathing, another consideration for us is our posture. We need a strong core that allows us to properly ventilate our system, and for our system to perform it’s functions well. Proper posture in the modern world requires work, awareness, and is important if we are to oxygenate ourselves effectively and live healthy, low stress lives. A big bang for your buck postural routine I developed for myself was the following: perform a McKenzie Extension for 15 minutes each day, 3 x 10 McKenzie pushups, and perform the McGill ‘Big 3’ core exercises. The musculature of the core being properly developed allows us to more easily maintain proper posture.

1) do you have a website for your business MAC? I imagine this could be a pretty good blog post for SEO.
2) Adding to the above, I've found changing workstations every few hours helps a ton. Also having good ergonomic setups whenever possible [tbc more so I've learned to cope with terrible ergonomic workstations -- the pain of which I don't wish on anyone]
Radical said:
What does that mean?

Rockin' that Tim Horton's in your pic I see. You're becoming Canadian, eh?
MakingAComeback What's the consensus on tanning beds for vit D production versus cancer risk?

I used to do them sporadically and I felt amazing afterwards but the cancer stuff (and $$$) scared me away. Might reconsider though if it's good for vit D/general wellbeing.
Holden said:
@MakingAComeback What's the consensus on tanning beds for vit D production versus cancer risk?

I used to do them sporadically and I felt amazing afterwards but the cancer stuff (and $$$) scared me away. Might reconsider though if it's good for vit D/general wellbeing.

They're great

There's no chance risk

UV light in many parts of the world far exceeds what you can get on those beds

This is a legit scam

The sun heals


You lived it in for millions of years

Tanning beds make you feel great because you're blasted with natures natural healing frequency, UV
MakingAComeback Yeah I know the sun is good but I was in doubt about tanning beds. Luckily in the winter here at 4 PM the sun perfectly shines through my window onto my desk so I basically only wear a short, open the window, and get full-body sun for an hour even in winter.

So tanning beds would be a good solution if it's cloudy?

Thanks for the reply man
Holden said:
@MakingAComeback Yeah I know the sun is good but I was in doubt about tanning beds. Luckily in the winter here at 4 PM the sun perfectly shines through my window onto my desk so I basically only wear a short, open the window, and get full-body sun for an hour even in winter.

So tanning beds would be a good solution if it's cloudy?

Thanks for the reply man

Tanning beds are awesome

I use a Sperti Fiji lamp, it's for tanning, paid 800 bucks for it

Because it gives me UV

Has to be done my guy

Winner with the light exposure.

Im off to see The Bastard in Paraguay, UV index there is a 9 compared to the UKs 1, so I'll be levelling up a lot

Adrizzle said:
Man what a post. Cheers Mac.

Any other tips for the nasal breathing. Mouth taping? Actually fuck it I bought tape and I’ll just try tonight and see how it goes.

Hey bro,

Yup - look into Buteyko Breathing.

It's the best. It retrains the respiratory centre in the brain.

I'm an advanced student, and can provide breathwork support - I'll make content on this.

Nasal breathing is restored over time man, the structure itself will require adjustment.

MakingAComeback Great post I keep coming back to over time.

Could you expand a bit on the belief and emotional trigger work?

I've mostly seen it as wait for something to bother me then question it, possibly using a framework like Byron Katie's.

Do you have any recommendations for searching out or getting limiting beliefs to surface, and how have you dealt with them in the past?