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Mafia´s Transformation The Forgotten Beast (Orginal GLL)


Dec 19, 2021
Hi Everyone!

So here I am finally. I will write out my full story over time. But first I want to share what happened a few days ago because I was blown away frankly.

December 20th, 2021.

I am going on a date from some dating app, on my way to the date, a petite blond milf with huge tits (silicone 500cc) and a fake ass appears. She looked back at me as she kept walking on. I just told my date i arrived (to her place).

I walk up to this blondy, she turned out to be colombian. (I am nervous but I ask her what she is doing now). She said she is free. We look at each other for 20 seconds and she asks me if I want to go to her place, which turned out to be on the corner, 10 second walk.

We sat on her terrace, i saw her glance at my dick. I asked if she wants to touch, she did. Then I asked if she wants to see it, she said yes. I pull my dick out and tell her to suck it. She gets on her knees and starts sucking. (this is all extremely exciting for me).

We go to the living room I fuck her doggystyle for maybe 2 -3 minutes, im about to bust. She tells me she wants more. And offers me to meet (Charlie) 8-)

Since that reduced my sensitivity, 2 hours later and 3 condoms later i finish in her mouth. Not too motivated to go see the original girl, I go anyways, but damn that milf was so hot, she had no chance. And so I go home. Law of attraction. I have been visualizing petite bimbos entering my life.

I am getting back into the habit of meditating twice a day, right after waking up and right before going to sleep.
I'm confused on the details. You told your date you arrived to her place? Like her... house? Then you flaked on her to get instapulled in less than a minute by another girl after staring at each other in silence for 20 seconds?

Then you go to the original date (2+ hours late) and then go home?

I want to believe...
Hey all,

Let me add some details. Yes some stories of my life are so unbelievable that people call me BS. Please remember that I was with GLL since 17 years old, Im 27 now and I used to be like Scotty. Let me add the details, I was sleepy and wanted to write it out faster to start.

1) I had a date with girl A.
2) Random girl B came out of store that I was passing by.
3) All of that story above happened with girl B (the milf, well cougar actually because no kids.)
4) I went to see girl A anyways, but she was not as nice as her photos and I looked for reason to leave and so I did.

I used to live in Denmark for 16 years and I was in contact with BoyToy, thats where I started going commando. So imagine my stature, 191cm without shoes, right now 91kgs, probably around 12% bodyfat, but the steroids water is masking some of it. Not entirely sure.

- Should I post in this same log, my body transformation?
- Should I post in this same log my personal development/financial goals?
- About proof, yes, I wanted to get a video of her giving me a BJ, she said no, I have a lot of videos with me and girls on my phone. But sometimes some say no, even without face, even in doggystyle. I had a threesome with an 18 years old Turkish girl and a 30 years old girl from Africa on September 27th. I don´t have proof. They got angry at me when i tried to take a picture of their ass. But you will see soon enough that you don´t need to question my authenticity.
- Is it moral to post the picture they have on their whatsapp here? (face fully visible)
So yes it was indeed my first post, but my first post should have been this one:

(and that milf post should have been my fourth) So here we go!

1) At the age of 17 I was already 191cm but a mere 60kgs. I found out I had hormonal issues producing minimal testosterone hence why I could not gain muscle no matter how hard I train. At one point I trained twice a day 6 times a week and i ate 4000 calories a day with 240 grams of protein a day and I still could not gain. Started to get body ache and a doctor visit showed me that my liver could not handle all this protein. Long story short, I have a very rare syndrome, affects my testosterone and I can´t have children.

2) After getting on TRT I began to grow hair (I was hairless) and stopped feeling extreme depression after orgasm (klinefelter syndrome google it if you wish, a side effect of the syndrome, not pleasant at all)

3) I started to feel horny finally and I was very socially awkward, after years of being called spaghetti, and having severe acne, I spent 1.5 years on accutane, doses increasing up to 80mg, which I do not recommend as the side effects are truly horrendous. My skin on my hands, pubis, lips, face, some parts of chest, would crack open and bleed. I used about 100grams of vaseline every single day. The joint pains prevented me from lifting some as medium in weight as my school bag, it would cause 10/10 pain in my lower back and I would fall to the ground.

4) I discovered GLL in that period. Since everybody made fun of me, including my mother sadly... Father is just a rock, he was never there physically or mentally. Chris motivated me to get on my first steroid cycle, since I was already on TRT i did not need a PCT and the likes. (yes I small balls, and I had maybe 5-6 girls comment on them, it sucks, but it was after sex)

5) I read, listened and watched 100% of the GLL material. And I could not believe Scotty´s stories. That is when the fire started, on top of that I began feeling testosterone properly for the first time in my life. And I could finally see the light.

6) I dropped out of school, the 3rd school, since I was kicked out of the 2 previously. I went to a french school, english school and danish school, and I speak these 3 languages fluently including Russian. (I´m from Ukraine originally, I lived my life abroad)

7) I started with meeting my first mentor at age 17. Ricardo Vargas (google him) He taught my a good bit about time management and organizing yourself in time blocks. I also discovered the movie the secret at the time and Ricardo also got started like this in his life, so this was proof for me that it is real. I sent out 300 emails to video game companies. Out of which 13 responded. And League of Legends was one of them and it was my favorite at the time. Mark (Tryndamere) answered my email and forwarded me to his personal assistant. What was I offering? 3D printing technology on t shirts (yes at that time nobody was doing it). We got a contract, I produced, I sold, I got an investor for $80,000. It all seemed surreal (I´m actually getting a tear writing this one, because I never shared this with anyone. I was a loner). Long story short, LOL has a unique contract with JINX, that did not allow them to sign a partnership with me until their deal ended in 6 months. What I saw in the coming months made me very sad. All my ideas came to life in this company jinx. I knew this was my ideas. Maybe they used me to test the market. Its ok. I learned that whatever you mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

8) In this same period I started approaching women, in pretty much the AA fashion. I was rejected 396 in a row. To say that I felt worthless... would be an understatement...But law of attraction is real, remember that. Later that year I met a girl from online, I think the website was called "tagged" back in the day. First date, i remember it so clearly. Because that was my first blowjob as well, or any female interaction for the matter.

We met on Stroget (central street in Denmark), we walked a bit, sat on the bench, she wore a tight yellow dress (she was Nigerian, i always preferred brown skin for as long as I can remember. She sat on my lap, and i literally remember this as a cobra strike, she kissed me first! 1 minute forward she said "I will do whatever you want" and I said "suck my dick". It was October, so rather cold in Denmark, we went behind the church in the center, there was darkness behind there and I finally felt a warm mouth on my penis. Fast forward some minutes, its too cold and I can´t keep a boner. So we found this street toilet where you put in a coin, they are actually very clean. We tried to have sex (she was a virgin too) I could not figure out why it was not going inside lol... fast forward I came i her mouth, she stood up and kissed (after swallowing my cum) Ewwwww. And I lost lost my virginity to her a few weeks later.

9) I continued to approach from the street without any success. It was only when I started to fill out my frame that I began to have success in the street. But I did start to get some dates from online. And that´s how i met my girlfriend, who invited me to live with her at age 18, which was my chance to move out from my parents place.

10) I started Penis Enlargement. Manual stretching and Jelqing, the classic JP90. I started at 17cm BPEL (feeling lucky because the people with my syndrome are known to have a very small penis) I gained around 0.8cm in length and 0 cm in girth in that time. That activated my belief that this is real and it can be done. Fast forward 5 years. I used the sizegenetics for a total of 1412 hours, until my dick hole started bleeding, at once point the stretch was 21.7cm and I stopped for 2 months, Tried again, again bleeding. I thought this must be end. But not too sad. Because I am at 21cm now, and my girth is 0.8cm thicker. Making me 14.8 Mid girth. Head is 14.3cm and base is 16.5cm (yes really probably from bathmate). I used the bathmate for 6 months, but stopped because my small balls would keep getting sucked in and it was excruciating painful when it happened and it happened about half the time.

I am going to restart my bathmate journey when the xtreme arrives again, somewhere next month. I remember at the peak I had a legit after bathmate 16cm hang, since I go commando and i make sure to wear revealing clothes that was when my street success started to happen + the muscles. Because the package was undeniable.

11) I spent 3 years in a relationship with the first girl. Then I married taranehfit (check instagram) for 4 years. So not much time I spent single, but when I did, I fucked alot of girls. Now from my experience especially in marriage with a woman 13 years my senior. I have learned alot, and I have committed to staying single until the one appears. The one would be a girl who is all action and no talk and she has to want me and prove it to me. This is why I decided to start logging.

I learned that I had a subconscious belief that some things in my life a woman had to be to fill out that space. The space when it gets lonely and hard. I learned that I wanted to share my OWN responsibilities because, lazy? maybe. But never the less.

12) While being in the last relationship, I got addicted to weed, and nicotine pretty bad. I understand now that it was because of the lack of emotions I would have received by being single. Meeting new women is extremely exciting for me. Especially the unexpected lays.

13) I promised my father and brother that I will quick smoking, which I did, with the occasional 1-2 cigarette relapse when i get nervous talking to a hottie that is smoking as well. I thought of getting a replica of a cigarette with nothing inside, so I would be basically smoking air. To confuse my body.

14) My skill went down significantly in this period, and I became some pussy I would say. This is why I´m here. This is not me, I am much better than this. And I want you all to keep me accountable.

15) Financially, I have been trading for 7 years, and I am preparing to start the FTMO challenge to receive the $400,000 investment which would be incredible.

16) About personal development, I have read 496 books to date, that is less than one per week in the last 12 years. All personal development of any sort. I have probably read another 50 in school fantasy and stuff, I don´t care to include those.

My current PROBLEM IS: Since quitting smoking I feel a bit strange inside. A bit awkward and insecure at times. I feel afraid to approach at night and groups of girls. I want to work on that.
I moved to this city of Alicante exactly 7 days ago. Call me lucky, but here is what happened.

On day 2 I go to a shopping mall, to get stuff for the home, towels, shampoo, kitchen stuff etc. I am dressed pretty bad I would say... but until my clothes arrive from Ukraine, I don´t have much money to live on. And I urgently need a haircut. It was a jungle.

I sat in the middle of the mall, near burger king, and observed if maybe someone was checking me out. 15 minutes later. I see a lady make 2 circles around the mall, eyeballing me. She ends up in a cafe, and I end up there behind her, and ask about what coffee to get cause Im new in the city. We small talk. I just about always small talk about fitness, ass training, and how I have resistance bands at home so I can show her some exercises. I call a taxi, we go to my place, in the taxi she got visibly nervous and tried to find an excuse to not go. But I fixed it.

At my place it went like so:
- Show her some simple band exercises, always for lower body. Some squats> check her form touch her > and some hip thrusts to touch dat ass.
- I have a measuring tape in every room of the house, to "lets measure your ass pump"
- Then i start t touch the ass play with it, tell her how hot she is and how its getting me horny.
- We had sex, I busted in 2 minutes (so out of practice jesus)
- I fucked her one more time the next day, but she didn´t want to suck my dick, and I really like to look at a womans eyes while she does that, and I get turned off motivation wise to see her again after that.
- She was 38 years old from Eritrea with fake tits aswell. Not hot really, an honest 5.5
- From first words to sex about 45 minutes.
This one is not a lay, but very exciting for me nevertheless. This is when I opened my account here.

I live on the central party street, and I have a corner penthouse here with a lovely corner terrace on the 5th floor.

2am I cannot sleep, and I looked down the place is filled with girls. My hornyness is rising and I cannot comprehend why I am unable to go outside and just take some girls home. I walked around for about 4 hours, I talked to 2 girls not so friendly + 3 more friendly (thats where I got a bit more confident). There is a club 70 meters from me. I spoke with some girls there, then I see 2 girls in red (my favorite color). I go sit with them. My hands were cold, so I asked them to hold my hands to warm me up. Which they did. I spoke to them for maybe 40 minutes, I had 1 beer. And then the girl I was talking to, her friend had to go, and my spanish is weak. However it seemed that she encouraged her friend to go home with me.
So I told the girl, I need to piss, my penthouse is right here, lets go you can call yourself a taxi from my home.

We went on the terrace, where she bent over doggystyle on the sofa to see the street. I started to touch her waist and pussy. She said we are not having sex respect that blabla. I said ofc. A minute later im fingering her, creamy white juices. I pull out my condom but I don´t have a boner! shit. I carry her to the bedroom, where I pull out a condom, but she locks her legs, and does not want to open them. Even with force applied I could not. This is all so exciting, that I feel there might be no point in having sex because i will cum from a few pumps. So I tell her to suck my dick, which she does. I cum in her mouth she swallows.

I walk her to the taxi and thats it.

And then the milf story came. So don´t look at the first post as the first. Look at it as the 4th post por favor :)
So Last night,

I went to the gym, in the gym commando of course 8-)

I see this girl couldn´t figure out how to use a machine so I helped her, she turned out to be Belarusian. I just helped her, no talk, after she stood up, put both her hands on her ass (lower but cheeks, the part that bounces) and looked back with the corner of her eyes.

1) Over the years I noticed that if a woman stops in front you, 3-7 meters and puts both her hands on her ass. It means you turned her on.
2) If a woman that you are talking with toucher her breasts, it means you turned her on.
- I very often look for those cues

I saw that she was about to leave so I went up to her and asked her if she was russian, because when she said "gracias" after I helped her, there was some russian accent there. 1 minute small talk, I told her Im good at giving massages and that I could teach her. She agreed. So lets see where that will go.


Same day, went home from the gym, and I hear russians, in a Gin bar 50 meters from my home. I say " you guys russian? or is it just my ears?"

I walked up to them, 2 women, one was a very hot girl, and second just a older lady. You better believe my shock when within a minute the woman asked me if I´m a good fucker. She took me by the waist and invited me to go sit with them inside and get a shot. I actually showed them a photo of my dick on my phone. I took the hot girls phone number and told her I will invite her to my house later. She smiled.


Today at 20:00 I have a date with a super petite nerdy girl with glasses. She invited me for a drink. I´m gonna try to invite her straight to my place after some drinks, and preferably buy my own.
Wow, what an inspiring story! You OG GLL people are honestly so fucking cool. Fun that you are joining the forum and nice lay stories :)
I guess you mostly do cold approaching?
Damn, Alicante must be amazing compared to cold Scandinavia. I am thinking of starting to move to Spain during cold/winter months.

Mafia said:
- Should I post in this same log, my body transformation?
- Should I post in this same log my personal development/financial goals?
- About proof, yes, I wanted to get a video of her giving me a BJ, she said no, I have a lot of videos with me and girls on my phone. But sometimes some say no, even without face, even in doggystyle. I had a threesome with an 18 years old Turkish girl and a 30 years old girl from Africa on September 27th. I don´t have proof. They got angry at me when i tried to take a picture of their ass. But you will see soon enough that you don´t need to question my authenticity.
- Is it moral to post the picture they have on their whatsapp here? (face fully visible)

Feel free to post everything in the same log. It usually is easier to follow unless you want to write a lot of details each time for every goal progress you have.
I personally want to keep them anonymous unless they give permission because there are certainly weirdos reading this that wanna ID girls and message them.
Sprezza said:
Wow, what an inspiring story! You OG GLL people are honestly so fucking cool. Fun that you are joining the forum and nice lay stories :)
I guess you mostly do cold approaching?
Damn, Alicante must be amazing compared to cold Scandinavia. I am thinking of starting to move to Spain during cold/winter months.

Mafia said:
- Should I post in this same log, my body transformation?
- Should I post in this same log my personal development/financial goals?
- About proof, yes, I wanted to get a video of her giving me a BJ, she said no, I have a lot of videos with me and girls on my phone. But sometimes some say no, even without face, even in doggystyle. I had a threesome with an 18 years old Turkish girl and a 30 years old girl from Africa on September 27th. I don´t have proof. They got angry at me when i tried to take a picture of their ass. But you will see soon enough that you don´t need to question my authenticity.
- Is it moral to post the picture they have on their whatsapp here? (face fully visible)

Feel free to post everything in the same log. It usually is easier to follow unless you want to write a lot of details each time for every goal progress you have.
I personally want to keep them anonymous unless they give permission because there are certainly weirdos reading this that wanna ID girls and message them.

Come to Alicante my man, we will have a blast. I do eye contact approach most of the time. Asked the big tits lady to send me some pics. Had to show myself first.
So here is my body Yesterday December 22nd, 2021.

This is Day 14 of my cycle, I am pyramiding upwards. Currently Injecting 250mg cypionate every 4th day, which will be every 3rd day in another 14 days. I should have quite a bit of muscle memory from the past. I forgot to mention I tore my triceps at one point which caused me to restart my journey and never fully coming back. I have to be careful.

191 cm 91 kgs.

Expecting to be close to 100kgs by the end of cycle.
Foking biatch flaked. I told her she has to make it up to me with a massage, as I always do. Some reciprocate. Going to meet the Belarussian girl from the gym now.

Once again, I don´t understand why I feel so much pressure when going out at night. I saw some girls I liked but they were in groups of 2 or 3. I´m very good one on one, but not with groups.

Need advice from the Night Beasts.
So this belarrusian chick, was rather boring, turned out to be 40, looks great, refused to go to my place, but went anyways. Let me warm up my hands on her pussy, but when i lifted her up to put on top of me. She got all nervous, asked to leave. whatever I don´t care. Walked her outside grabbed her ass and kissed.

Last time I moved to another city, which was less than a year ago. I noticed it would take me about a month or 2 to build up consistent fuck buddies and stuff. I shouldn´t complain. I had a beer. I want to go out and sarge, but feeling like a pussy... confused. Everybody is in groups.

Hot girl that I met in the bar, asked her what she was up to, tells me shes with her boyfriend on her off day. Already noticed how spanish girls tell me about their boyfriends here. Like bitch I don´t give a fuck. I pretty much never tell a girl that I was out with another girl or anything of the likes. Because I don´t want her to feel "bad" and I dont want her to think im a player.

What yall think about what I said?
Mafia said:
Foking biatch flaked. I told her she has to make it up to me with a massage, as I always do. Some reciprocate. Going to meet the Belarussian girl from the gym now.

Once again, I don´t understand why I feel so much pressure when going out at night. I saw some girls I liked but they were in groups of 2 or 3. I´m very good one on one, but not with groups.

Need advice from the Night Beasts.

Two is tough, three is possible. This is the best video I've seen on how to handle groups when rolling solo:
pancakemouse said:
Two is tough, three is possible. This is the best video I've seen on how to handle groups when rolling solo:

man, this is a good reminder that there are many ways to skin the cat. video seems legit but this is a lotttt of reads to be making pre-approach. doesn't seem like you can observe all that walking through a venue, would have to watch the group for a bit....

for mixed sets, I don't approach if it's an even number of guys/girls unless one of the guys is obviously gay or i'm getting extreme eye signals. for 1 guy/2 girls or 2 guys/3 girls i throw out a "are we third/fifth wheeling tonight?" with a sympathetic expression as I'm walking by to the odd girl out and go from there if she says yes or starts explaining how they know each other. i don't do this often and my success rate is very low.

I prefer all girl groups, maybe even more so than loners. if it's more than 3 i don't bother meeting everyone and try to turn the one im interested in more outward toward me and then try to get a drink with her.

two is usually tougher from a logistics standpoint. if only one of the girls is single, I would get the number and not bother with it unless the taken friend is actively cheerleading you. sometimes i'll lead them both to one other venue before making the call. even then it can get dicey at the end of the night and the girl could still leave with her friend depending on logistics and 1000 other factors you can't control. i only stay in these sets if the single girl is something special. if both girls are on the prowl, it gets easier (this is personal, and based on personal strengths). I try to start a game of finding the friend a cool/hot guy, make a bunch of cold reads about her type, use all my fuckboy experience/knowledge/bullshit. The chances of the friend being approached by someone passing the looks threshold, esp when she knows her friend has already likely found someone, is pretty high but sometimes i will literally approach guys for the friend lol.

three is easier from a logistics standpoint (if one of the girls leaves with you, the other two can still hang out with each other/go home together) but I have less advantages. I have much more of an intimate lock-in kind of game than "life of the party", so i'm a lot less charismatic especially in a loud venue to the girl standing furthest away from me in a 3 set. I try to DHV for a couple min to the group and then figure out who is the warmest toward me if 2+ are attractive or just turn my target more toward me and figure out logistics/go get a drink

basically I run a neutered safe social guy version of game (non sexual compliments, usually something about style, light teases, gentle cold reads) on the friend(s) if it's a 2-3 girl group so tehy like me and think I'm cool and use every available opportunity to "lock-in" the one I want and figure out logistics.
Rags2Bitches said:
pancakemouse said:
Two is tough, three is possible. This is the best video I've seen on how to handle groups when rolling solo:

man, this is a good reminder that there are many ways to skin the cat. video seems legit but this is a lotttt of reads to be making pre-approach. doesn't seem like you can observe all that walking through a venue, would have to watch the group for a bit....

for mixed sets, I don't approach if it's an even number of guys/girls unless one of the guys is obviously gay or i'm getting extreme eye signals. for 1 guy/2 girls or 2 guys/3 girls i throw out a "are we third/fifth wheeling tonight?" with a sympathetic expression as I'm walking by to the odd girl out and go from there if she says yes or starts explaining how they know each other. i don't do this often and my success rate is very low.

I prefer all girl groups, maybe even more so than loners. if it's more than 3 i don't bother meeting everyone and try to turn the one im interested in more outward toward me and then try to get a drink with her.

two is usually tougher from a logistics standpoint. if only one of the girls is single, I would get the number and not bother with it unless the taken friend is actively cheerleading you. sometimes i'll lead them both to one other venue before making the call. even then it can get dicey at the end of the night and the girl could still leave with her friend depending on logistics and 1000 other factors you can't control. i only stay in these sets if the single girl is something special. if both girls are on the prowl, it gets easier (this is personal, and based on personal strengths). I try to start a game of finding the friend a cool/hot guy, make a bunch of cold reads about her type, use all my fuckboy experience/knowledge/bullshit. The chances of the friend being approached by someone passing the looks threshold, esp when she knows her friend has already likely found someone, is pretty high but sometimes i will literally approach guys for the friend lol.

three is easier from a logistics standpoint (if one of the girls leaves with you, the other two can still hang out with each other/go home together) but I have less advantages. I have much more of an intimate lock-in kind of game than "life of the party", so i'm a lot less charismatic especially in a loud venue to the girl standing furthest away from me in a 3 set. I try to DHV for a couple min to the group and then figure out who is the warmest toward me if 2+ are attractive or just turn my target more toward me and figure out logistics/go get a drink

basically I run a neutered safe social guy version of game (non sexual compliments, usually something about style, light teases, gentle cold reads) on the friend(s) if it's a 2-3 girl group so tehy like me and think I'm cool and use every available opportunity to "lock-in" the one I want and figure out logistics.

I have a few questions:
1) About what you said, what about the exact same scenarios for day game? What is your approach then?

2) I am a low energy person, I talk slowly, i have a very deep voice (practiced), strong eye contact. Very dominant and brutal (I know I scare some girls, the amount of time I was told that they are scared is countless, but thats the imagine I build) Maybe thats why the small blonde bimbos are attracted to me?

So is there a way to do the night game low energy? I know I have to get out of my comfort zone to improve, but changing my 10 years old personality to being high energy, I have no idea how to do it. And I don´t like to talk.

3) I typically DHV with my car (that is also waiting to arrive). Now I use the penthouse in the city center because they are actually very rare with a terrace and nice views. When a girl is being not too responsive I typically ask if she has a car. Then show mine. Its rare that a girl does not enjoying driving or being driven.

4) Unusual question (i will attach another pic of me wearing sport clothes, which i am surprsingly more complimented than normal clothes. And I wonder, is it because of the dick hang? Because at night they look at my buldge. Practically all my lays from the streets have been where I show the buldge. that means sports clothes vs dressing beautifully.

Chris (GLL) used to focus on his muscles and dick size. I pretty much do the same. Sometimes I think too myself, in 3 months, the weather will be warm, I will wear my usual basketball sets and do the bathmate for life now. (Damn, wondering now if my success has been associated with all the physically dominance I exhibit, just sharing my deeper thought, I´ve never written out so much and shared with anybody what I thought about.)

Frankly I thought about just waiting for the 2-3 am mark and go out to pick up the drunk ones. I´m always pretending I lost my friend and Im looking for him. Since I hear the spanish guys actually do lose their drunk friends all the time.

5) Is it worth the time? January I have to start working I have been preparing 7 years for this moment. And my schedule will require me to wake up very early and go to sleep early, and keep the discipline going. How would I fit in nightgame into the whole equation? Nightgame also tempts me to smoke and drink. Hmmm. :?

My friend will arrive today to Alicante from Ukraine. So we are going to be 2 for nightgame, every day until the 31st.

(Attached a photo of me this is the max I can do now with what I have until my things arrive from abroad)
Mafia said:
I have a few questions:
1) About what you said, what about the exact same scenarios for day game? What is your approach then?

2) I am a low energy person, I talk slowly, i have a very deep voice (practiced), strong eye contact. Very dominant and brutal (I know I scare some girls, the amount of time I was told that they are scared is countless, but thats the imagine I build) Maybe thats why the small blonde bimbos are attracted to me?

So is there a way to do the night game low energy? I know I have to get out of my comfort zone to improve, but changing my 10 years old personality to being high energy, I have no idea how to do it. And I don´t like to talk.

In daygame I honestly I have just been going right up to the girl I want in a group and then ignoring her friends at first (I'll calibrate with them later if they look nervous). Groups during daygame are fairly useless, though. Never even gotten a date from a girl in a group.

You don't need high energy for nightgame. Every guy plays the game in different ways - just like basketball. But if you look/seem scary you're going to have to work even harder to convince the friends you're a good guy.
Yesterday was a special day.

Law of attraction kicking in at its fullest. I met Mr X at the airpot (we are very similar men)

We went out but the streets were empty like silent hill, turns out here in spain christmas is spent with family.
We go to the see the yachts at the port. Where we encounter a group of Russians. Mood was to smoke weed, I have not smoked in practically a month. And there was 2 hot girls there. I got one of them numbers. Including 2 of the guys, just networking. One guy made a rubics cube in less than a minute. We talked about law of attraction and they asked us if we were athletes (wearing sport costumes - as per my last post observation, it seems to be true)
And then the energy peaked so high in that moment, that I realised this is what I have been visualizing since my arrival here. What if this smart boy could start in my business under my wing? I made a "Think Positive" poster for myself last night. And this morning I wake up to 8 matches, whilst I got only 8 in the last week.

I listened to the 124 approach podcast yesterday. And so we will do our best to approach as many as possible every day and get the same R, B, N stats. We will be going to locations worth sight seeing so to speak. I am very glad Mr. X came because that man is a dominant man, there is no game and pickup, there is just pure domination. And so he is activating my inner beast.

I used to smoke so much it flawed some of my memories. I had a dream today, I fucked a girl in my dream. I remember that I would touch the girl, and if she didn´t want, i would push it until she would leave. And this is how my extremely fast pulls used to happen. I also remember that I would just reach out my hand, without saying anything, the girl would give me her hand and I would pull her close to me, or spin her around, exactly GLL style.

Let the testing begin!
It didn´t exactly go the way i planned. however my day personally went like so:


Girl from gym invited her self to my place and i came inside her mouth (really tried to fuck her, super good kisser. I had 2 fingers in her pussy, but she just wouldn´t let me fuck her its ok. It was a rather intelligent girls which was cool.

I was satisfied with that, but i promised to go out night gaming so I did. I had some drinks. I´m really not in the mood to have a second orgasm. Once a day is just about what I like. In the summer 2 is possible.

I talked to maybe 20 girls.

And I got every single girls phone number except for one.

But basically night went like so;

N, N (took mine but same group of friends - she asked for it) N, R, N, N, and the amount of girls that eye contacted me was ferocious, the amount of guys that tried to dominate me was ferocious, The highest competition I have ever seen. I got to know all the bouncers and promoters. Some girls with boyfriends gave me their number, immediately no questions asked, i know it means she sees me as a better option. In this rather small city with 350k people, I am networking, i took about 5 guys phone numbers too. Promoters mostly. Its my strategy and it works. I was allowed to sit in the reserved vip seats lol.

So this is what I always do, and that is because i cant dance, but i told myself for sure i will go to dance lessons and yoga lessons. Supreme reason to meet girls and get closer to them physically. Then I will dominate the club. Franky I am thinking about when my maserati will come and I will park right in front of the clubs. Everybody knows me already. It will be shock to their humanity. That was my plan today, since I came.

I saw how women eyed me in the club and came to me first, now that means im doing something right. I love to observe and so I watched them, they saw i was looking and would dance wilder. Oh god yes. The Mercedes G class is coming :evil:

PS: yes i didnt list 19 times the N up there, because frankly still a bit tipsy. Super satisfied. And I understand it will only get better. I don´t remember the numbers I have to check,